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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Looking back, your first post was made on 7/24/2006, so you have not had him a year yet. Which, for a spook, is not a long time. Does he come out of his crate now?
  2. $250 with blood work. Unless there are suspect areas, why xray the teeth? Is this your regular vet or a dental specialist? My advice is to go buy chicken necks
  3. It happens a lot. My DD's MinPin had a recurrent ear infection and the vet told her to switch foods. Glad it's finally resolved!
  4. Not sure what a mass has to do with a TBD? Sending prayers.
  5. It's difficult to know what to change and what not to change. You cannot do too much at once since you have made progress I'll be thinking of you!
  6. I had no idea Sprout was 13!!!! Sending many prayers
  7. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy
  8. How many did you check for? Lots of times they only check for one erlichia.
  9. I am no longer a Nutro fan and since no one can answer as to what Purina is adding to their foods I'm not a Purina fan either. With a dog that has problems, and has been tested for all of the auto immune things (including TBDs) and everything was negative, I'd try raw.
  10. Depends on the dog. Mahogany goes in for her $90 pedicure next Tuesday She screams and panics when her feet are touched. So they sedate her to do nails and corns. The nails can be done without (she yodels at the top of her lungs but they are quick!) Mizzy: I've been picking her corns off at home. I used to do Rob Roys myself. Price also depends on the vet. I know Marilyn gets corns lasered for $40. That is a great price....
  11. Did you talk with Colorado State? Was it a Dr. Dow(?) I believe this is the name of the drug: liposomal clodronate Looks like Cellcept is used in transplant patients and processed by the liver. Talk to your vet about using Milk Thistle. Sending lots of prayers! This one is from the CHI Institute (you may already have): Patricia Blakeslee, VMD, CVA OXFORD, PA 19363, USA Tele: (610)932-6800 Whoever you call ask if they will come to the house.
  12. A couple of things: I'd email your post to the consult at Ohio State. Consult: greyosu@osu.edu what kind of blood work was done? Did they test for lupus and the disorders in that "family"? how many vaccines has he had? has he been test for ALL the TBDs?
  13. What are you feeding? Where are you located?
  14. No, I didn't want to take up your thread with debate -- there are more than a few threads in this forum that could be brought up again What kind of blood work ups have you done these past 4 months?
  15. Acupuncture imo would definetely help. Sending more prayers. Here is an interesting site: Holistic/Conventional Medicine I like to choose vets from either the AHVMA site or the CHI Institute site.
  16. If I was absolutely positive this was pano, I'd try something light, maybe tramadol--maybe. I'd have to research the options a little more. My Chrissy had it probably 4-8 weeks and it was gone. Of course, back then, we didn't medicate like now (sometimes, imo that is a good thing and let's not start debating that here, in this thread--resurrect an old debate). When it hurt she laid down. I honestly don't remember it being that big a deal for her. I am sure each dog is different.
  17. Ohio State takes some greys in without cost. Would not hurt to ask. Jean Dodds - Hemopet Homepage Have you tried acupuncture?
  18. I'd call Jean Dodds then. See if she has anything to offer. If not too far away, I think I'd drive her to Ohio State--but it's a tough call with her being so ill......
  19. Never heard of a dog having pano at that age. It occurs when they are growing. I personally would not put a dog with pano on pain meds. I also would get a second opinion on a three year old diagnosed with this Sending prayers! (yes, I have had a dog with pano) let me edit re what pano is and about pain management. I've read enough about this not to use an NSAID that may cause IMHA (yes, a possible side effect of rimadyl)
  20. Have you contacted Dr. Couto & his team at Ohio State? I would do so asap. Also, in the back of my mind, I think someone consulted with Jean Dodds regarding IMHA. I'll email the person I am thinking of and let you know. In the meantime, call Ohio State or email the consult line. Consult: greyosu@osu.edu Last Name First Name Title Department Work Phone eMail Address Couto Guillermo Professor Veterinary Clinical Sciences (614) 292-3551 couto.1@osu.edu
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