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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Burpdog

    Flying Lynch

    When I saw the name my heart sunk What a handsome guy. I know you love him lots. Run like the wind and now you can see where you are going as well as feel the wind
  2. The molars aren't real easy, but not near as bad as the canines What makes them difficult is they have to be split in half, then removed. Some are easier than others. I've had quite a few lose the molars and they did fine.
  3. I'll be thinking of you. Several of my "kids" came from HOT. Hold tight and think of the very nice Rainbow Land that he is going to.
  4. Such a sweet boy Sending my sympathy
  5. Some remain picky their entire lives. I've seen some who would come close to starving if left on their own. I wonder what goes thru their minds:unsure
  6. It took Mizzy 3 years to grab a stuffy and play I believe she is now going thru puppyhood at almost age 12.....kleenex is for shredding:rolleyes:
  7. Both of you were "one" of the lucky ones. What a great guy I know how much it hurts. Sending my sympathy I can just see him: running like the wind, pain free!
  8. Take a stool sample into the vet. How long since he has had a checkup?
  9. If he is peeing lots, he is not emptying himself when he goes out. He's not marking, he's peeing. Did you culture the urine? Did you try atbs just in case?
  10. An e collar will help. SieSie had to wear one for weeks when she had a bad ulcer and the Dane I mentioned to you that had her eye removed wore one too. Somewhere I have one that you can attach to the collar so it won't come off. Also, you can alter ones you buy from the vet or Petco/Petsmart with a hole punch.
  11. I know how much eye "stuff" hurts and I bet he rebounds quickly and happily! Nasty hurting eye out. Give that wonderful boy a hug from me tomorrow for you
  12. Sending my sympathy I loved her pictures--a very beautiful girl.
  13. Burpdog


    I haven't been able to write a proper condolence and I still cannot. Winslow is featured Loved Hound Glynis wrote the text and picked the first picture. I picked the rest of the pictures. As they say, one picture is worth 1000 words.
  14. Poor guy! I'd just put him on it cold turkey. Marilyn is supposed to pick up BilJac (frozen) this week. Maybe you can get some from her & see if it works for him.
  15. Sending my sympathy to both of you :grouphug Run like the wind sweet boy
  16. Burpdog


    by request of Glynis that I post this Dear Greytalk friends of Winslow, We thank you so much for all of your sympathies and condolences. Thank you for your support for the last 3 1/2 years. It was all of you that helped to make him happy. As you know, Winslow loved the computer and he loved it when I read GT to him. All of your responses, participation in his fundraising (auctions, raffles and his shop) meant so much to all of us. I believe that's what really kept him going. Winslow had a job to do and with your help he accomplished so much. When Diane (Burpdog) began his diary, we didn't know how it would turn out. As a result, we made some very special friends, met a lot of people, raised a lot of money for charity and Winslow's birthday parties became the talk of our neighborhood. Winslow was a big, happy boy right up to the end. He loved life. He loved humans. His adoption of us changed our lives forever. We learned so much from him. We are so honored to be his people and to have shared his life and be blessed by his wisdom. We spent a lot of time laughing with Winslow. He was our light. Diane says they stay as long as they need to, not as long as we want them to. Winslow stayed with us through our trip across the country, through getting us to our new home and he didn't leave until we were settled in a routine that he set up for us. He knew this was the final destination for all of us. We are devastated by his passing, but comforted by the knowledge that he is out there somewhere, happy, whole, and watching over us as he always did. Winslow left this life as he lived it, with the calm dignity that was just Winslow. Thank you again, Glynis, Craig and our angel, Winslow.
  17. How much protein in the urine? I would not do a kidney biopsy.
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