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Posts posted by Xan

  1. <br />Seems that I have the only dog that won't eat it. It didn't work for Morgan.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Not the only dog!

    In the interests of full disclosure, my picky eater, Happy, ate it happily for awhile, but now won't touch it. :rolleyes:

    Go figger!

    She is also now turning up her nose at the tasty morsels she used to love; fish oil capsules. And yummy glucosamine tablets. What's next off the list? Parmesan cheese?? :P

    Luckily for her, she's still willing to eat turkey mixed with her kibble.

  2. Whole Foods should have it. If they don't, get the manager and tell her or him to order it asap! ;)


    I can't imagine why it would interfere with anything like antibiotics or ... anything. It's food. It's nutritious and tasty. It's probably fine! It's not like active yeasts that can contribute to yeast infections or candida. The link I posted has other pages with more info, too.


    Sorry Guinness is under the weather! Do tell us how it goes with the yeast if you try it! :)

  3. Is your pup on a hunger strike? Have a picky oldster or poorly hound?


    Emmy, Misty, Pearl and others have really benefited from having Nutritional Yeast added to their food, both to stimulate their appetite and also to support their healing bodies. People have been asking what it is, where to get it, how much to use and all, so I thought I'd spread the word in it's own thread.


    What is it? Nutritional yeast is different from brewers yeast (for making beer) or active yeast (like you'd use to make bread). It's loaded with B vitamins, which are very helpful with helping the body to heal, and have the added benefit that they stimulate the appetite. It's low in fat, and relatively high in protein as well, and packs a real wollop into just two good tablespoons. Luckily, it tastes great (to people, too!!), very cheesy. :DHere's a link to the nutritional information.


    How to use it? It's a flakey powdery stuff, so just add it to whatever you're trying to feed. Make sure it's at least damp or it will make your dog sneeze or choke. If your pup is having a hard time chewing or swallowing, or needs to be syringe or spoon fed, try blending the food with the yeast.


    How much to use? Try adding a couple tablespoons to a meal.


    Where do you get it? Health food stores or sections should carry it in the bulk bins, but you can order it online if not.


    What exactly am I looking for? Look for Red Star Vegetarian Support Formula (or just Red Star Nutritional Yeast). I've seen it in powder and flake form, but handling the powdery stuff made me sneeze too much! :lol Get the flake if you have a choice. It's a dull yellow color, and smells and tastes a bit like mild cheddar cheese.


    Can I eat it, too? Oh, you betcha!! :D Try it on popcorn, pizza, pasta, and in sauces. I make a killer substance-rather-like-Velveeta out of it which satisfies my vegan need for mac and cheese or grilled cheese sandwiches, etc..

  4. What great news today!! :clap :clap :clap We'll all be celebrating right along with you folks!!


    That sounds like a good amount of nut. yeast for a crisis. You might want to back off if things start normalizing, or you'll be stinking up the house with the gas! At least, it seems to affect mine that way. :lol Doesn't seem to bother THEM, though! :rolleyes:

  5. Hm! That's a helpful (I hope!) clue!

    I read in an old goat-keeping book once this quote that really stuck in my head. "The farmer's eye fatteneth his kine." Which I take to mean that it's the watchful eye of the owner that notices all the details of what works and what doesn't, what's wrong and what's right about her/his animals. You noticing her not yawning is like that. It's not something a vet could possibly pick up in their limited time with her, but could be just the clue that leads to the answer!


  6. Keep it up sweetie!!


    Where do you buy nutritional yeast? Are there different brands, some better than others?

    Most health food stores carry it, and as for brand, I don't think it matters.And if anyone can't find it in your area, here's an 800# to Clarke's mail order. They're a big health food store here in Ca. That # is 800-251-8996. Let me tell you what they did yesterday. When I called to order the yeast for Emmy, it was late in the afternoon Ca time. I told them this just HAD TO be there overnight. The woman told me that fed-ex was already there for pick up. They had fed-ex wait for my order so they could get it to Emmy overnight. Now I don't frequent health food stores, but any order I have will go through this company for sure!

    I'm not sure how many companies actually manufacture it, but ideally, you're looking for Red Star Vegetarian Support Formula Nutritional Yeast. But, as long as it says NUTRITIONAL yeast, I think you're in good shape. The store I get mine from has it in bulk bins, and the label says it's Red Star, so I'm a happy camper! I buy it about a quart at a time! :P LOVE it! (Takes care of my cheesy fix, too! Mmm!)



    The Nutritional Yeast that Claudia ordered came this morning and after eating a little over 2 cups of soup this morning, Emmy ate another cup and a half with the nutritional yeast, and the amazing thing was she looked like she was really enjoying it. She lapped it up like crazy! I haven't seen her eat like that in 3 months! She will be getting it in each of her meals from now on! Maybe with some luck and the nutritional yeast, we can work her back up to solid food again!


    Thank you Claudia from the bottom of mine and Emmy's heart!

    OH YEAY!!!!! :clap :clap :clap

    That's so GREAT! I really got a literal charge reading this, and am now all choked up! That stuff is magic, I tell ya! :lol

  7. Yeay, Emmy! Eat 'em up, yum!


    I'm going to hit the Nutritional yeast note yet again. It's full of B vitamins, including B12, which are very supportive of the whole system, which it sounds like she could use right now, and which do stimulate appetite! :)

    I had a sick goat that we just did not know what to try next with, and the vet gave her a Vit. B injection. She stood right up and walked straight to her feeder. That's good stuff! (I know: goats are not dogs, but it's works across species according to the vet.)


    It's really tasty, like cheese powder. Make sure it gets damp so it doesn't make her sneeze or cough. If you even add it to a syringe meal, it should help for the next one!



    *Emmy yummy Emmy yum! See the goodies? Get them in your tum! :D Emmy yummy Emmy yum! See the goodies? Get them in your tum! :D Emmy yummy Emmy yum! See the goodies? Get them in your tum! :D *

  8. Owey!


    Without anything useful to say about the growth, I'm wondering if the length of the claw is irritating it? I'm imagining that if it were shorter, it would pull back on that area less as it would touch the ground/floor less, and maybe not irritate the wound so much. Just a thought, the rest of which are all positive, healing, benign-nothingness-which-will-go-away-on-its-own thoughts!


  9. Blitz and you need some chanting!!


    *Staples are for paper, silly dog! Eat some bread, and pass it all on out! Then go home and have some cookies! :bighug Staples are for paper, silly dog! Eat some bread, and pass it all on out! Then go home and have some cookies! :bighug *

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