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Everything posted by LadyBailey

  1. Carrier Update Nov 11 We noticed that Carrier was really panting since Friday, so I wasn't sure if he was in pain and wasn't getting a high enough dose of Tramadol or if it was the tramadol that was bothering him. We took him off the tramadol, his panting slowed a little but I could still tell that he wasn't right. Spoke to Dr Couto and he thought that maybe Carrier was experiencing anxiety. So we gave him some valium to see if it would calm him... well, wouldn't you know it - it worked. On Sunday afternoon, he slept really well, woke up walked all the way to the back door and down the stairs, did his biz and then he walked up the stairs all by himself. This was a first! And then he ate his dinner with the others - without stopping! He has been eating away from them, because he didn't seem comfortable eating near them - we were also handing feeding him. But when he walked into the kitchen and wanted to eat with them - I was so happy. He is still on valium, which is probably good, since we leave in a few hours to go to OSU. His first chemo is tomorrow. Please send him good wishes for tomorrow - he is not going to be happy going back there, even though he was totally spoiled there
  2. Nice to hear that she is doing well.
  3. Carrier Update Nov 10 Aside from being really tired - I am also really happy... Carrier continues to do well. Although, we did have a little incident a couple of days ago. Here's what happened.... We have a cream called Variton, a prescription from our local vet, that tastes awful and we have used in the past when the dogs want to lick themselves to death when the have a scrape or something. It has worked brilliantly in the past and we have never had a problem... until this week. I applied it very, very sparingly just around the staples, because of course Carrier started to show interest in them. Well, he actually started to lick the cream like crazy and we couldn't deter him, so we put on a t-shirt. A few hours afterwards, he became really, really restless and panting like crazy and his heart was going a mile a minute. I was pretty worried, so I called OSU to see if there was any chance that he was reacting to the drugs that he was on post amputation. Not even thinking at time of the variton. They told me to keep an eye on him and if anything got worse to take him to the e-vet. Well, Thursday night was very tough, although he didn't get worse, he just couldn't settle. Then it hit me at 4 in the morning... the variton! He was licking the variton right off his skin and ingesting it. In the past we have never applied it to his skin, it's always been on his fur. So now that it was on his skin - it really irritated him, so he was licking like crazy and ingesting it which made him sick. I called Dr Couto to confirm if indeed this could be the case and he did a quick internet search and he read this to me: SIDE EFFECTS Possible local reactions are listed in a decreasing order of occurrence and include: burning, stinging, irritation, tingling and new local rash. Rare systemic side effects of this topical preparation may include dry mouth, thirst, dry eyes, urinary retention, restlessness, excitation, nervousness, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, and an irregular or fast heartbeat. HELLO! I wanted to cry that I did this to him - I did cry, because I felt so awful. Dr C told me it would be out of his system - albeit it was a small amount - within 48 hours. Today we have noticed a big improvement - he is way more settled but is still panting quite a bit when he gets up, but is fine once he is down again. My parents came over last night and he got up to see who was at the door, and wagged his tail! Then today, he went out for a pee, came back in, but realized that the others were still outside, so he turned around and wanted out again. So I let him out and then he started wagging his tail a little - I whispered, "Do you want to roo?" Tail wagging a little more... "Roo?" And off he went ...standing on the back porch with his backup rooers below him. It was almost like he was telling the world - "I'm here baby and I'm gonna make sure you hear it!" It was awesome. We leave for OSU on Monday, for Chemo on Tuesday. I hope he still loves me after we cross the boarder
  4. Sounds like everything is going well for Darcy. Good luck with the chemo and look forward to many more walkie stories - hugs to Darcy.
  5. Carrier Update Nov 7th Carrier continues to improve everyday. He is eating really well, although, he doesn't like to eat his meal in one fail swoop. It's hard for him to stand for long periods, but he is determinded to walk over to his bowl when dinner is being prepared - so we let him, and when he is showing signs of not wanting to be there anymore, we let him take a seat and feed him from the comfort of his bed. He was great on the stairs the first night, but now is hesitant and is looking for our help. So we are helping - of course His incision is healing well and he is slowly starting to sleep longer intervals throughout the night - which is good for him and us . He hasn't taken a fall yet either - which is pretty good. He gets his staples out next week and his first round of chemo - so we will be back in Ohio next week. Touch wood, we have been really lucky with him these past few days and have noticed a great improvment in him. He is now doing his biz outside and then walking over to us for a lean and rub. I have so many photos, but we are on dial up so it takes me forever to load - but I promise I will have them up soon. We love him Edit to add: he continues to sleep on both sides and when he gets really comfy, he groans so hard and nestles his sweet head into the pillow - it's really cute.
  6. Carrier Update Nov 5 Everything is really good. We had a good drive home, although it was after 9 when we got in and we were all tired. Carrier ate part two of his dinner when we got home and pretty much crashed on his bed. He was a little restless during the night - so we are tired today. When we got home last night, the pups were so happy to see him. Bailey gave him a good sniff and then grabbed her toy and ran around the house - Andy just sniffed him and wagged his tail - and Ella was a little unsure, but still very interested. Carrier jumped up the two stairs leading to the back door and did the same again this morning - both up and down. He is already laying on the other side - which is good because I think his body is sore from laying one side only. I spoke to Dr Couto this morning and he said he thinks Carrier had the Eureka moment on Saturday - when he realized that he didn't have that leg anymore. He is walking without any problems and doing his potty biz without any problem. It's great to be home, but we are tired - so I will write more later - but for now, he is good
  7. Carrier Update Nov 3 - PM visit Carrier met me in the reception area, without the wagon! AND... I got a big tail wag!!!!! He walked all the way from ICU to the front turnout area - for those of you hwho know the layout - that's a far distance. He took a pee and was ready to head to the car. Not so fast mister! We went back to the comfort room and Emily brought him some dinner, - which he jumped up for but didn't eat it all. His tummy looked a little full to me, so I asked to make sure if he was already fed - but he wasn't... although he has been getting these large meatballs of soft food with his pills, so he did have some food in his tummy. After he ate his dinner, he wanted to go out again. He took another pee and a poop. He hasn't fallen over yet and seems to really know what he's doing. He's already figured out how not to pee on his front leg! We went back to the comfort room and I could tell that he was a little uncomfortable with his tummy being so full, because he was sphinxing and just looking not so happy - plus he was panting from the hard work he just did - so the extra air intake wasn't helping. He burped and then laid down and fell asleep. But I could tell his tummy was really full. He burped again and let a little fart - I hope he will start to pass more gas to get his tummy settled soon. I asked if he was still in ICU, because I was expecting that he was moved yesterday, but he's still in there because the girls like him in there and he's really comfy so they don't want to move him - how sweet is that. Anyway, he is walking really well and I am really proud of him. He insicion looks good too. I am going to call for an update tonight around 9 to see if his tummy has settled and I have requested that they not feed him anything else tonight. He was looking really good yesterday but now he's looking a little tubby - which he really doesn't need. Tomorrow we go home, which will be really interesting. I know he is wanting to go really bad, so I feel guilty leaving him there tonight, but there are so many people around the hotel ready to party since OSU won the football game - I know he won't enjoy all the noise and commotion. One more sleep...
  8. Carrier Update Nov 3 - 9:30 am my phone is acting up, so it didn't even here it ring when OSU called, but I just got the message from Emily. Carrier had a great night, ate his breakfast and then walked to do his biz and then walked all the way back- ALL BY HIMSELF :yay THe excitment in Emily's voice was hilarious - she's like, "He is doing so awesome!". They removed the drain and the dressing on insision an everything looks great. I get to see him today at 4:30!
  9. Yes... some get offended (not saying your is) when you actually understand what is going on with your pet and give them things to read that they haven't heard about - they should know better with greyhound owners - sheesh Good to hear that he is open though.
  10. Hi Bev, I don't know how keen your vets are on having consults with other vets, but OSU has a totally different protocol on chemo than most vet/vet schools. And they seem to be having the most success with what they are using. If you vet is willing, he could call Dr Couto, who will be in clinic this weekend, because eveyone else is gone to a conference in Florida. I know for sure he will be in tomorrow, as he is examing Carrier before we leave - which will be around 2pm our time. good luck.
  11. Ugh lumps and bumps go away! I pray it's nothing. Does he seem bothered by it?
  12. Carrier Update Nov 2 - PM visit I arrived at 3pm to visit Carrier - they had just taken him for a pee. They wheeled him in and took him off the wagon and he was standing reallly well. But then he started crying. Julia and I looked at eachother, and thought, he might have to go poop. So we put him on the wagon again and wheeled him out. He got off the wagon and hopped a few steps and and took a pee. He walked around really nicely, it was great to see because this was the first time for me to see how he was doing. We waited and tried to coax him to take a poop, but all he wanted to do was to try and walk down the sidewalk to the parking lot. He really wants to go home! We wheeled him back to the comfort room, much to his chagrin. He sat down without any problems - which was great! He ate some food and told me flat out when he didn't want any more, with a strong push of his nose - the food bowl was a good two feet from him now ... he is a really good communicator, so I know this will help us in the healing process. He burped and rolled over and feel asleep. Dr Couto came by for a visit and we chatted and confirmed that we would be going home on Sunday. Our friend Joe has graciously offered to drive Tim down, so Tim could travel back with me in the same car. They will arrive around noon and Carrier will have his exam and then back home we go. They have cut his pain meds in half, which is super because he seems very comfortable. He pretty much slept the whole visit. Julia came back at 5:30 - he ate the remainder of his food and then started to look like he had to go pee again, so we took him and again he walked really well... and again he wanted to go to the car. Just then Emily came to get him, because he was needed back in ICU for some more drugs and other medical things. So I kissed him goodnight and told him I would be back tomorrow. There is a football game, so I won't be able to see him until 5 ish. Which kinda sucks, but he can rest the day and will be ready for home on Sunday. We had a really good visit and everyone is happy to see him up and about. There were multiple people helping us getting him out for a pee both times and everytime we would just watch him from a distance as he stood there - they all said the same thing, "Gosh's he's cute!" They are right - he is cute. I am so proud of him.
  13. I have to agree Oh_Greyt, just chalking it up to having a bad day isn't acceptable. If I was having a bad day at work and I spoke to a client like that, I would be spoken to by my boss and I don't think the reason of "having a bad" would fly. You are a paying client and deserve to be treated with respect. Even if he's having a bad he can't take it out on you. That's called being "unprofessional". I still think you should tell him that it really threw you off and you want to know why he acted like that. If he flips again - then says thanks for your time, but I am finding a new vet.
  14. I think Sunday will be the day. We are going to see if we can get a dog sitter for Saturday and Sunday and then Tim might be able to come down tomorrow. But regardles, Dr Couto wants to see him on Sunday, so we won't be leaving before then anyway. I think Carrier really wants to get the heck of out there, but since we are so far away - 6 hours - I am not rushing anything, as we won't be around the corner if something changes.
  15. For new updates on Carrier, please see the new topic Carrier's Progress Thank you to everyone for your support, kind words, tips and sharing your experiences. Every word has been helpful in getting us to this point and also helping us prepare for the future. Greyhound people are special because our dogs are special - and I am happy that I am surrounded by all of you. You have helped us more than you could know. Thank you. Eva & Tim and of course of sweet Carrier, Carebear, The Bear. Bailey, Andy and Ella don't really care at this point - spoiled monkeys are sleeping in front of the fire. I can't wait to see them!
  16. Carrier's Progress Nov 2 - AM Visit Emily called at 9:30. Carrier had a really good night in ICU and this morning, got up and walked to the scale and then walked back to his cage, all by himself! He ate his dinner last night - I bought him his Canidae, since he wasn't keen on the hospital food, with the exception of baby food. And he ate his breakfast this morning. All of this is great news. I went over to see him at 10am. Spoke with Dr Couto and he said that he is doing amazing. The bruising hasn't spread - but he is still on the clotting drug to control any bleeding. They wheeled him in on his wagon and just at that moment we had a visit from another greyhound - an 12 year old with the same amputation as Carrier. I think he was happy to see another greyhound. So Emily and Dr Couto took Carrier off the wagon and he was standing all by himself... albeit, freaked out I think. Dr Couto says that he is just started to realize that he doesn't have that leg - so he is figuring everything out. We helped lay him down, although he has been doing this on his own in ICU. He cried for a bit and then fell asleep - actually, we both did I took a nap laying behind him. An hour later Emily came in to bring him back to ICU. I thought he had to go pee, so they took him out to the turnout area. I stayed behind, as I had to sign some forms, but on my way out, I saw him standing. I called out, "How did he do?" They said he did great and showed me how far he walked - about 20 feet - took a really long pee - and then walked back to the ramp and was ready to walk all the way up it. But they stopped him and put him back on the wagon. Don't want to over do it. They wanted me to take him to the hotel tomorrow to get use to caring for him and bring him back on Sunday for an exam before we left... but since I am alone, until Sunday - that's when Tim is coming, I asked not to, because I can't lift him on my own. It's great that they are confident that he is fine leaving tomorrow, but I am not confident being alone with him still in such a fragile state. So he is staying there until Sunday and I will come for visits. I get to see him again at 3pm today. He really is doing amazing and all the doctors are really pleased. I can't tell you how relieved I am that we came to OSU for this. Stay tuned for another update this afternoon
  17. I have decided to start an new topic called Carrier's Progress... because we are beyond the topic "Carrier's Diagnosis" and the emoticon with the 'tear' doesn't apply anymore, because we are being positive and strong for Carrier. Just like he is being - so here is the new and improved topic "Carrier's Progress" !!! I am going to copy the first update after the surgery here and then continue to post updates as we go along. Carrier Update Nov 1 - the first visit I don't know where to start - it was amazing seeing him. I came to OSU at 5 on the dot - okay, I was actually ten minutes early. Julia came out to see me and said that they had just taken him for a pee. Unfortunately, the comfort rooms were taken, so she set us up in one of the exam rooms, with an extremely large and fluffy bed for him. Julia explained to me that he was bruised a little, still fairly drugged and of course, this was going to be the first time seeing him without his leg. I understood and I was ready. She said, "I am really excited for you, because I know you are ready and he is going to be so happy to see you so I am going to get im right now." Did I ever mention how I much I love Julia? I heard the wheels turning on the wagon, so I opened the door and saw him. It was amazing seeing his sweet big eyes. He was sitting up on the wagon and just looking around. And then he started whining - he's really good at that. They moved him to the comfy bed and he laid down. I sat down beside him, with his head on my lap. Dr Couto came in to see how we were doing and so did Emily. So there we were, me, Carrier, Dr Couto, Julia and Emily all just admiring Carrier and so ahappy to see his progress. Dr Couto reminded me that it was only 24 hours ago that he came out of surgery. He says that he is doing amazing and they are really pleased with his progress. Julia sat with me for about 30 minutes and we just talked about greyhounds - how wonderful they are etc... you know what I mean She brought in some food - kibble and soft food, but he didn't want any, so we tried some chicken baby food. He liked this, but refused to eat it out of the bowl, so I hand fed him sloppy, wet baby food from the palm of my hand - and it was entirely my pleasure! He ate a small jar worth and decided that that was enough. He then feel asleep in my lap - going into REM multiple times while I stroked his chest. I told him that Bailey, Andy and Ella were good at home and Tim missed us terribly. But he would soon be here to take us home. I told him about all of you and all of our friends and family that are saying prayers for him and sending him good thoughts. Just after 7, he started moving and crying - as if he wasn't comfortable anymore, so I got up and asked the front desk to page Emily. When I got back to the room, I tried to give him some more food, but he didn't want any, so I turned to wash my hands and get some more water. I turned my head and he was sitting up. And then.... in split second - HE STOOD UP! and then quickly fell. I ran to catch him, and he was screaming. I managed to hold him up and then I started calling for help - but no one could hear me. Somewhere I found the strength to hold him up with one hand, on my knees, and grab the handle on the door to open it to call for help. It felt like forever and then finally someone came to help. They laid him down again and I asked that they go and get Emily. She came, finally. She didn't hear the page. I told her that he got up on his own and she "that's awesome!" I said, "maybe, but I just had a heartattack!" They put him on the wagon and I kissed him goodnight and told him we loved him and I would see him tomorrow. Emily said that he had such a good visit, that they are going to arrange two visits tomorrow! When I got back to the hotel, I had to call and speak with Emily, because I was feeling really freaked out by the fact that he had fallen. So I want to make sure that he was okay. Emily couldn't take my call as she was back in surgery, but a nice girl named Val took my call. She assured me that Carrier was fine and unfortunately, falling was going to be part of his learning process. And then she told me that she was there when they wheeled Carrier back after out visit and HE JUMPED OFF THE WAGON AND WAS STANDING!!!! Sorry for the caps, but I can't believe his progress already! I am so pleased for him - he is strong and determind - we couldn't ask for more today. I am going to see him again tomorrow and will let you know how that goes. Tomorrow should be interesting, since he will be even more alert! He's the best.
  18. Email Dr Couto - using the email provided above and tell him the situation. At the same time, ask you vet if they can send the xrays digitally - some places have this - or they can even scan the xray and send them via email. Alternatively, you can have them mail the actually xray. Dr Couto can give you the address. I think two of the oncologist are away until the 4th, so Dr Couto is alone this weekend and will be in the clinic. Last night I saw him at 5 and he was on his way to do his email consults - so either he, or Dr Marin will return your email. Good luck.
  19. ugh... it's not fair, it really isn't. I am so sorry Bev. Hugs to you and Darcy.
  20. I had an okay sleep - but I woke up to a text message from Tim. It read, :S***. I just woke up now!." I got that at 8am. So, even if I am not sleeping that well, Tim and the other three are! Elliot is a really sweet boy. I actually spoke with his mom Lorraine before we decided to come to OSU. They have the same animal chiro, so I asked the chiro to contact them and ask if I could speak with them about their expereince. Lorraine was really helpful and we spoke for almost an hour. I will be sure to connect with them when we return. Kparker - if you see or speak with them sooner, please let them know how we are doing. Okay... now, I sit an wait to hear when when I can see my boy. (tick, tock)
  21. If you are still confident in his vet skills, then I would ask to speak to him and lay it on the table. Explain that you weren't complaining but simply asking for something for her tummy and you were really thrown off by his reaction. If he freaks again - then there's your answer and you can start looking then. If he's understanding, then you should have nothing to worry about - but he should know that how he spoke to you was not right. Good Luck.
  22. I am sorry to hear that Psi snapped at him. Sending the xrays to Dr Couto for a second opinion is free. It might be as simple as him looking at them and putting your mind at ease when it comes to the dreaded word.
  23. Sending prayers. I know it's hard waiting to get going on the treatments you choose - but tomorrow is Friday - so Saturday is just around the corner. hugs.
  24. Carrier Update Nov 1 - the first visit I don't know where to start - it was amazing seeing him. I came to OSU at 5 on the dot - okay, I was actually ten minutes early. Julia came out to see me and said that they had just taken him for a pee. Unfortunately, the comfort rooms were taken, so she set us up in one of the exam rooms, with an extremely large and fluffy bed for him. Julia explained to me that he was bruised a little, still fairly drugged and of course, this was going to be the first time seeing him without his leg. I understood and I was ready. She said, "I am really excited for you, because I know you are ready and he is going to be so happy to see you so I am going to get im right now." Did I ever mention how I much I love Julia? I heard the wheels turning on the wagon, so I opened the door and saw him. It was amazing seeing his sweet big eyes. He was sitting up on the wagon and just looking around. And then he started whining - he's really good at that. They moved him to the comfy bed and he laid down. I sat down beside him, with his head on my lap. Dr Couto came in to see how we were doing and so did Emily. So there we were, me, Carrier, Dr Couto, Julia and Emily all just admiring Carrier and so ahappy to see his progress. Dr Couto reminded me that it was only 24 hours ago that he came out of surgery. He says that he is doing amazing and they are really pleased with his progress. Julia sat with me for about 30 minutes and we just talked about greyhounds - how wonderful they are etc... you know what I mean She brought in some food - kibble and soft food, but he didn't want any, so we tried some chicken baby food. He liked this, but refused to eat it out of the bowl, so I hand fed him sloppy, wet baby food from the palm of my hand - and it was entirely my pleasure! He ate a small jar worth and decided that that was enough. He then feel asleep in my lap - going into REM multiple times while I stroked his chest. I told him that Bailey, Andy and Ella were good at home and Tim missed us terribly. But he would soon be here to take us home. I told him about all of you and all of our friends and family that are saying prayers for him and sending him good thoughts. Just after 7, he started moving and crying - as if he wasn't comfortable anymore, so I got up and asked the front desk to page Emily. When I got back to the room, I tried to give him some more food, but he didn't want any, so I turned to wash my hands and get some more water. I turned my head and he was sitting up. And then.... in split second - HE STOOD UP! and then quickly fell. I ran to catch him, and he was screaming. I managed to hold him up and then I started calling for help - but no one could hear me. Somewhere I found the strength to hold him up with one hand, on my knees, and grab the handle on the door to open it to call for help. It felt like forever and then finally someone came to help. They laid him down again and I asked that they go and get Emily. She came, finally. She didn't hear the page. I told her that he got up on his own and she "that's awesome!" I said, "maybe, but I just had a heartattack!" They put him on the wagon and I kissed him goodnight and told him we loved him and I would see him tomorrow. Emily said that he had such a good visit, that they are going to arrange two visits tomorrow! When I got back to the hotel, I had to call and speak with Emily, because I was feeling really freaked out by the fact that he had fallen. So I want to make sure that he was okay. Emily couldn't take my call as she was back in surgery, but a nice girl named Val took my call. She assured me that Carrier was fine and unfortunately, falling was going to be part of his learning process. And then she told me that she was there when they wheeled Carrier back after out visit and HE JUMPED OFF THE WAGON AND WAS STANDING!!!! Sorry for the caps, but I can't believe his progress already! I am so pleased for him - he is strong and determind - we couldn't ask for more today. I am going to see him again tomorrow and will let you know how that goes. Tomorrow should be interesting, since he will be even more alert! He's the best.
  25. I am counting the minutes too! Julia called me about an hour ago to tell me that he is doing well. He is becoming a little more vocal - like crying etc., which is normal because he did this when he came out of his sedation last time. She said he is still fairly drugged, so they are going to decrease the pain meds a little bit to see if they can get him standing up a little more on his own. I can't wait to see him!
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