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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Sorry I have not read the entire thread -- have you done a TBD panel?
  2. Give him benedryl asap and if it continues to swell get to the vet.
  3. I wouldn't. Everyone that I've seen on the Tick List, says no.
  4. I remember Bill Feeman saying that raw does affect several blood test results. You might email him and ask
  5. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy
  6. My alternative vet has a brand that I'll see what name it is and post later. I get mine at Whole Foods most of the time.
  7. Kathy said I could share this with Greytalk: Sad news. Ripley went to the bridge at 4:55 today. He had a stroke. The vet called it a neuroligocial event. Whatever. The end result was the same. He went in peace. I'm just not ready to talk about him.... Kathy (summertime) Hall of Fame 2008. Captain 2001 & 2002 All-America Team. Rural Rube and Flashy Sir Award Winner. Tampa Speed Classic. Derby Lane TR 30.15. Tampa TR 30.02
  8. Burpdog


    Nothing has changed except the year -- Twelve years and I still cry. Because it was my fault. Although it hurts when you lose any of them for whatever reason, when it's your fault, it is overwhelming. Quoting myself: QUOTEBe aware of the side effects of all NSAIDs. Make sure you receive a product insert. Make sure blood work is done before starting on them (for instance, this is Pfizer's protocol regarding rimadyl--not mine!) and at two weeks (yes, two weeks--had that been done, I believe Eliza could have been saved), then every 6 weeks. Make sure platelets are checked in addition to kidney & liver function. Do not treat these drugs lightly--there is a reason that death was added as a side effect! I say this because I have noticed that many people pop NSAIDs into their pets like we take aspirin or ibuprofen. There is a reason the drug companies say "do blood work before dispensing". Listen to your vet if he/she recommends blood work, and if he/she does not do blood work, request it! As another thought/opinion: if you have to use a NSAID, don't do the shot, especially post op. Once it's given, you cannot take it back. If your dog has an adverse reaction to the drug, at least on the pills you can stop them and have some chance of recovery. Get those product inserts -- insist on them. Know what to look for as a side effect. Many vets do not know that kidney impairment can be a side effect of NSAIDs. <very big sigh and many tears> I love you Eliza and I still cannot wait to hug you and see that big smile. It's the only thing that will heal my heart. Hope you have many ferns in Rainbow Land and many couches
  9. She has eaten, drunk water and is resting. I gave her a chinese paid med and it has helped. No extractions that I am aware of and her teeth are pearly white Thank you all!
  10. It went away after around 30 minutes. It's been in the background, but I'll be fine Now, if tank can just walk I'll be ok
  11. I just called and they said she is doing well and go home after 3! Here's hoping she can walk. Side note re complicated migraine: mine have no pain, I just can't see too well It usually hits in one eye, rarely it will do both which is fun if it hits while driving....
  12. He should stop the NSAID immediately. Many vets aren't aware they can affect the kidneys as well as the liver. See if you can try tramadol instead.
  13. or good thoughts or white light or whatever you can. My foster Dottie, who is 13 1/2, is having a badly needed dental. She is on bp meds and has been on antibiotics for four months. Brought down her BUN and creatine to reasonable, but the teeth are so bad I am always worried when they go under, however, the only other dental that worried me this much was Magic when she was almost 16. (I already have a complicated migraine.....just dropped her off--I need a tranquilizer)
  14. Wish I would have known. I have a harness you can borrow. Be very careful about stairs. I wouldn't be going up and down often.
  15. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy. I know how much it hurts
  16. Burpdog


    A sweet hearted boy. How wonderful he was able to be sent off in love! Run like the wind again!
  17. Chiropractic, by a AVCA certified vet, followed by acupuncture is good. Regarding chiropractic, I think it would depend on where the cancer is. If the cancer is not in the shoulder, hip or spine, I would do chiropractic followed by acupuncture. I saw a grey with a huge tumor on the leg who was receiving acupuncture and was a happy, running pup, up to the end. There are some very good chinese herbs that help for pain, too.
  18. Sending prayers for peace and comfort. Many will be waiting to greet him and show him around
  19. I believe this dose is for erlichia. Not sure the treatment for RSMF is the same. Why not ask on the tick list?
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