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Posts posted by Xan

  1. I'm already sniffling reading your post. I don't think I can bear to see your slideshow right now! :cry:


    You said:

    In the Spring, he loved eating every dandelion flower he could find..in the evening the gas he would get from this special treat made even Roo move away from him.

    I'll be thinking of him now whenever my two dandelion eaters start darting around to chomp up their golden goodness only to slay us all with their gassy badness later! :P



  2. Catching up with Bonnie's story. :)

    Sending hugs and little thoughts of appetite-ticklers to Bonnie.

    Hey, you might try sprinkling some Nutritional Yeast (different from brewer's yeast) on her food. It's packed with B vitamins, especially B 12, which is an appetite stimulant and generally supportive goody!


  3. Just saw this.

    Quoting you, BJ:

    Regardless..... he's STILL here, he's STILL in good health (other than the limping) so just have to love him like I've been doing all along smile.gif Treasure every minute and make the most of things while we still have each other. Life is too precious to sit around being depressed, he's still here and he deserves my love right now, not my tears. So I'm gonna try my best to do just that. There will be time for crying later (hopefully much much later) just have to convince myself soft tissue damage and I intend to do just that for now.


    BECAUSE it is JUST a soft tissue injury, maybe you could try some arnica, in the pill form, to help with the inflammation and tenderness. I love the stuff myself, but I haven't tried it on my pets yet. It's a homeopathic, so harmless. :)


    Chanting! *I may be a senior, but these are my golden years! I'll be fine once I work out the kinks. Maybe a massage, Mom? ;) I may be a senior, but these are my golden years! I'll be fine once I work out the kinks. Maybe a massage, Mom? ;) I may be a senior, but these are my golden years! I'll be fine once I work out the kinks. Maybe a massage, Mom? ;) *



  4. What a wonderful life you shared with him, and then were able to set him free from pain to be with his sister again.

    :bighug :bighug :bighug

  5. Oh, my! :eek Between hoo hoos (of both sexes), lipstick, olives (everybody remember the 'olives') and now Happy's happy spot! I'd say we're getting quite the education on houndie private parts!



    (Do I truly DARE say this?? :P )

    Well, with a screen name like your's, you better check back often! ;)



    Oh dear.... the threads I wind up opening after a long day at work.


    Like people, dogs come in all shapes and sizes. Some clitoral enlargement (there, I said it) can be the result of long-term heat supression. She could also be a bit more "endowed" than some other gals. She is undoubtedly happy to see you.


    Really, boy dogs are more my area of expertise... my place is like a frat house for dogs.



    Lynn, thanks for checking in. I'm so relieved to know she's not UPSET by my ministrations! :P This morning, I thought I detected a more ... general response as well! :blink: She turned around smiling - and looking for more?? - when I said, "All done!" :lol


    {After which morning job, DH looks askance and say, "I hope you're washing your hands after that!" Nah! Your immune system needs a challenge every now and then! Breakfast anyone?? :D }

  6. Deer Missus Xanner Danner,


    I wood likes too offer my ex-purr-t eyesite too takes a look into this issue on the Hoo Hoo Waht Waht! I am a sitehound yoo no!


    I will also check out herb nibbles! Thanks for the mammories! YOWZA!


    I eegerly awate yer call!




    Guinn :smokin


    PS. These exams r free of charge!!!! ;)



    Leave it to Guinn to offer his help! :rofl

    Okay, Guinness, you owe me a coffee for what I splattered all over my keyboard!! :rofl :rofl OMG! :rofl


    Tricolorhounds, she was a broody for several years before she came to me, so if that effect of hormones wears off, I'm guessing it has and that's not the issue.


    I did see LynnM on here yesterday and was hoping she'd take a look. Oh well! I hate to bug her or any of the other vet-like inhabitants of GT-Ville.


    Perhaps this time we could forgo the usual request for pictures? :rofl
    Oh? That was my next shot at getting an answer! :D


    So, I just want to take this opportunity to thank you ALL for your help and sympathy in this difficult time. :P

  7. Er, yeah, i think you were handling Happy's happy part :lol


    Does she have an inverted vulva?

    The vet who gave me the ointment didn't mention it, but I don't remember how closely he looked.


    Happy would be so THRILLED to know how our private moments have been splashed all over the internet to the amusement of others! YouTube, here we come! :rofl


    Oh, but what would I see if it was inverted? It looks outwardly about like Wabi's, though she's hardly a model of normalcy!

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