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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Burpdog

    Tammy Gone

    Sending my sympathy
  2. Since incontinence meds can cause seizures, I'd be seeing a specialist. I also would not be using them. Sending prayers.
  3. Tootsie & Mahogany say thanks again for the yams and all Here are a few pictures (rest are in my camera ) Tootsie's yam eating style: Mahogany grabbed a new stuffy: Huston, very interested in his box! Again, thanks to all and I'll have more pictures in a day or two
  4. Has she had an ultrasound of the kidneys? Have you tried bread inbetween meals? Carafate is very good "stuff"! Sending lots of prayers for the Munchkin
  5. Please give them my sympathy. I know what they are going through.
  6. Burpdog

    2007 Roll Call

    I was going to post last night around 7 p.m. but knew there was still 5 hours left in the year..... It's been rough for so many of my cyber friends this year. I have cried a lot with you and for you. I had one of those rare years that I didn't send someone off. All the bridge kids had a great party last night They are waiting for us and we will see them again! to all.....
  7. sending hugs and sympathy
  8. TBDs can lay dormant for 5-7 years. You need to do a TBD panel. Unfortunately, not all of them show in the panel, but it's a start. What are her platelets and HCT?
  9. Sending prayers. I use milk thistle for liver support and you can use SamE also A TBD can affect the liver.
  10. In answer to your original question: a very long 3 weeks I would not turn them out together. Depending, they can tie very quick and yes, a neutered male can still "breed". I would not walk her outside of your yard and check the yard before you let her out as many GSD's have jumped the fences of people with bitches in heat. Most vets will not spay during a heat. Some will. I personally would wait.
  11. For arthritis: chondroitin made from bovine (not shark cartiledge), glucosamine (although I've tried it without much success), fish oil, vit E and MSM. Many people I know use (as do I), Joint Health from Springtime Inc. and Fresh Factors. My current seniors get 3 Joint Health in the morning and 2 Fresh Factors in the evening along with fish oil, and vitamin E. In the advanced aged seniors, I've used 8 Fresh Factors a day along with MSM, fish oil and vitamin E. There are also chinese herbs, both for inflammation and pain (long term and short term) I am fortunate to have vets that come to the house for chiropractic and acupuncture. Chiropractic really helps. Once my chiropractic vet gets her rehab facility done, I'll have to take them there. I'm glad it's about 15-20 minutes down the road! Arthritis is one area that Eastern medicine and alternative medicine really helps.
  12. Are they doing a bone biopsy or a plug out of the lump? Sending prayers.
  13. Sending lots of prayers that Carrier has many, many good days ahead!
  14. Sending prayers for many more good days!
  15. I'd get him to the vet today for blood work. Sending lots or prayers.
  16. As soon as you cancel it, he'll start showing signs Since you have a diagnosis, I'd go. At some point, he will have problems from it.
  17. I have no idea who Mahogany & Tootsie's SS is to thank.
  18. I would get her to a specialist asap Sending prayers!
  19. It appears you should get CBC done every two weeks. Look for bruising, nausea, etc. Complete side effects listed below: Imuran
  20. I hesitated to answer this because I don't want the focus off Bandit, however.... Two things: the risk is not small with NSAIDs, definetely underplayed in education and improperly administered many times--without blood work and without handing out the product insert. As the FDA says: veterinarians are the weakest link because they will not do what they are suppose to do. It took years and a class action law suit to get Pfizer to produce a product insert. Now, to get the vets to hand it out. many dogs are given drugs with potential serious side effects when there are alternative methods to treat the condition, and many dogs are treated without a diagnosis. If your dog died from one of these drugs, you might reconsider your position. As with any drug, know the potential side effects and get the product insert! Sending prayers for Bandit. Get blood work done in a week or so to make sure everything is ok. for Eliza and all the rimadyl dogs......
  21. Thank you very much! I LOVE my stuffies
  22. As long as the vet is familar with greyhounds, I'd go ahead. My only concern would be closing the site, but it shouldn't be too big as you say it is small.
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