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Posts posted by Xan

  1. Others might know better, but my dogs went through a bunch of things rather like that (started out looking like little pimples, then stayed on as sores like that until they slowly healed) a couple summers ago. Reading around, I thought it might be hooks, and one dog did test positive, so we treated everyone. They went away and (knock on wood!) haven't returned.


    Good luck!

  2. Yeah, tapeworms. :puke I agree, Batmom, about wanting to avoid tapes. My outdoor semi-feral cat is due for his tapeworm meds, and the cedarcide isn't going to do anything for him, that's for sure. I will probably risk advantage on him. I've used it in the past with no problems, and I know there are lots who do, etc., but our problem is small-scale, so I'm going to give this a try, see if it does the trick.

  3. Yes, our flea problem is not big at all, and our season is short here, so I'm going for a less-is-more approach. I've also been disturbed by many dogs' reactions to Frontline and my reading about all of these systemic pesticides. If we can get away without them, great. I mean, we could just live with the fleas, but it would be better not. :)


    So, no one has tried this stuff specifically, eh? Well, I'll keep you posted, 'cause I bought it. *fingers crossed*

  4. Saw our first flea yesterday. :angry: Not a big fan of parasites. But, I'm also not a fan of toxins that can harm my pets and my family. So, went looking, and found this stuff.

    The text is all a little hysterical, with a whiff of snake oil, but looking for reviews off-site turned up some real glowing testimony, so ... I'm going to give it a try. Our flea problem is not too bad, but I don't want the little buggers getting a toe-hold.


    Anyone ever seen or heard of this stuff, or used it?

  5. Poor Ernie! Well, let's get a chant going for the boy! :)

    *Now that nasty wire is out, antibiotics are in, and Ernie is a happy boy! He'll be fine in no time! :bounce Now that nasty wire is out, antibiotics are in, and Ernie is a happy boy! He'll be fine in no time! :bounce Now that nasty wire is out, antibiotics are in, and Ernie is a happy boy! He'll be fine in no time! :bounce Now that nasty wire is out, antibiotics are in, and Ernie is a happy boy! He'll be fine in no time! :bounce *

  6. Oh LYNN!! I'm so sorry! So sorry! Here I was, bugging you about non-essentials ... :(


    Walter was a lucky guy, and it sounds like his luck rubbed off on you guys, too. He bounced right to where he was supposed to be, didn't he?


    :bighug :bighug :bighug

  7. How 'bout a chant?

    *Silly Bell! Get your big ol' leg muskells outta the way! Next x-ray will show nothing but your lovely, trim, properly arranged and accounted for innards! Not so much as a wad of stuffy fluff in the way! :D Silly Bell! Get your big ol' leg muskells outta the way! Next x-ray will show nothing but your lovely, trim, properly arranged and accounted for innards! Not so much as a wad of stuffy fluff in the way! :D Silly Bell! Get your big ol' leg muskells outta the way! Next x-ray will show nothing but your lovely, trim, properly arranged and accounted for innards! Not so much as a wad of stuffy fluff in the way! :D*


  8. Brilly is the only one our local vet blood bank will use of our four - well, they might take Pogo, but he's such a scaredy cat, I don't want to put him through it!

    They take from the jugular, and under light anesthesia, which I'm not thrilled about, but they're the only game in town. They also scale his teeth, trim his nails, offer flea stuff, and a few other goodies, including free blood if needed for all pets in the household.


    Last time, he got a hematoma under his jaw which was funky and lasted for several days. It never bothered him, and is gone now. I wish there was a group like your's here! :)

  9. Thanks, Ola and Silverfish. :)


    So, Happy would continue to get her teeth brushed, but no bones, and maybe Wabi could have some larger-than-wings stuff, but she'll still have to get her off-side teeth brushed! Well, she's the one I most worry about with anesthesia, so I might give her a try anyway. The boys, no worries, I'm sure! :lol


    I still think if I could manage raw altogether, it would be better for everyone! Maybe someday. :)

  10. Two of my four have lots of teeth missing, but their remaining teeth still need to be cared for. Do those of you who feed raw, or give bones for teeth, give them to dogs with missing teeth?


    In Happy's case, the only teeth that oppose each other (top and bottom) are the front teeth, the little flea-biters, so chewing with her remaining lower teeth wouldn't work. No point in it, right?


    Wabi's teeth don't all line up (because of her skull deformities), and she has none on the upper right side. She likes to chew, but when given rawhide-type treats, she just manages to soften them up and then tries to swallow them whole. :eek Is it worth giving her chicken parts, much less turkey necks? I did give her a wing once, and she chewed it a few times, then gulped it! :blink: So, a wing, for instance, is too small! Suggestions?


    Of course, I still have to get a dog-meat-only freezer (I'm a vegan), and figure out how to separate them while they eat The Good Stuff, but these questions need answers before I invest that much!



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