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Posts posted by Xan

  1. Just seeing this!

    Let's see. We need a good strong chant ...

    *Amy, silly, stepped wrong and pulled a muscle! Everyone's in a tizzy, but you'll be better in no time! Show 'em your greyhound resilience, little girl! :bounce Amy, silly, stepped wrong and pulled a muscle! Everyone's in a tizzy, but you'll be better in no time! Show 'em your greyhound resilience, little girl! :bounce Amy, silly, stepped wrong and pulled a muscle! Everyone's in a tizzy, but you'll be better in no time! Show 'em your greyhound resilience, little girl! :bounce Amy, silly, stepped wrong and pulled a muscle! Everyone's in a tizzy, but you'll be better in no time! Show 'em your greyhound resilience, little girl! :bounce *


    Repeat as necessary!

    :bighug :bighug

  2. No advice, just checking in with positive thoughts.

    As for using RR on an empty stomach, you use so little, I don't think it matters. I have had the best success with it right before bedtime with an anxious puppy, when his stomach would normally have been pretty empty. He didn't have a sensitive tummy, though. :unsure:


    Good luck and hugs!!


  3. No help here, just hugs. I'm so sorry you and Miles are having such a hard time. Not to make it any harder, but could your stress levels be affecting Miles, do you think? Swat me down if you need to, but just the possible suggestion of maybe some stress-reducing stuff like yoga, tai chi, meditation .... hot baths with chamomile, kava kava, massage :)

    Have you tried Rescue Remedy for Miles (or yourself?) yet?


    Just throwing stuff out there hoping something might help.

    :bighug :bighug :bighug

  4. Janet, you know, I was just reflecting on how much Foxy has done for cancer research, by inspiring you and you in turn inspiring so many others that we CAN and WILL find a cure. Foxy has lived a sweet life with you, and done a lifetime's work. Now that she's ready for a rest, we can all send her off with a resounding THANK YOU. It would be sweet to think of all the dogs who have gone ahead of her being there to welcome her with romps and licks and thanks of their own.


    You're very much in my thoughts ...

    :bighug :bighug :bighug

  5. Just ran through to catch up on your story, and am sitting here sadly now. :bighug :bighug


    Maybe a chant ...

    *Wallace the boy, grab up a toy, give it a shake, make the floor quake!

    Your days are all summer,

    How can that be a bummer?

    Eat all you want,

    Keep up this chant!*

    (It works if you say it with an English accent! :P )

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