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Posts posted by Xan

  1. *Sleepy girl, how nice that crate looks! How 'bout a nap to catch up on that beauty sleep, eh? Aaaaaaahhhh, yeeeeeeeeesss ... very nice ... very relaxing ... sleeping feels so good, you'll even want to sleep all night, too, so Mommy can get rested, too. Mommy's making a baby, so you have to treat her extra nice, y'know. Sllleeeeeeeppyyyyyyy.... *



  2. A little chant for your little girl:

    *Be well, Sugar. Suck up the fluids and get your arithmetic under control so you can go home and get your mom to feed you only the best yummies! ;);)

    Be well, Sugar. Suck up the fluids and get your arithmetic under control so you can go home and get your mom to feed you only the best yummies! ;);) Be well, Sugar. Suck up the fluids and get your arithmetic under control so you can go home and get your mom to feed you only the best yummies! ;);) *


    And hugs to you!

    :bighug :bighug

  3. Hilda! :rofl


    *changing the chant to one for sanity for the vet & staff until it's 8 p.m.*

    and I would like to add. . . .chant for mom and dad sanity once she gets home. . . anyone have any human vallium they'd like to donate to the cause? :lol:lol:lol


    :rolleyes: Good luck with that! :P


    New chant!

    *Aaaaah! Once Mazie's home, she can catch up on some lost beauty sleep with her honey-boy Truman, and wake calm and refreshed! :colgate Aaaaah! Once Mazie's home, she can catch up on some lost beauty sleep with her honey-boy Truman, and wake calm and refreshed! :colgate Aaaaah! Once Mazie's home, she can catch up on some lost beauty sleep with her honey-boy Truman, and wake calm and refreshed! :colgate *

  4. Oh, I think she was suggesting YOU might want the sedatives, Lori! ;):lol


    It's absolutely miraculously FABULOUS that she's doing so well already!! YEAY!!! :confetti :confetti :confetti

    And, besides, she's normally a cryer, right? So, she's just turning up the volume, which is appropriate for the context, and will apparently get her what she wants besides, so there ya go! :lol Mazie's coming HOME!

    bionic FrankenMoose!




  5. Okay, starting a new chant for Angel!

    *Little tumors, you're all gone! Angel can run and play like she has her wings already, right here on earth! Chemo knows right where to go and just what to do! Yeay!!! :gh_run Little tumors, you're all gone! Angel can run and play like she has her wings already, right here on earth! Chemo knows right where to go and just what to do! Yeay!!! :gh_run Little tumors, you're all gone! Angel can run and play like she has her wings already, right here on earth! Chemo knows right where to go and just what to do! Yeay!!! :gh_run *

  6. Mazie, the poor tiny puppy! I'm going to bet that as soon as you drove off, she started seducing all the staff, and by now they're all thoroughly smitten. NO one can resist the charms of the Moose!! Wabi and Brilly will tell you that!! You're going to have to make darn sure they give her back after her surgery!!


    Hang in there, and keep us updated!


  7. Chanting!!

    *Baby Gus, your puppy growing skills will now come in handy! Grow that bone all healthy in RECORD time! They'll think you did magic inside your cast! You'll be tearing around making Mom crazy once you get that thing off, so hurry hurry fast and heal! :bounce:bounce Baby Gus, your puppy growing skills will now come in handy! Grow that bone all healthy in RECORD time! They'll think you did magic inside your cast! You'll be tearing around making Mom crazy once you get that thing off, so hurry hurry fast and heal! :bounce:bounce Baby Gus, your puppy growing skills will now come in handy! Grow that bone all healthy in RECORD time! They'll think you did magic inside your cast! You'll be tearing around making Mom crazy once you get that thing off, so hurry hurry fast and heal! :bounce:bounce *

  8. I'm also no help, except to maybe bump up your thread, but want to also say, hang in there!! I'll be thinking good thoughts for your girl and you.

    Here's a chant for her:

    *Bina-bina bo-Bina, you-you you are so fine-a! :P Neck pain and unhappy body will be all betta, and you'll be happy in no-time-a! :lol Bina-bina bo-Bina, you-you you are so fine-a! :P Neck pain and unhappy body will be all betta, and you'll be happy in no-time-a! :lol *


    :bighug :bighug

  9. Chanting!! *Not EVEN an infection! Stepped in a mouse hole, just a bit klutzy, and the darn thing went. Healing will be FAST! Healing will be EASY! This story will become BORING! :D Not EVEN an infection! Stepped in a mouse hole, just a bit klutzy, and the darn thing went. Healing will be FAST! Healing will be EASY! This story will become BORING! :D Not EVEN an infection! Stepped in a mouse hole, just a bit klutzy, and the darn thing went. Healing will be FAST! Healing will be EASY! This story will become BORING! :D *

  10. :bighug

    Good for you, getting that appointment set up. Better to find out (that it's nothing! :) ) than to keep eating your self up with anxiety (about nothing! ;) )!


    So, a chant then! *Stepped on it wrong, that's all. Let's run around like fools, now, Mom!! :bounce: Stepped on it wrong, that's all. Let's run around like fools, now, Mom!! :bounce: Stepped on it wrong, that's all. Let's run around like fools, now, Mom!! :bounce: *

  11. :bighug :bighug

    They probably told you this, but giardia can test negative, and still be present. It's hard to "catch", since it's only visible when it's shedding. Most adult dogs aren't much affected by it, unless they're otherwise unhealthy, though, so even if it's there, it may not be his only problem.

    You're in our thoughts!!

  12. Hang in Spencer!!

    Let us know what's happening! We're all on tenterhooks along with you, now!

    :bighug :bighug


    Chanting: *Spencer ate a bug! Ew! Out it goes, and much better now! :bounce: Spencer ate a bug! Ew! Out it goes, and much better now! :bounce: Spencer ate a bug! Ew! Out it goes, and much better now! :bounce: *

  13. Judy, wouldn't it be neat to think that she has given part of herself, her nutty self, to Bebe now. Something Bebe needed very much, too. :)

  14. It's odd. After I wrote that email to Adrian, then read and responded on this thread, Adrian called me for the first time in quite awhile yesterday (just as I was making dinner, which was Trish's favorite time to call!) We talked for a bit about this and that, until his phone cut off. I tried to call him back, but it went to voice mail ... And Trish's voice is still there.


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