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Posts posted by Xan

  1. Crying along with you, Heather. :bighug

    I can hear in your post how even time seems to have bunched up and gotten lost somehow. It was only last night, but I sense you're feeling both like he was JUST here, and like last night is a million miles away.

    :bighug:bighug :bighug

  2. If there's a way to determine more what's there and how long she'll be with you, and what she might be likely to experience along the way, that would be a good choice. Otherwise, probably just try stuff and see how she reacts. Walks might improve her quality of life or stress her out. Pain meds might tax her system, or be necessary for her comfort. The more you find out, the better for all of you!

    :bighug :bighug :bighug

  3. First, congrats to TWO YEARS!!!! post-amp!! That's awesome!! :D


    Second, I started reading your opening post, then had to go check something, and walked off with this in my head: "DOOOOCE! The Deucinator! The Deuce-man! Deucereeeno! Deuceramous! Deuceranimous! Tyranosaurus Deucimus!! ..." :P:rofl


    So, the Deucinator will be getting a chant from out here for antibiotic-zappable buglettes, and continued great health!

    *Deuce-baby! Juicy Deucy! Knocking those kidney bugs for a loop! Deuce the Deuce-man! Antibiotics to the res-cuuuuuue! B) Deuce-baby! Juicy Deucy! Knocking those kidney bugs for a loop! Deuce the Deuce-man! Antibiotics to the res-cuuuuuue! B) Deuce-baby! Juicy Deucy! Knocking those kidney bugs for a loop! Deuce the Deuce-man! Antibiotics to the res-cuuuuuue! B) *

  4. Claudia! :blush: I don't think I was the ONLY person on here who's tried NY for their pups, right? Some of the other folks writing seem to have run across the idea before.... But, anyway, this is the great thing about this community: info gets spread out far and wide, and so quickly!!


    It looks like KAL and Red Star are similar, both grown on molasses, and have similar nutritional profiles.


    You might want to check ingredients on whatever you do buy, since I'm seeing that some sources add whey and/or other stuff, which might be a problem for your pets, but certainly dilutes the yeasty goodness! ;)



    Oh, and did I mention? B vit.s also seem to be unpalatable to biting insects, so loading up on NY can also repel fleas and mosquitos! :D

  5. Yes, it should be fine for every day, but probably not necessary in the bigger amounts. Think sprinkling for every day, rather than cheese-sauce. But, hey! What the heck, if your dog is not well, every day larger amounts (couple tablespoons) should be good. Watch your hound and see how s/he does, I'd say. Your watchful eye is your best indicator of your hound's health. :nod:


    I think it keeps pretty well, but I can't swear to how long. It doesn't last long in my house! :D Keep it dry, for sure.

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