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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Definetely. I remember when poor Burp had a UTI (it would hit fast and furious), he would run around the yard trying to pee and when that didn't work, poop.
  2. I'd do 5 days of panacur and see how it goes. Also acidolphillus pills (not yogurt). Try boiled meat--no rice. Can you get frozen BilJac where you are?
  3. Is he limping yet? I'd have it hulled and use the stuff mentioned Abreva (I had to look ). Check his other feet. How old is he?
  4. TBDs can lay dormant for 5-7 years. One of the reasons many vets do not think of them. There is a thread in Greyt Information that lists many of the symptoms.
  5. If you email me at Burpdog@msn.com I'll email you Dr. Feeman's papers. Have your vet join Veterinarians for Retired Racing Greyhounds by contacting: Dr. Bill Feeman FeemanDVM@aol.com or Couto Guillermo Professor Veterinary Clinical Sciences (614) 292-3551 couto.1@osu.edu
  6. Not sure what that means From Dr. Stack's article on erlichia:
  7. How long ago was it hulled? Usually it's done every couple of months. Did she do it in the office while you held him?
  8. Here's a thread that we talked about shark cartiledge and other supplements in: http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...hark+cartiledge
  9. Email Ohio State MG is quite rare and TBDs are rampant. I will tell you that quite a few greys test negative for TBDs yet respond to doxy.
  10. I prefer Fresh Factors and Joint Health or Fresh Factors and MSM Dog Gone Pain has shark cartiledge which is not good.
  11. Chemo postscript: I asked Glynis about the drug that made Winslow sick. Winslow had 5 doses of ADRIAMYICIN (DOXYRUBICIN) and 1 dose of CISPLATIN. It was the cisplatin that made him sick. My vet prefers to do 3 adriamyicin and 3 cisplatin. Dr. Couto said he hasn't used cisplatin for years and uses only adriamyicin.. he gives 5 doses. Winslow did fine with the adriamyicin BUT had to have 2 heart ultrasounds to be sure his heart was up for the treatments (he has a minor heart murmur as many greys do). The cisplatin was a horrible treatment involving way too much IV fluids and he was sick for about 2 weeks. No way I would ever put any dog through that again. I don't know how they give carboplatin, but I understand that a lot of vets use that. I just had them go back to the adriamyicin because I knew he would do ok with it and Dr. Couto said to do it that way. Glynis
  12. Drive safe! Sending lots of prayers.
  13. I voted the majority which is no. Mizzy, however, isn't in the majority She does have numerous "teeth" worn down to the nubbins, so I wonder how much is due to that.
  14. Email Ohio State Consult: greyosu@osu.edu Sending prayers!
  15. One also has to consider the pavement temperature Poor Rob Roy burned his pads some walking maybe 2 blocks from the parking lot to an event once. Glad you are giving him a ride
  16. Sounds like it could be a TBD. Has she been tested for all the TBDs?
  17. Sending lots of prayers. 4 blocks in 90 degree weather is a long way. Hopefully it's cooler or you can use a taxi.
  18. Sending prayers. A Circle of Grey is a good group to join Circle of Grey
  19. Keep her on the pepcid. Sending prayers she bounces back today
  20. What great news! Did he say how long the results will take? Sending prayers for a treatable condition and that your happy boy is back soon!
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