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Posts posted by Xan

  1. Oh Liz! :bighug

    Okay, starting a chant!!

    *Nimby, you've fooled them all into thinking you were sick, but you were just having a bit of a cough. You're fine! Time to show them the joke, and come on home all better! :D Nimby, you've fooled them all into thinking you were sick, but you were just having a bit of a cough. You're fine! Time to show them the joke, and come on home all better! :D Nimby, you've fooled them all into thinking you were sick, but you were just having a bit of a cough. You're fine! Time to show them the joke, and come on home all better! :D *

  2. Oh Hilda!

    :bighug :bighug :bighug

    I'm so sorry. I couldn't believe it when I saw her name. :(


    As you say, she's now free of all those physical restraints and is lighter than air. I hope you can take some comfort in the days to come in the joy and love you shared in the nine years you had together.


    :bighug :bighug :bighug

  3. I'm trying to remember something about what sedatives/pain meds can cause anxiety in greys. I know I read it in CG last year or so. Maybe they're giving him something that's causing some of the problem? Ace? Morphine-based pain meds? Someone here will know more than me!

    In the mean time, thank goodness he survived the bloat and surgery!

    Sending good thoughts, a bunch of hugs for you, and a chant:

    *Calm. Relaxed. Healing, and going home to rest and recover. Johnny will be back to normal in no time! Calm. Relaxed. Healing, and going home to rest and recover. Johnny will be back to normal in no time! Calm. Relaxed. Healing, and going home to rest and recover. Johnny will be back to normal in no time!*


  4. Becky, that's awesome. The story, the memorial, and your positive attitude. Even if it breaks down every now and then, and you need some support later, it's wonderful that you are holding the best of him in your heart and mind, and celebrating his life.

    :bighug :bighug :bighug

  5. Owey! Heal up soon, Pave!


    Can you put some pants on her? Pajama pants, maybe, with a hole for her tail and business end?


    (I had modified a pair of pajama pants like this, and they later came out in the living room for some rag-like reason. DH held them up and his face brightened! "Whoo hoo! When do we get to try these?" :P:lol )

  6. When a bottle says "External Use Only!" I worry about putting it on my dog. Granted, they're not going to be drinking it straight from the bottle, but they will lick it off unless it gets washed off first. So, assuming it's safely absorbable, a bath after every use should be recommended ... and, man, that's a lot of baths! *hmf* Easier way?? Full clothing and sunhats?? My three mostly-white dogs are all pretty pink after their first few sunny days, and I'm worried and unsure about what to use, too!!

  7. Paula, I opened this thread because Brilly gave blood for the second time on Tuesday, and we've spent the rest of the week watching fluid and bruising collect and dissipate. First time, nothing. This time, bruising at and below the needle site, and fluid under the jaw. :blink: Oh well. It never bothered him, and it did change and go away, so okay. But, it's worrisome-looking, huh?

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