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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. I would culture the urine and do a thyroid panel to start. Where in FL are you?
  2. I don't know what you are feeding, but perhaps a little higher protein and less grain may make him feel a little better. If the foot is hurting, it may be what is making him sluggish. If he is licking, it hurts. Have you tried water therapy on it? Also, wearing a sock makes some of mine not "able" to walk Did they tell you to give pepcid, tagamet or zantac with the clavamox? Some greys have tummy upsets with it after several days. I have a feeling the contact and working with Ohio State will be effective :) Sending lots of prayers. It sounds quite frustrating. Has he had a TBD panel done? Thyroid?
  3. Sending lots of prayers! Where are you located?
  4. Good idea to get him in today if you can. Get a blood panel done. Ceph is ok but not the drug of choice in many UTIs. Have them culture the urine. Both deramaxx and ceph is very hard on the stomach. Sending prayers.
  5. My heart is broken so I know how Marilyn feels Jodie will bake you a big cake sweet boy.....you can run with the big boys again.
  6. Sending my deepest sympathy. I know how you feel
  7. I met another girl last week on Proin having the same problems. I have a feeling it is the drug. Sending prayers.
  8. Email Marilyn at Greyhound Adoptions of FL and ask for her advice. She has done 150+ broken legs. Sending prayers!
  9. I'd go with the specialist as they examine the eyes differently than a regular vet. If he has not had a follow up visit with the specialist, he should
  10. Burpdog

    Reko Becktemba

    Well, I'm sitting here crying. Not so much because he is gone and waiting for you, but because of how much love he had surrounding him and how much he gave and received. What a wonderful, beautiful existance. Sending my sympathy to all who loved him. You will see him again..... I know how much it hurts.
  11. Burpdog


    She is a very sweet girl. It's great she fit in so well at your house! You gave her some very good months. I know how much it hurts
  12. Have vet do a urine culture. Also, check his sheath to see if he has a sheath infection.
  13. I'd email all to Ohio State and ask for their opinion. Consult: greyosu@osu.edu Sending prayers!
  14. I drink diet coke I guess I need to stop. Interesting write up: Splenda
  15. Sending my sympathy Please put a thread in Rememberance. He sounds like a special guy!
  16. Yes, I am finally ready to do the second round. I needed a break.
  17. I've had 4 seniors with high protein. Since they acted fine, we ignored it Have them culture the urine whether or not they find bacteria.
  18. Sending prayers! Did you ask the vet about giving her some pepcid, tagamet or zantac? It might calm her tummy down. I've had that happen with the swollen face. It was Chrissy and it only happened once.
  19. I'm glad he is fine. I remember Rob Roy's. What a horrible feeling to see it sticking out sideways. When you see how big that tooth is, you wonder why they weren't screaming! Any chance he did it outside or was there blood in the house?
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