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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Some dogs handle chemo very well. Did they give the option of chemo only, no surgery? I've not been a fan of amputations and chemo, however, that said, Max passed the 2 yr mark in February, was diagnosed with more cancer end of last summer and is doing well on pain meds. I saw him Sunday and was amazed at how bright eyed and bushy tailed he is considering every day is a gift!
  2. True but she is asking who to believe. That is why I said I'd go with experience, not the new vet. When all else fails, go with your gut feeling.
  3. I forgot that Ivey was also on pred (you cannot use pred with a NSAID). You can use a NSAID and tramadol.
  4. If it is a stroke, there is a chance she can recover! Trying to remember the stroke greys. Sending lots of prayers.
  5. I would lean towards a TBD, bite either spider or snake or the fungal suggestion. Any chance she got a mushroom in the yard? If you say no, are you SURE there are not any small ones out there? I'd see if a shot of doxy will hurt anything and I'd do it rather than wait. Sending prayers.
  6. Tramadol combined with metacam (I don't like previcox -- don't like any of them but if you must) will work as well as tramadol with morphine and neurontin. With Ivey I started with 50mg twice a day and kept increasing as needed. By the time she went to the bridge she was getting 100mg every 4 hours. Had I know about the combination of tramadol and morphine and neurontin, I would have tried that.
  7. She didn't lose any! They are very sore because of the amount they had to scale Antibiotics for 2 weeks. A long time. Bad mommy.
  8. She did well. Her teeth were bad. I am bad. I checked them what I think was a few months ago and thought "she is going to need a dental". Checked them two weeks ago and almost passed out. So, a reminder to check your guy's back teeth!!!!
  9. Email the Ohio State consult address You can send the xrays and results to them for an opinion. Consult: greyosu@osu.edu
  10. Good news! Ask the acupuncture vet if she has someone she recommends. There were quite a few on the list. You may or may not need one
  11. Go with experience I would prefer established treatment plans.
  12. I'm glad he is home. Give him a hug from me. and for you
  13. I will ask again, but the last time I asked I think he got money once from them. You will notice posts at the end that are current. I sent him one spread sheet and would like to send another!
  14. No. She is too sweet for that She did poop & pee in the car on the way to the vets though. I just called and they were late getting to her (hit by car pt) and she should be waking up by now. It'll be close to 6 before I can take her home.
  15. Again, I am quoting Dr. Stack and also Dr. Beckett who both have a lot of experience in tick borne diseases. Also, these figures from tick states are what works--not in text books, but in real life. If you do not do the 8-12 week dosing, you end up with problems. You know I think a lot of Dr. Couto and Ohio State. However, I will debate this to the ends of the world. I have seen too many dogs with unnecessary tests and die and almost die from TBDs, and no, not all are diagnosed. As Dr. Miller here in Houston calls at least one of the unknows the "Lone Star Tick disease" after a TBD panel was done at North Carolina State, came up negative, and yet the dog was given doxy and he responded. This may be a difference of opinion among veterinarians. I support the larger dose and longer duration based on the experience of veterinarians and my experience. Show him Dr. Stack's article. If this is a TBD, you will see results in as little as a week. 5 mg per # of body weight twice a day. Please join the tick list
  16. Were I to donate it would be to Ohio State as they are greyhound specific. This may cause a furror, but Morris has been doing research and collecting money for research for as long as I have been in dogs and there have been no results from what I see in 35 years. Ohio State also has a greyhound wellness program that many greys benefit from. There is no doubt that canine cancer is on the increase. Whether we see any results for treatment that works remains to be seen.
  17. I hope so too Survivors need to fill them out too! There doesn't "have" to be a dod!
  18. And have all you people filled out and emailed the survey form in the pinned topic? The more information we can get Dr. Couto, the better chance we have of something being done! Right now, from what I can tell, there's not a whole lot to be done when a dog gets cancer. You can buy time, but not a cure at this point. If I remember right, Dr. Couto did say that proportionately, greys do get more osteo than other breeds.
  19. Yes, hindsight is always clear, isn't it? When Shadow kept coughing and I kept thinking it was sinus (he did have allergies), my acupuncture vet finally said--get a lung xray. Lung xrays are always a good idea when there is a cough or you know there is cancer somewhere else. Hang in there. At least he is getting fluids and the atbs.
  20. People give meds to adoption groups all the time. You don't talk about it Legally I don't think the vets can do it. People wise not sure.
  21. In all breeds cancer is on the rise and actually more so in cats that dogs. I heard one vet mention the use of pestisides and that dogs and cats are lower to the ground than humans, and of course, over vaccinating. It's good to see the AVMA introduce guidelines that include vaccinating less. If I remember right, it's been said greys do get cancer more so than other breeds therefore the studies that are being done and have been done. As in humans, if you live long enough, you will get something. Few people (or dogs) die of old age. I would not concentrate on the possibility but do what you can to protect -- less use of pesticides and not over vaccinating Support the Hope for Hounds auction coming up next month is another way to help If your grey has had cancer, fill out the form. I have to get the second spread sheet done for Dr. C and I don't have many dogs on it. People are not sending them in like they should.....
  22. Remember forever is forever and though it started a short time ago, it continues for a very, long time
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