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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. I know... Sending my sympathy
  2. That is why I recommended vets who are certified from the CHI Institute. Some IVAS vets will use chinese meds too and I know there are IVAS certified vets in the UK
  3. I feed raw on occassion (so I am not anti raw), and yes they can get very sick from samonella. Did you freeze the chicken first and take out as needed? Sending lots of prayers.
  4. OK. How old is he? Acupuncture and chinese herbs have proven to give positive results when treating kidney issues. See if there is a vet close to you here CHI certified This one, if anywhere near you appears to have the most certification by CHI: Joanna Ka Wai Lee, DVM, CVA Specialty: Small Animal, ExoticKent, DA11 8RD, UNITED KINGDOMTele: +44 7990513583
  5. Are you in the States? Who told you her kidneys are failing and what are the results of the blood test?
  6. Isaac does well on it and I just started giving Dot some. I'll feed her half BilJac kibble and half Honest Kitchen Keen is least expensive.
  7. Try bottled water and different kinds of bowls. Burp would only drink from a plastic bowl, so the plastic bowl resided in the nice stainless steel bowl....
  8. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy
  9. I wouldn't put a dog on a renal diet that has cancer. But that's my personal opinion-what-I-would-do. I beleive his renal problem is coming from the drug.
  10. Because of the already suspected allergies, I believe the food could be related since the symptoms escalted after being switched. If you suspect allergies, I would not feed chicken at all, in anything. Try a fish base & see if anything happens. You could try fish only, nothing else for a few days and see if anything changes. Even though he is a puppy, a few days of "meat" only won't hurt. Or go to a previously untried protein like buffalo. Also, I have the premier allergy testing place info if you want it
  11. I thought he had osteo, not mast cell? Re side effects: it's manufactured by Pfizer. They like to do their testing on general population..... It's only been approved recently. Original FDA Application
  12. Sending prayers for lots of good days. I know what you are going thru as this is what happened to Shadow
  13. Vet doesn't see anything on xray. Going to pick him up now
  14. How odd. Huston is at the vets as we speak having the exact same lump xrayed. He injured it doing laps in the backyard 3 weeks ago. I'll let you know what my vet says.
  15. A good senior kibble should work. I would not feed any dog a continued "light" diet. Solid Gold Holistique Blendz is good and many of the senior kibbles have fat contents of 8%. You can add lean meat if needed (or fish). Can you get frozen BilJac where you are?
  16. Mizzy had some problems with an upper jaw and the molars looked fine. One was not. After than one was removed, she didn't have a recurrance of the swelling.
  17. I suggest you find books targeted to greyhounds. There is a very big difference between a working breed and a retired racer. Too much training on some greyhounds will make them regress. Training a hound is quite different than other breeds and it sounds like your girl needs some time. The biggest advice I can give to you is -- relax. Love, patience and independence (allowing it) goes a long way. I've seen greys come out in weeks and years -- Mizzy just started playing with stuffies this year and has been with me over 3. I will share some things I have learned: Do not play tug of war with a greyhound and a bag of rice. When they go out walking fine and walk in limping on one leg, check their foot for poop. Do not teach "speak" if you do not want them to "speak" every time they want something.
  18. Sending my sympathy to you & Bob When I saw her name my heart sunk, and I remembered the mistake I made so many years ago and sent her biscuits only to figure out I sent them to the wrong Paradise! Paradise ~ stop & see Jodie and she will fix you up with lots of biscuits. Run like the wind angel girl.
  19. I've done it and it's very, very hard. SieSie & Shadow left on the same day, within seconds of each other. They were both very ill and I saw no point of prolonging because of the extent of their illnesses. I will say that given the exact same circumstances I would do it again if needed.
  20. Of course you are remembered. Sending my sympathy Run like the wind Penny!
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