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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. They will usually leave them in if they are in the gum tightly and not cracked. My vet will pull them when necessary, but not unless he has to.
  2. From the first thread: Also, did they do a urinalysis with a culture on Bliss?
  3. But one has to decide what the symptoms are, which is why I asked about blood work--that could be the deciding factor. Also, since he has already been treated once, I'd proceed with caution and would make sure other types of tick borne diseases were ruled out. I'd most likely do a PCR for babesia also.
  4. Not sure about treating that low of a titre. What are his platelets, HCT & RBC? Have you emailed Ohio State?
  5. What is the titre on the babesia? Where are you located? Have you tried acupuncture or chiropractic?
  6. I need to come into this forum more often I've been wondering Congratulations! You don't look very happy though......
  7. Joint Health, Fresh Factors, chiropractic and acupuncture and many times pred (which you cannot give with NSAIDs) There are some chinese herbs that are good also.
  8. Looks like blackheads and infection in some of the pores.
  9. 1mg per # of body weight twice a day. If she is still swollen, I'd call the vet.
  10. Is this the person that said they didn't know what to tell you? Email me a name.
  11. Please email Dr. Couto with any questions you have! He is out of the country lecturing but is aware of Josie and has not heard from you recently. Sending prayers.
  12. I wonder if there is a piece of rice up there since all this started after the rice episode. I hope you can get this resolved soon
  13. I suggest a scope from a specialist re the nose. Regarding the fluid, it could be a blocked salivary (how do you spell it!?) gland or a bad tooth. Have those been checked? Did she pull fluid to see what was there?
  14. I add boiled meat to a lot of my senior's food. How was his last blood panel? I can tell you what my guys get: Joint Health & Fresh Factors (Springtime Inc.) Vit E 400 IU Fish Oil caps - 4 a day I would do a thyroid test on him. Most will do a full panel.
  15. If she has black, tarry stools, she is bleeding. You really need to talk with your vet and probably get some carafate. Sending lots of prayers. I am not a believer of force feeding.
  16. Many times this is what they do--eat it for a day or two, then not. Try rotisserre chicken--WalMart is good. Try frying roast turkey or chicken (for some reason they prefer turkey) Hand feed and don't get upset. I know how difficult it is.
  17. She should be taking the prilosec twice a day with that amount of pred.
  18. Ask for carafate and you have to give inbetween meds. Prilosec once a day probably isn't cutting it as far as calming her stomach. Pred can and will tear it up. Try EVO canned and hand feed. Sometimes they do better if you warm it up.
  19. Imizol and it is two injections given two weeks apart (i.e., two shots--one each time). Do the tick panel first thing and then you can go from there.
  20. How long have you had him? I'd do another full panel. If in fact he is positive for babesia (so positive that he should be treated), he needs to be treated! Please have another done.
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