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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Sending my sympathy It seems like yesterday when we had the gift exchange....
  2. They are on their way to Ohio State. Sending lots of prayers....
  3. Possible re the chemo. I assume you saw the post about the drug she was given? Dr. Couto has not used that drug in years. Made Winslow very ill. Let me ask Glynis if Winslow had any screaming. Since tramadol is an opiate, I think it should help. You might ask if morphine can be added if it doesn't subside in a day or so.
  4. Max had it for a few days and that is the reason I knew to mention it to Glynis. I don't think it's the tramadol but phantom pain. So phantom pain is not phantom, but real pain caused by nerves. I cannot remember what we did for Max. I think it was tramadol only. Trying to get ahold of Kathleen. It didn't last long. Can you tell if she is having any muscle spasms?
  5. You did not fail her. Sending my deepest sympathy. She'll find all the greyhounds and she is running like the wind.
  6. You really don't have a diagnosis of a slipped disc, only suspected. Here is in part what the acupuncture vet said and this is assuming you know for sure this is a slipped disc:
  7. Not sure where Glynis got the info from. Sure won't hurt The facility is not that expensive. A person could do the same thing in a private swimming pool with proper gear.
  8. Consult: greyosu@osu.edu Tell them everything you can including sending the surgery report, path report, xrays, blood work--whatever you can scan and send them.
  9. You do not have to be a member of Costco to get prescriptions (however, be prepared to pay cash or use a debit card), or Sam's Club either. 20mg twice a day is a huge dose! I only take 10
  10. I wish there was something I could do
  11. I'm pretty sure you can but I have to check with my chiropractic vet (she is in FL doing acupuncture class at the CHI Institute) Let me email acupuncture vet as they work on the severe cases together. edited to add: if one has not seen the adjustments by a AVCA certified vet: they are NOT like people adjustments or the more severe Australian method (which I would never, ever use).
  12. I would try acupuncture and a certified chiropractor (by AVCA only) before surgery. Sending prayers!
  13. Glad you were able to get him acupuncture. Have they mentioned that this might be FCE? Sending prayers!
  14. Can you get the acupuncture vet to speed it up? It's an emergency. Does she understand that? Arrghhh..... Sending lots more prayers.
  15. Flagyl can mess up his stomach. When mine are on flagyl (or any other atb) and go off their feed, I give them carafate. Is he perhaps not happy where he is? Or, are they not good about taking him out? I am thinking he is not at your house, right?
  16. Remember Fauna? Backyard accident and she was paralyzed for at least 2 weeks. You saw her walking around SP She had acupuncture and I think chiropractic and swimming to get her back up. Sending prayers and I sent you some vet's names
  17. Sending lots of prayers. I'd find an acupuncture vet asap.
  18. May 30, 2007 Winslow's swimming lesson was fabulous. The place I took him swims horses and dogs. It's outside Middleburg VA... horse country. He swam in the baby pool. It's about 10 feet wide and I would guess 60 feet long, with a ramp at each end. The water is deep enough that he couldn't touch the bottom. The owner, Roger, fitted him with a vest, hooked a leash onto it and walked him onto the ramp. The pool has a walkway so the human isn't in the water. He told me to go and stand at the other end. Winslow went right in, Roger held the leash and offered him guidance while I cheered him on as he was swimming toward me. When Winslow got to the end, he was grinning and wagging! He was so proud of himself! He swam the length of the pool 5 times today! He wasn't over tired or stressed by it at all. I gave him a warm shower afterward with shampoo and conditioner. I am so proud of him! After all he has been through, seeing him swimming toward me was very exciting! Since I didn't know what I would have to do, I didn't take photos this time. He goes back on Saturday morning, so I'll be able to take a few then. I was really impressed with Roger and his knowledge. He's been doing this for years and had no problem walking Winslow right into the water and getting him started. I think Winslow sensed it and trusted him. I saw no signs of fear at all. Each time he did it, he got better at it. I think the workout was about right for his situation. As he builds stamina, he can do more. I'll take him twice a week for the first few times and then once a week after he's used to it. I really believe that exercise is going to be a factor in keeping the cancer from returning. He loved to run and go for really long walks. Just riding in the car isn't enough for him. He needs a real workout. I could tell that he was happy about it. When he wakes up, a good massage.-- From the looks of it, that could be tomorrow. Glynis
  19. I'd check the internet, Costco and Sam's for better prices I've ordered from this site before: http://www.rxusa.com/cgi-bin2/db/db.cgi
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