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Everything posted by LadyBailey

  1. Carrier Update Oct 26 Things I have done today...by Carrier 7:15 am - pee/poop/jaunt around the yard/walked up stairs as fast and determind as can be 7:20 am - ate entire breakfast 7:25 am - slept in front of fire 8:10 am - stretched and ...... ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (of course)!!!!! 8:11 am - back to sleep in guest room on one of my favourite pillows He is good.
  2. Carrier Update Oct 24 7:15pm Carrier was really good today - me and the dogs spent the day in front of the fire, while I worked on Scooby stuff... it was a relaxing day - free of having to make stressful decisions and just being able to love the dogs. In fact, Carrier was his bad little self today - which was absolutely amazing to see. I walked to the back door and noticed that he had taken a roll of plastic dog bags out of the basket and dropped it on the kitchen floor. He lives up to his name, "Carrier" as he really does carry stuff all over the house. His racing name is Bold Carrier, so I guess he figured since racing wasn't his game - carrying would be. Then at lunch, I had to step away from the table and Carrier thought that my pasta would be a tasty treat - so in his stealthy manner - he attempted to steal my food - but was caught in the act. When he realized that he wasn't going to get any, he diverted his attention to something under the dinner table. He was trying to climb under the chairs - on hard wood floor - and eat a fly that was on it's back (dying). I slid it on a paper and went to toss it in the toilet and he was right beside wanting to eat it. And then, when Tim came home he did the most unbelievable play bow - his chest almost touched the floor - and was jumping around to say hello to tim. And then... as I was preparing dinner for them - he was whining for it telling me to hurry up and then did his patented jump and run to the food bowl. Honestly, if we didn't know he had cancer, you really couldn't tell. He is acting like a champion - walk with speed and having no trouble doing anything. The tumor is larger on his humerus - we can see it bigger than last week - but it doesn't seem to stop him from doing anything but running. Dr Couto looked at this xrays and bone scan and confirms that there is something there in the right femur, but it's very unlikely that it is cancer. He is recommending that we do a CT scan followed by a Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA)and if needed a biopsy. OVC doesn't have a CT Scan and they are actually recommending an MRI - which is $1200, but can't be done until next week. They don't want to do a FNA but want to go straight to a biopsy - so we are really hesitant - plus nothing can be done tomorrow since the OVC vet wasn't able to coordinate the appointments. So I have left Dr Couto a message to speak with him about what he recommends. I am actually going to ask when we can bring Carrier in asap - because we are going to do his treatment there. So it looks like this weekend will be waiting to see when we can get to OSU. I will let you know how he does over the next few days.
  3. Carrier Update Oct 25 11am He passed out after dinner last night - went for a final pee at 11am and straight back to bed - he was so tired. All four slept until 7 this morning - which was great for everyone. Carrier ate his breakie fine and had a normal pee and poop and then wanted o go back inside. It was cool this moring and the dew was really heavy. We turned on the fire and all four slept in front of it together. Carrier actually has this really cute trick, where he curls his lips up and it actually looks like he has a smile on. So I know he was content. They didn't get up when I went to see Tim off for work at 8:30 and I just got them up for a pee now. He walked well outside - albeit a bit wobbly, but he still does the stairs with much determination. Almost forgot... he did get up to do a bed change mid morning and started whining - so I asked the normal questions and wait for a wagging tail response - "Do you need to go for a pee?" No. "Do you want some rubs?" No. "Do you want to roo?" Oh yeah! and did they ROOOOO.... and then off he went back to bed. Little stinker! I am waiting to hear from Dr Couto today - I know he is in meetings for almost every hour today - but he said he will call as soon as he gets the info. We (I and Carrier) are ready to make the trip down to see him - so now we just have to wait to hear what he thinks is going on with that back leg and what Carrier's options are. We have Carrier seeing the chiro tonight at 8:15, as he is a little sore from being in the cage at OVC for three days - so that should make him a little more comfortable. Overall though, I think he is okay right now and is settling normally and even able to get up and down on both sides without problem. Which is a relief to see him being "normal" to a degree and comfortable. he is on Tramadol - so that must be helping. Off to hug the sweet boy... will let you know once I hear from Dr Couto. thanks for the thoughts... eva
  4. Way to go Cricket! Continued prayers for many more steps!
  5. Carrier Update Oct 24 9pm We picked Carrier up at 6pm today. He didn't have any treatments today, so he was alert and lively when he was brought out. I can't tell you how unbelieveable it was to be able to hug and kiss him again. He was so loving and happy to be going home. Unfortunately, upon coming home, we found out that he was extremely thirsty and couldn't drink enough once in the house. He was also very hungry and on top of that he smelled like pee. I can't believe that he was in this state after picking him up from the vet college -one would think that he could have a drink a water and be taken out for a pee. Carrier has a very strong bladder and on occasion, when he was stubborn because of rain or snow - he has held it for many hours - so I have no idea he was being held in his cage without being taken for a pee. He obviously had to go so badly that he just peed in the cage. I know he had a catheter after the bone scan, so he wouldn't have peed on himself them... Anyway, that is the least of our worries. I was just surprised to see him so thirsty. He ate his dinner and went for a pee and is walking pretty good - of course still limping but not hesitating on the stairs or anything. I can see that his back leg is sore - but he is not limping on it. We washed his back side from the pee with a sponge and made a very comfy bed for him. Bailey, Andy and Ella were thrilled to see him and couldn't stop wagging their tails around him. They are all sleeping right now and I am sure they are happy to feel like the pack is back together again. We are sending the xrays and bone scan to Dr Couto - which he will review tomorrow and then we will hoepfully know what our options are. Tim and I both agree that we would be more comfortable having any and all procedures done at OSU - so I will drive Carrier down for that. Thanks for the good thoughts. He is resting comfortably right now and the relief that we have with having him home is something that we will cherish - I know we are still dealing with cancer - but seeing him and having him here is a wonderful stress relief - for him and us. I will let you know what Dr Couto says.
  6. Update Oct 24 3:15pm OVC is coordinating sending the xrays and bone scan to Dr Couto. They should arrive tomorrow morning. OVC is recommending that we do radiation therapy to help with the pain and in the mean time take a biopsy of of the femur to see what it is. If it's not osteo - then according to them the radiation didn't do any harm - and if it is osteo, then that is really our only option. We are picking him up tonight at 6 - I can't wait. Tomorrow we will speak to Dr Couto and see what he recommends. I think if treatment is required - we are going to take him to OSU regardless as I am more confident in them at the moment and also feel that they have a better handle on greys and osteo. The run around that we got from OVC today is enough to drive me off a cliff. I will let you know how he is when we get home.
  7. I just spoke to Dr Couto - he is requesting Carrier's xrays from OVC and I am going to call and ask for the same - he said we have to hit them both ways. (I love this man) I think we are going to pull Carrier from OVC and take him down to OSU. I am not working so it's really not a big deal in regards to time. I am going to wait and see what OVC says this afternoon and then make the call. My gut is telling me to get him home tonight - which will probably be the case.
  8. They figure his back leg has an infarct or early metasasis (but the xrays are not showing that), so there is a risk either way. If we radiate - we have to wait two to three days to see if that helps him, but we risk the other tumor in his right front leg breaking. If we amputate, we risk having the back leg get worse and then he is only stuck with two good legs. If it's an infarct, then it would cause pain from what I understand and they feel that he has a mild limp on the back leg too. OSU hasn't seen the xrays, because OVC doens't have a digital xray that they can send via email, so they can only send it via courier - which would only arrive tomorrow. I think that is what is going to have to happen. Btw, I did a mapquest search from Paris to Columbus and it's 6 hour and 15 minutes.
  9. Carrier Update Oct 24 10am OVC just called me and they now think that he is having pain in that right back leg - so they don't know if amputation is the right choice anymore - but it's a 50/50 split (amputation vs radiation), because they don't know for sure what is going on in the back leg. My head is spinning and I just want to cry and bring Carrier home. I have spoken with OSU and have asked that OVC call Dr Couto today - the intern at OVC said, "I will see if they are willing to call him" I said, "I don't care if they don't want to call him, because I want them to and they are going to!" I am losing faith in OVC and the fact that every time they call me, there is change from the original decision. I am ready to get him out of there and drive to OSU. My poor boy - I just want to hug him right now. We are waiting to see what the final decision is going to be and then they are going to arrange when we can see him.
  10. Carrier Update Oct 24 We got the call back last night from OVC and the two senior radiologists both agree that it's not cancer in the back leg. thank sweet merciful god! I want to throw up because my nerves are shot. This is the hardest decision we've ever had to make. We have weighed all the pros and cons, spoken with many people who have gone through the same thing, consulted with OSU and OVC on our options, read a million things on the website and gained strength from your thoughts and prayers. We have put Carrier through all of the tests to see what his options were - the whole time hoping that amputation was an option, because that would mean it hadn't spread yet... well this is now the case and under the guidance of OSU and OVC, we are going to amputate. The cancer in his humerus getting bigger and is become painful. He is already walking on three legs and overall healthy - so they believe that doing this is the right thing for Carrier - which we agree with. Otherwise, we would just do radiation and pain management and let this bloody poison spread to the rest of his body and risk him being in severe pain and then the dreaded fracture. He is tentatively booked for surgery this afternoon. So we are going to see him before that. We got Bailey, Andy and Ella rooing this morning after we decided what we were going to do. They have never roo'd without Carrier before - I hope he heard them rallying for him. We miss him.
  11. Hope she continues to heal quickly! She looks and sounds great.
  12. Carrier Update Oct 23 6 PM I have some good news. I just got off the phone with the vet. Everyone but the senior radiologist has looked at the xray of the back leg - and they don't think it's cancer in the rear leg. The area is so small that they can't even do a fine needle aspiration. They are trying to get the senior radiologist to look at it tonight. Tim and I have discussed it and our decision is - if it's spread to the back leg, we are going to do radiation... he seems to be in some pain with the state of the front leg - so hoepfully this will help with that and then just manage his pain and make him as comfortable as possible. If it's not in his rear leg and only in the front - we are going to do the surgery and amputate. I have spoken with OSU and they agree that amputation is the best case if it's an option because it removes the source of pain. OVC also agrees with this. He is going to spend the night at OVC again because bringing him home tonight and then bringing him back again will be too much for him. He is eating without problem - so that is a good sign. The vets say that his blood work and ultrasound are perfect so overall health, he is good. I know we are not going to cure him, but I feel that we owe it to Carrier to give him the best possible chance... and if he's healthy and lively and the vets are confident that he is well enough for surgery, then we are going to do it. I am going to speak to OSU again before we do anything - but from the conversation today with them - if amputation is an option, then they seem to recommend it. Thanks again for the prayers and thoughts - please keep sending them. We miss our boy at home - the house has been so quiet without his sweet Rooing...and his whining when he needs something... and the banging of his food bowl stand when I am taking too long to get his meal. I miss him like crazy - a visit is in order tomorrow.
  13. I am so sorry. Run free Cooper.
  14. Carrier Update October 23 We took Carrier to OVC on Friday and they took full xrays and blood work. He had to be sedated for the xrays, since they were taking so many and multiple views. They reversed one of the drugs, but don't reverse the other - so it was really hard on him and it took him longer than normal to snap out of it. We brought him home in the afternoon - after being there for 4 hours - he was still out of it and slept most of the day. He did eat his dinner and then rested for the night. Saturday he wanted to go for a walk - half way through, we could tell he wasn't comfortable, and we figured his nerve in his neck was pinched - so we drove to Toronto to see Dr Rosenberg ( I love this man) - he adjusted him and Carrier felt much better afterwards. Sunday was uneventful and most of the day was just spent loving and hugging him and the others. Monday we were back at OVC for a bone scan and ultrasound. His chest and abdomen are clear, but the bone scane showed a lesion on his right back femur. He had to spend the night at OVC because he was radioactive from the bone scan. It was heartbreaking knowing that he wasn't able to go pee or anything outside of his cage, because no one could touch him until the isotope (sp?) from the bone scan was out of his system. After dropping him off and coming home yesterday - the others were just so sad ... Bailey especially, as she is his littermate and they are extra close... she had big d yesterday and she is actually snuggling up with Ella - something she has never done in the past. I keep telling them that Carrier will be home soon and not to worry - but I know they know that he's not well and they too are sad not having him here. They are doing another xray on the back leg as I write this, to see how far gone it is. We will know what our options are this afternoon. Possible amputation of the right front leg - because that is the one with the major tumor in it - or just move ahead with chemo and radiation and pain management. I have been in touch with OSU and will be seeking a second opinion from them depending on what OVC has to say. We might be able to go and see him tonight, but I am afraid that it might stress him more - so I am going to make the call after we hear what our options are. It's so hard not having him here, but I am staying positive that we still have options for him - the best options for him. Thanks for the good thoughts and prayers . He is so special and I would do anything to have this not happening to him.
  15. We haven't done acup. with any of our dogs but have done chiro with great success... however, I strongly recommend going to a true chiro that also does dogs - not a vet that is certified - because the vet that we had doing adjusts on our dog was totally wrong and didn't even adjust the right spot. so we decided to take carrier to another chiro - and after one appointment, he walked out without any pain. where are you located?
  16. Carrier Update October 17 Well, today is the first day that I haven't cried. I know we are not suppose to in front of our hounds, but yesterday was so hard... it hit me as soon as I woke up - I guess the shock had worn off and it hit me straight on with what we are dealing with. I was on the phone most of the morning with people calling and seeing how he was doing - so that didn't help, because it was hard not to think or talk about anything but. But then I decided that it was time to stop crying and make sure that Carrier start enjoying every minute possible. We haven't been walking him because we weren't sure what we were dealing with and didn't know if walking too much was going to make it worse or not - so he hasn't been for a true walk in weeks. I have plenty of time now, since I don't have a job thanks to Vonage losing a lawsuit to Sprint and in return shutting down their Canadian office, which in turn left 9 of us unemployed at the advertising agency...I guess everything happens for a reason... I am at least able to be at home for him right now. So... I loaded him and Ella into the car and went out on a nice trail walk. I let him off leash, since he really poses no risk of running away and this way he can maintain the speed at which is comfortable for him. Funny enough, he was running ahead of us most of the time - which was extremely heartwarming to see that he was so happy and still able to walk so strongly. We walked for 45 mins. and when we got to the entrance, he tried to start the whole walk again... he didn't want to stop... however, i decided that he had had enough and off we went back home. I then took Bailey and Andy for a walk, while Carrier and Ella dozed the afternoon away. He ate his breakfast with much gusto this morning, but has totally turned his nose to bananas, although he loves the new sweet potato and fish treats. We have done some reading on how to alter his diet and I have also ordered the Artmesinin. Our vet, Dr Shearer has gotten us in at the OVC (Ontario Vet College) on an emergency case - so we have an appointment Friday Oct 18 at 9am to stage the cancer and see what our options are for Carrier. I am nervous, but glad that we are able to get going on this for him and figure out the best possible treatment. As I mentioned, I haven't cried today (which is a miracle)... I feel strong and positive for Carrier and know that he is in good hands - we will do everything that we can for him and make sure it's based on Carrier and not my fear of losing him. I have to remind myself of this... and I also spoke with OSU and got an email from Dr Couto - who is in Spain at the moment - which also put my mind a rest, knowing that there are great people who are going to help us through this. Thank you for your responses and kind words. I will keep you posted on the progress and our decisions. I have kept a journal on this since Carrier first started trembling and limping, which I will post so others can read and know what we have noticed and what we have done that has worked and hasn't worked. eva ps - he also sphinxed to chew a bone this morning and of course he lead the pack again in a morning roo.
  17. She looks great. Good work Darcy girl!
  18. I am just reading this know and it's encouraging - since we are going through the inital stages of having to make this decision. Glad to hear things are well for her. I will continue to keep track of her healing.
  19. Hi Robin, I am actually quite upset about how she handled it. On Oct 6th we went for a follow up adjustment, as she was still telling us that it was his shoulder popping out and causing the pain. We felt that he was walking quite well at this time although, I did notice that he was starting to get swollen on that joint. Because there is so much atrophy, she told me that this was what I was seeing - I didn't buy it. She went to adjustment him and he screamed bloody murder for a bout 20 seconds and was just shaking all over. Tim and I didn't know what to say or do - Tim asked, "So his shoulder was out?" She said yes, but not in a confident way. So we took him out to see how he was walking - it was bad, but she said he was fine and then walked in. I found this to be really strange and I felt the whole time that there was something that she wasn't telling us. So we paid the bill and left - angry. At this point I decided it was time to get a second chiro opinion, so we drove to Toronto to see Dr Rosenberg. He found that Carrier wasn't actually having shoulder problems (in a chiro way), but it was actually his neck that had a pinched nerve, which was shooting pain down his leg and causing the limping. Once adjusted, I couldn't believe how well he walked. The limp was still there, but he was definitely better. We have to date, gone there three times, and each time he was better. Carrier even played and did a full body shake - both of which he hasn't done in months, because of the pain he was in. We had him on so many drugs and nothing worked until we saw Dr Rosenberg. I am angry that she never once raised the flag that this was going on for two months and he had major atrophy in that region. We tried everything in addition to her adjustments, physio, massage to get the muscle back... but in the end when we decided to go for a second opinion on the xrays, we found this out. I asked her every appointment, Can we be sure that Cancer is ruled out from the xray that was done a few weeks ago? - her answer was yes - and the answer to his swollen shoulder - was just me not seeing that he had no muscle, so that is why it was like that. I think the adjustments that she was doing on Carrier made things worse - the death scream that he let out was heartbreaking. I am glad we got him out of there when we did and we were able to make progress with Dr Rosenberg and the vet in paris. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. We are going to see what our options are and go from there. I will be joining Circle of Grey and also contacting Dr Couto and getting the artemisinin. This morning, he got up, a little sore. Ate his breakie and took a pee and then wanted to go in. He didn't want any banana - which make me nervous, but he did round the pack with his morning Roo. I love him. eva
  20. I can't even believe that I am writing this. I am absolutely devestated. Carrier just turned 10 on Oct 13th and other than this bloodly limp, he is perfect. I don't know what our next steps are, I can't even stop crying to think clearly. The vet is gather info and we are going to discuss options. Amputation is a possibility since he is strong overall in his health - but at this point we aren't sure until we do more tests etc to see if it's spread. The vet thinks if we just leave it and manage his pain we will be lucky to have him with us in the new year. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, please keep them coming - he needs them.
  21. Well it been two months of limping and adjustments and many tests, an xray and drugs with no real diagnosis- today we are going for a second opinion and another set of xrays. Carrier's shoulder is now swollen and his limp is getting worse. I am so scared. We are leaving now... please say a prayer for my sweet boy. I will let you know what the results are.
  22. Hi Laura, Glad you found this forum. There are great people here and lots of wonderful information. I am so glad that we were able to find a dog that fit your family! He looks great. eva
  23. LadyBailey

    My Quinnie

    He was very lucky to have you... run free sweet boy - you were loved.
  24. Wow! that is awesome. Continued prayers for Chancy and you .
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