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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. I agree. He has a medical issue and you need to stick with what works which right now is mineral oil. ASAP.
  2. Welcome to my world.... Where are you located? How high do you keep your grass? Ask the vet for Genesis spray.
  3. Doesn't sound like Wobbler's to me. Did you ask about acupuncture vet?
  4. I found this on the Westie site: Research project Maybe you can email the foundation and ask about the bone density. My dd's Sheltie had it and did very well with no further problems after the surgery.
  5. Any medications or other supplements? Have you asked the vet that prescribed the chinese herbs if it could be them?
  6. Creatine is usually measured as #.# This is a one time reading. I do another test. I question a 4.0 creatine on a 21 BUN I'd also treat with an antibiotic if I was concerned. How are his teeth?
  7. Did you do a urine culture? What were the values?
  8. That doesn't seem like anything to worry about. Is his BUN normal? I've had them as high as 2.3
  9. I was in Dobes for 30 years and never heard of it, so of course, I had to go look: DPCA - Disease Since it appears to be genetic, I suggest supplements and acupuncture. Do you know of any acupuncture vets near her? Certified chiropractic? I'll try & do more research.
  10. You will know because you will have to make the decision for her. Heart was on 40mg of pred the last 3 months and started getting infections from the high dose of pred. I had to choose for her--darn it It got to the point where I just knew I had to......
  11. The problem with the 3 thing rule, is that as they age, "things" change. What was important to them or made them happy a year ago is not necessarily the same today. I think it's important to look and try & be objective: is pain controlled? are they happy? I remember watching Heart take a dump and she fell into it. I was horrified, ran to get a wash rag and a towel, and she & I were running towards the door at the same time: me from the inside and she on the outside She was happy as could be, grinning from ear to ear I washed her up, made no fuss and she was no worse for wear. It happened a few times.....she hated to be supported, so I let her be when I could.
  12. I went thru that with Heart. Heart was very clear she wasn't ready. I was ready 3 months before she was Support her living if that is what she wants to do.
  13. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy.
  14. Hi Jo! I want a set of those bells
  15. Sending lots of prayers. Did you ever find out what the actual numbers are?
  16. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy
  17. I upped Isaac's benedryl to 3 twice a day which is what he should get for his weight, he's on 2 tavist1 a day (the generic as mentioned) and pred every other day. I have tried cream and it just makes him lick more. I too, have the genisis spray and use it on the days he doesn't have pred. Keeping the grass short is the only thing that helps him. After all the years and all the money I've spent to grow grass......arrrghhhh.... Vet did scraping when I took him in and nothing. He's been here since last October and this started in June or July.
  18. This year I didn't treat the yard so all the grasses grew choking out a lot of the St. Augustine. I think I have both bermuda and baha. Shoot
  19. More than likely. Forgot to mention that both Isaac and Mizzy are on benedryl every day too.
  20. Ragweed is extreme here and has been for 4 weeks (high elm just ended). I think I'll try the washing feet when he comes in -- he goes out so many times and is a little skitzy (my sensitive clueless boy ) so not sure how long that can last before he flips out. Both Isaac and Pablo get red ears if fed chicken so no chicken for them. Mizzy's allergies are a little better this year. Maybe in time.....
  21. My vet said this one was not that good on skin issues. Both Isaac and Mizzy take Clemastine Fumarate that I buy by the 100 from Allivet. This is the first year Isaac has been on grass in life I believe. He started getting bad around July. I've found that I need to get the lawn guy to cut the grass very short. Even Mizzy, who has been here two years, is a little red. She has not needed any more than the allergy pills, but Isaac has a spray and is taking pred every other day. I have an acupuncture treatment scheduled for him in a few weeks.
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