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Posts posted by Xan

  1. Welcome to GT!

    I got my first greyhound from GSGA (I see the initials on her collar!) Congrats on your new family member. She's beautiful!!


    As for an "airlock", we use our side door pretty much exclusively because it can be an "airlock"! It opens onto a small laundry room before the main hallway, and I've been grateful for it since we moved here! In our old house, we used a babygate at the house-end of the entry hall. It's not a bad idea! Makes greeting guests or delivery folk a lot easier, too.


    We look forward to more pictures and stories from you and your Zeena, Leaning Warrior Princess! :lol

  2. Checking in very late, and enjoying all the useful advice and links.

    I got the same advice about frequent bandage changing when Brilly broke his toe. I'm SO glad I listened to GT and not to the vet! He still has scars from sores he got from the splinting they did. :( Definitely change often!! Lets you see what's going on in there!

    Well, by the time I check tomorrow, he should be home!

    :bounce :bounce

  3. House marketing tip: Let prospective buyers see you walking your beautiful dog outside. It makes a nice scene, and helps them remember the house in a good way!

    (But, make sure your realtors know not to just open the door and wander in unless the animals are all properly controlled!! ;) )


    Of course, you have to GET a greyhound for this tip to work ....


    (By the way, that's what we did, about 4 years ago!)


    Welcome to GT!

  4. Checking in on Asia and you. Sounds like she's doing so well already, walking on the slippery floors and all! :clap

    You sound like you're pretty well prepared, on the practical level, and are working hard on the emotional level. Excellent! :)

    Isn't it great to know that at any time of the day or night, you can turn to GT for advice, a calming voice or just a distraction? We're so here for you!

    :bighug :bighug

  5. We're back from the vet. And Carolyn, thank you the info on tripe being okay for a kidney dog! According to my vet, he really feels that Misty's nail problems are a result of her low thyroid.Despite his belief, there is still a possibility of SLO but he wants to rule out the thyroid being the cause first. He wants her on EicosaDerm which I had already started as I give it to Wayne and I can swear by the results. She'll be on Soloxine, and also an immune system suppliment which they've had very good results with. As for the viral infection, he said all that's done for that is supportive care. He feels that with her thyroid as low as it is, I could see a difference in 2 weeks and worst case, 30 days. We will also revisit with another thyroid check in 30 days. As for the not eating, Misty did eat at 3:00 and she ate as if she was starving. My vet thinks her not wanting to eat could have been the results of the antibiotic or the viral infection. I need to call him every day and let him know if she's eating. I really would like to thank everyone for caring about Misty, and the suggestions and offers. I can't even explain how much that means to me, I really can't. And I will let you in on a secret, this is the first time in my life anyone has ever offered help or cared about my dogs. And that is no lie

    Well, welcome to GT! :D



    Sounds like she may be on the road to recovery. I want to just hit the nutritional yeast again, 'cause of it's yummy B vitamins, which are all about supporting the system!

    When I had goats that were poorly, with no other hard diagnosis, the vet would give a shot of Bs, and you could just see them light back up, and hit the feeder.

    Anyway, if you need me to take Ekko off your hands for a bit, you know where I am! :D

  6. Poor buddy!!

    Okay, but enough of sad thinking! Good, happy, positive, healing thinking from now on!

    *The injection won't hurt because of the nice happy-drugs, and it will clear up the yuck in NO time! :D The injection won't hurt because of the nice happy-drugs, and it will clear up the yuck in NO time! :D The injection won't hurt because of the nice happy-drugs, and it will clear up the yuck in NO time! :D *

  7. Good boy, Miles!! :clap


    Home-prepared foods probably would be good, if you're up to it, since you can micromanage each aspect of it based on his responses. There are so many good sources out there, now. I have a book my SIL gave me with lots of fairly simple recipes in it, for cats and dogs. I'm not using it :P so if you think you'd use it, pm me, and I'll send it to you.



  8. Hm! I wonder if she's got an infection at the nail beds, and that's what they're smelling?

    Hooray that she ate a bit this morning!!! I don't remember if I said this to you before, but nutritional yeast (not brewer's yeast) is FULL of B vitamins, which are wonderful for supporting the system, and also tastes cheesy. B vitamins are an appetite stimulant, and all of my housemates will eat right through a plastic bag to get the stuff. Even Happy will turn back to look at her food if it's sprinkled with nutritional yeast. If you give too much, it can cause some nasty fumes, but it doesn't seem to bother the dogs any! :lol You should be able to get it in bulk in various places (I get mine at a grocery store with a decent health food section), but make sure you get NUTRITIONAL yeast. It's a sort of yellow color flakey stuff (BTW, it's yummy on popcorn!!), and just mix in or sprinkle on top of whatever else you're feeding.


    I'll be watching to see what your vet says!!!




  9. Oh Janet...words escape me...it's hard to type through the tears. Angel Foxy was such a special girl. She has made such a difference to so many babes with cancer. Someday they WILL find a cure and Miz Foxy will be a huge contributing part of that cure...She will always live on in our hearts. :grouphug:f_pink

    Angel Lacey Laine: Foxy! Come here my heart sister...come to me. Mommy told me about you and how special we are are...we are "chosen heart sisters" forever and ever.

    Angel Foxy: We are for sure heart sisters...never to be apart ever again.

    Angel Lacers and Angel Foxy are sharing a cloud...kissing each other...and they watch over us together...bestest sisters...bestest friends...HEART SISTERS.


    That got the waterworks going again! :cry1


    Janet, we've already talked, but reading through all these loving posts, and reading your memorial to your girl, I'm filled with respect. Respect, love and sadness.

    :bighug :bighug :bighug

  10. Uh oh. What has Ekko done this afternoon? Oh, and don't worry about MY cats! They can take care of themselves! They've survived more than two years with Pogo so far! ;)


    As for Misty, eyuk. So, if they get her on thyroid pills, her appetite should bounce back, along with other stuff, right? Then, she'll be strong enough to fight off the virus on her own. :)


    Let's get a chant going for Misty!


    *Misty, Misty, desert queen,

    Prettiest girl we've ever seen!

    Balance your blood numbers,

    See many more summers,

    Show 'em the spunk of a teen!* :bounce



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