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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Well, the Safeway didn't have chicken hearts, so tomorrow I will go to the Mexican market, I know they will have chicken hearts, and probably some other interesting parts. He loves parts I should have enough options to do some bait and switch on him.
  2. Sounds like a perfect match! He is very handsome One of my dogs was a bounce after his owner died, and he has been just the sweetest dog ever.
  3. I have done this, but now he is very suspicious. I may change the time, he knows he gets the pills right after a meal, maybe if I pick a different time I can fool him
  4. Taking her to a new area, park or walking trail might make a difference. I take (drive) my dogs to a couple of parks to walk, just for a change of scenery, when the weather is cool. (under 70) Even if she doesn't walk much in the new area, she might enjoy a change In the end though, I think you just have a lazy dog
  5. He does like Peeps, and marshmallows, but I need something he will gulp down, not try to chew, and he likes to chew marshmallow-type stuff I think I will try the chicken hearts. I'll give him a few that are "clean", for a few days, and see how that goes.
  6. Don, I tried that, based on giving Rocket's pills, but he knows there is something hiding in there
  7. I have tried other vehicles for Pill hiding, but I like that PPs don't stick to my fingers like cheese, liverwurst, etc. I have tried to convince him that it is much easier on both of us if he would just swallow the damn pill pocket! The pills in question are actually capsules, I am not sure the Pill gun would work. I'll try all the suggestions, maybe I can find something that Princess Conner will accept
  8. Conner has always been very good about taking his pills in Pill Pockets, but over the last few months he has been reluctant to take the Pill Pocket, so I have gone to the 'open mouth shove down throat' method. Unfortunately, I can tell that if he really wants to keep his mouth shut, his jaws are stronger than my fingers. So, is there a trick to forcing their mouth open? A special place to apply pressure (I know where to push for cats )
  9. I don't recall any calming effect on Fletcher, but he was more high strung than your average laid back couch potato greyhound. One of his many "not a typical greyhound" traits But, it didn't make him more restless either
  10. Fletcher could not take Previcox at all, so it really does depend on the dog
  11. I used it long term with Fletcher for his arthritis and other mysterious limps. There were no bad side effects, but we did do regular blood tests. My vet at the time thought that metacam had milder side effects than rimadyl. My current vet gave me metacam for Val's soft tissue injury because of it's anti-inflammatory qualities. Like most NSAIDS, it works for some, less well for others, some have side effects, most don't, you just have to try it and see. Those mysterious limps will drive you nuts!
  12. She sounds like a typical retired greyhound to me I took my first greyhound to a dog park and she just stood, looking at me like "can we go now?" She would walk beside me if I walked around, but that was it. Many greys are what we call breed snobs. They aren't familiar with other types of dogs, and many just aren't interested. I'll bet if you got her around other greyhounds, you would see a different dog Like other dogs, some individuals are more high energy than others. I currently have a gimpy old man (11.5) who loves walks and would go far longer than is good for him if I let him. I have also had greys that are perfectly satisfied for one slow paced 20-30 minute walk a day, plus a few ambles around the yard. If she is healthy and a good weight, I'd say she is fine, just, as you say, lazy
  13. Sounds like his dew claw is not typical, so yeah, I would have it removed. No idea if they can do a local. Poor boy!
  14. I have always left the remains uncovered after a day or two. I think it will start to heal faster (form a scab) if it is exposed to the air. You should be able to stop the bleeding with cornstarch.
  15. Most of the nail is gone, there is just a nub. Luckily, that means most of the time it isn't touching the ground. I wanted to give it a good soak to be sure it was clean, I have been cleaning it with a sterile gauze and warm water. Maybe I'll just make up a epsom salt solution and clean it with that. Thanks everyone, I am pretty sure this is bothering me more than him
  16. I think this is my best bet, no way will he stand in one spot for 5-10 min Don, even food doesn't work!
  17. How do you convince your grey that this is a good idea? I think soaking his foot with the broken nail would be good for Conner, but he is not interested! Any magic tips?
  18. Must be going around Conner was doing zoomies in the backyard yesterday and broke a nail on his back foot. There is a bit of the nail left, but most broke off. I cleaned it and sprayed some antibiotic on it. It doesn't seem to be bothering him, so I guess I'll just keep an eye on it. I have dealt with several broken dew claws, but this is the first "real" claw.
  19. Another fantastic update! Sounds like she is determined to do this her way
  20. I am so sorry, he surely had a wonderful life with you
  21. Wonderful update! I am so glad she is home, sounds like she is doing really well
  22. Glad she made it through the surgery, a positive first step (no pun intended!)
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