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Posts posted by Xan

  1. Duct tape!

    Follow this simple procedure:

    1. holding your roll of tape behind your back, with scissors in a concealed pocket, approach the dog

    2. lure or call your dog to an area with a hard floor (linoleum or hardwood)

    3. command your dog to lie down

    4. ask your dog to like down

    5. beg your dog using treats to get him to lie down

    6. return to commanding, in louder and louder voice, to lie the heck down!

    7. repeat above steps as necessary until the dog is lying down.

    8. quickly remove the scissors and retrieve the duct tape from wherever it ended up during the above steps

    9. attempt to find the edge of the duct tape, and get it peeled up from roll

    10. Recall you dog and get him to lie down using steps 2 through 7

    11. Quickly run a length of tape across all four legs, making sure to attach to the floor in between

    12. Continue to tape the dog 'til all you see is his nose sticking out. Praise the dog, and if you can still get a treat in there, do so now.

    13. Have newspaper spread under the dog's hind end for accidents (this is where you wish you'd read the whole procedure before you started! :lol )


    For extra security, cross and recross the tape, with lots of attachment to the floor itself. Think Gulliver and the Lilliputions, but don't think too far into that story! :P


    Good luck!


    Oh, and happy birthday!


    Oh, and kisses to my gorgeous boyfriend, TRUMAN!! :kiss2

  2. I use electric toothbrushes for Wabi and Brilly. Pogo won't stand for it, yet (if ever!) and Happy will get it eventually, too (she had 1/2 of her teeth pulled right after we got her, and I wanted to start out gently). I just brush the outsides, except on specific teeth that seem to need more on the biting side. Haven't noticed a need on the tongue sides.

  3. *Blood is in the veins, moving healthy healing blood wherever it needs to be! Blood is in the veins, moving healthy healing blood wherever it needs to be! Blood is in the veins, moving healthy healing blood wherever it needs to be!*

  4. Heya Heather.

    Wabi's eye runs like that most of the time because of her deformed sinuses. They get stuffy, and it makes her eye leak. I'm guessing you're right, and Dempsey has something going on in his sinuses. Might not be allergies, though. Could conceivably be dental, so you might want to check it out. If it goes on for more than a few days, you might want to dab some bag balm or vaseline under the eye, to keep the tears from burning, and causing another problem. (I do this every day for Wabi.)


    ***Blood is clotting and absorbing. Blood is staying in it's proper place, flowing and working to heal Brady's body. Brady will be playing with stuffies this time next week! Blood is clotting and absorbing. Blood is staying in it's proper place, flowing and working to heal Brady's body. Brady will be playing with stuffies this time next week! Blood is clotting and absorbing. Blood is staying in it's proper place, flowing and working to heal Brady's body. Brady will be playing with stuffies this time next week! Blood is clotting and absorbing. Blood is staying in it's proper place, flowing and working to heal Brady's body. Brady will be playing with stuffies this time next week!***

  6. I was told that, because greys have so little body fat, and specifically subcutaneous fat (right under the skin), that it takes about 1/2 the labeled dosage of spot on insecticides. I've used that kind of dose in an area with LOTS of ticks, and it did work, so that's what I'd go with personally (luckily, I'm now in an area I don't have to use anything! The only advantage to this climate! :P )

  7. First off, POOR MAZIE! :( Second, poor YOU! I'm sure you were just in denial about her symptoms. :bighug


    Wabi had the surgery they do for hd, though it was because of her deformed hips, not hd. I read at the time (IIRC) that the upper weight limit is 40 lbs for that operation (Wabi weighs about 43), though, and, without casting aspersions, I think it's safe to say the Moose weighs more than that! :wub:


    I don't know. I probably shouldn't have posted that, since it doesn't make sense. Labs usually weigh more than that, and they're famous for hd, right? Now I have to go check again!


    Good luck with sorting out a good treatment for the Moose!! :bighug

  8. Arnica would be good to keep on hand for your boy. It's a homeopathic, and it's great for sprains, strains and bruises (possibly also for emotional trauma, which might well accompany pain, so: bonus! :) )


    I'm a klutz, so I always have pills and gel on hand, and only recently thought about using it for the pets. Look it up! Good stuff!

  9. When I first got my first grey, I was told to use half-dosages for FL for the same reasons they take less anaesthesia etc.. They don't have the body fat that other dogs do to distribute the stuff in. It is a poison, after all. A smaller dose of poison is preferable if it will do the desired thing.


    Where we live now, thank goodness, we haven't had to use anything! That's ONE good thing about this climate! :rolleyes:

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