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Posts posted by Xan

  1. Hm! That sounds scary!

    Chanting with full concentration:

    *Leeanne, get that spleen back in condition, girlie! Balance that liver, honey! There is so much left to do, sniff, taste, feel, love and play with! Hang in there for your pack, and bring your innards back into harmony! Leeanne, get that spleen back in condition, girlie! Balance that liver, honey! There is so much left to do, sniff, taste, feel, love and play with! Hang in there for your pack, and bring your innards back into harmony! Leeanne, get that spleen back in condition, girlie! Balance that liver, honey! There is so much left to do, sniff, taste, feel, love and play with! Hang in there for your pack, and bring your innards back into harmony! *

    :bighug :bighug

  2. No cards...no sad notes, please. INSTEAD....Celebrate the wonderful life Genie had. Maybe give a dollar to an adoption group in her memory. She was the prize! Remember the birthday parties...and how she loved to play. Genie was certainly one of a kind!

    Neena, my crew will celebrate her life with an extra cookie in honor of her graduation to angel status.

    We were all honored that you shared her with us, and that she shared herself with us, too.

    Thanks, to you and to Genie!


  3. Flake!

    I'm so sorry you'll be losing your sweet friend. She keeps reminding me of Crooke! Is it just me?

    Soon she'll be free of pain and weakness, free to run in your heart and memory forever.

    :bighug :bighug :bighug

  4. Sounds like Jerry had a life like a novel, with lots of big adventures and changes in direction, and a happy ending surrounded by those he loved and who loved him back just as much.

    :bighug :bighug :bighug

  5. When Brilly gets his fun stuff happening, he just smiles and gets all silly! First it's "Bite the Weeny" with much snapping and contortionism, then he gets up and does the pelvic thrust part of the dance, smiiilllin' the whole time, as if to say, "Whoo hoo! Anybody want some of this?" :rofl


    We just laugh. What's to worry? :P

  6. With one eye on the clock, sending out positive thoughts, and a chant!

    *Major just stepped wrong, and will shake it off before you get him to the vet! :bounce: Major just stepped wrong, and will shake it off before you get him to the vet! :bounce: Major just stepped wrong, and will shake it off before you get him to the vet! :bounce: *

  7. :bighug :bighug :bighug

    Am I going to be strong enough to get thru this? My heart is still so broken from losing Jett.


    As horrible as it will be, you will get through this. You will because you're stronger than you can even imagine, but also because your girl will need you to be, and you will rise to that. You have us to vent to and cry with, always, but for your girl you will love and support her up 'til the time you say your final good-bye. And the day she passes, she will leave you knowing just exactly how much you love her; at peace.


    But, let's not get ahead of ourselves, because she's not! She's right here, right now, and is your teacher in this.

    :bighug :bighug :bighug


    New chant:

    *Cricket will be the lucky dog, happy and loved to the end of her sunny days! Biscuits and all good things will shower on her. Belly rubs will be available on demand. Wonderful vet staff will fall in love with her and treat her like royalty! *

  8. Chanting!!

    *Cricket, pretty soon, you'll be hopping around like your namesake! Shake it off, darling girl. Soft tissue injury, soon recovered, that's all! :bounce: Cricket, pretty soon, you'll be hopping around like your namesake! Shake it off, darling girl. Soft tissue injury, soon recovered, that's all! :bounce: Cricket, pretty soon, you'll be hopping around like your namesake! Shake it off, darling girl. Soft tissue injury, soon recovered, that's all! :bounce: Cricket, pretty soon, you'll be hopping around like your namesake! Shake it off, darling girl. Soft tissue injury, soon recovered, that's all! :bounce: *

  9. Oh how sad!!

    He lived a life of love and luxury with you and the dogs, but it's never long enough, is it? Hold him in your heart, and his memory will one day give you comfort instead of pain.

    :bighug :bighug :bighug

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