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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. I had hernia surgery two years ago My vet had his last Friday. I can tell you I was not moving well 5 days after my surgery and he did a little jig.....men! Acupuncture vet said he didn't look too bad considering. She'll come back in two weeks to access him so she can prepare his special blend of herbs
  2. I am just now seeing this! Sending prayers & good medicine thoughts to Steak.
  3. Whatever he'll eat The last two days of Jodie's life, (she had numerous problems and diabetes was one at the end--was on insulin shots) the only thing she would eat was cheesecake....
  4. He had a good night. He's eaten a couple cans of food and I think is looking for chewy stuff because he loves to chew. No can do for a couple of days. Poor guy He is such a sweet soul. Not one drop of blood that I've seen!
  5. Tony is home. Ate a little canned food, drank a little, tinkled outside and sacked out by the time I left. Vet packed it twice today. Gave me his contact phone numbers for tonight in case there is a problem Acupuncture vet due tomorrow so hopefully he will be ok and recoup fast!
  6. Picked him up this morning and regular vet was in! (heaven knows I was not moving that well after my hernia op) Took him home. He ate 1/2 can of food, drank water, layed down and I looked over and there is quite a bit of blood. Called vet, took him back in for it to be packed. He will stay until around 3 or 4 and I'll run him home. If he continues to bleed a lot, I have amicar at home. Poor guy was just getting comfy...
  7. I am going to leave him. Clinic manager said he is bright eyed but drunk. I checked what they gave him and it's safe for greyhounds. Someone will check on him during the night. She said he wants to sleep. I'll be there at 7:30 to pick him up. btw -- I have two more scheduled for dentals. Needless to say, unless their vet is there, no dentals.
  8. Now they want to keep him overnight because he is wobbly. Vet I thought was going to be there was not (he had surgery last Friday and they did not call me). Other vets in the practice: one very good one and one very new one. I don't know what to do.....I am furious. I have never had one I had to leave overnight even with multiple extractions.
  9. He wasn't ready to come home at 4 which makes me nervous. Hmmm... he lost a loose molar. Update later. I am suppose to take him home then come back to work.
  10. Please say a prayer, send white light, good thoughts for Tony. His bloodwork came back good: Valley Fever titres down by 50% on one and 75% on the other, so he is getting a much needed dental (he needed one last year). I am worried even more than usual because of the VF. He is such a sweet boy
  11. Burpdog


    Sending a big hug and lots of sympathy. It was a valiant effort
  12. Revolution has the highest rate of side effects except for the ProHeart (is that the name?) shot. Try Interceptor.
  13. Was blood work done before starting the Deramaxx? If not it should have been. What did her blood panel show? A NSAID is dangerous without blood work. Has she had a TBD panel done? If not, do one at Protatek. They have a special rate for greyhounds and I have the info if you need it. I've been using Joint Health & Fresh Factors (JH since it's been out & FF since the mid 90s) with very good results. Springtime
  14. Is he on prescription enzymes? If not, it's a good idea.
  15. I've used pred the last year or two of their lives on several of my guys and I've been lucky: they all tolerated it well. I start with Joint Health & Fresh Factors and when they become not enough, add the pred. I have used 5mg once a day to start with and a few of them were on that a year before going up to 10mg. Also, I've used it every other day (on the odd days) on a few and it works, and keeps the side effects down. (that was how I took it when I was on it and I lasted 6 years before side effects started)
  16. Austin would get them and I had to keep the other dogs off him and taught him to "walk it off". He was a very smart boy Chirporactic and acupuncture does help. (just make sure they are certified by AVAC, CHI or IVAS)
  17. yes to that. Carafate is a wonderful drug If he's not eating, try different things, made different ways. For Tony, some days he likes roast beef, some days fried hamburgers, some days chicken roasted, then shake & bake, and on and on. Some of his standards to eat are cookies and some days that is breakfast.
  18. Are you sure about the renal failure? Teeth? Actual reading?
  19. He was loved and will be loved Broken hearts and bodies will be healed in Rainbow Land.
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