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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I think I'd be looking for a new vet. However good they may be at vetting, they (I gather from your earlier emails, this is a group and you see different Drs.)are not good at communicating! My vet always explains to me what she suggests we do, and why, and will go over the results of any tests. I can't help you interpret the numbers, I'm no good with that sort of thing, but lots of others on GT are.
  2. I am so glad to hear Joey will be fine! Since he had two teeth out, I wonder if those teeth might have been bothering him as well?
  3. Robin, big for you and Loca! The fluids will make her feel better You know these older ladies are more fragile, even a wild child like Loca, but if your vet thinks she is getting better, go with that! This up and down crap will wear you out, for sure, so try to force yourself to rest and eat, even if you think you can't.
  4. Poor Joey! You tell him Harry Zona will be praying extra hard for him tomorrow
  5. Remolacha


    Beautiful cat Bev, I love the orange ones. I am so sorry
  6. I am so sorry, she was obviously a very special dog!
  7. When Sugar developed back end weakness (it looked like she was trying to limp on both back legs at the same time ), acupuncture was, literally, a life saver! I assume you are already giving a glucosamine supplement?
  8. No update yet? I hope this time you get an answer! will check back...
  9. He looks wonderful! I am so glad you finally found out what works for him, that is the key. Fletcher's IBD is not nearly as severe as Beau's but we went through some rough times until I figured out what he could eat, what to avoid. I hope he can eventually get off most or all of his meds, but the important thing is, he feels good!
  10. sounds like your vet has a handle on things! hope Starbucks is feeling better soon!
  11. Well of course you are worried about her, she's not feeling well! You are not being a baby at all! It is so hard when they get older, it seems to take longer to shake things off, and you worry about anything that seems a little different. I hope the meds take care of the nasty infections, and she can be more comfortable until they finish doing their job. I SO wish they could talk at times like this! Try not to listen to people who tell you what to do about her (except us, of course ) When Sugar went into kidney failure last year, I heard from some people that I should have put her down a lot earlier (old, poor health, yada yada) and then I got it from the other side from someone who thought I had let her go too soon If you are feeling like something has been missed, can you talk it over with your vet? Do a "what else could be going on, and how would we check?"
  12. It could be an old training injury(the bone marks), when we did the x-rays she found a healed broken toe that was before my time. He never raced, and I don't think I could get any information about his training days. I think I will have a panel done, just because. Thanks, everyone!
  13. Ok, here's some background. A few months ago, Fletcher started occasionally coming in from playing holding his right front paw up and limping. The first few times, I checked him over for cuts, scrapes, sore spots, nothing. After a few minutes, he would put weight on it, and 20-30 minutes after it started, he wasn't even limping. A couple of months ago, he started doing this more often, like a couple of times a week, so off to the vet we went. She checked him over, including shoulder, spine and neck. Looked for corns. Nothing. Did x-rays, the only thing that showed was some odd striations on the long bone (what would be the ulna in a person). I had her do a Valley Fever test anyway since I live in the VF capitol of the universe, negative. She suggested I put him on glucosamine, even though there was no sign of arthritis, and gave me some metacam to use as needed. He has gotten much better, so obviously the glucosamine helped, he's back to just doing the paw thing occasionally, like this morning after he tear-assed around the yard with a stuffie. I guess I'm just wanting to make sure I've covered everything. The odd marks on his bone worry me a little, but he is a bit pigeon toed and bow legged, and has become more so as he's gotten older (he's 7). He hasn't had a tick in the five years I've had him, but he could have been (probably was) exposed.
  14. OK, trying to control my tendency for TMI, I'll just ask the questions without giving the whole back story Can a dog have a TBD if the ONLY symptom is an intermittent limp (x-rays have been done) Can a dog have a TBD become active (?) years after the last exposure to ticks? Thanks!
  15. "poop report" glad to hear things are, um, progressing!
  16. glad to hear everything went well! for an uneventful recovery
  17. this is a long shot, but it sounds kind of like when my mother had an infected salivary gland. whatever it turns out to be, I hope it turns out to be minor and treatable!
  18. Sugar developed a dislike for her bowl too So, I started feeding her in a people bowl I had to change people bowls a few more times, but, whatever works! I hope the Flashman eats a little more
  19. sometimes the fluids make them feel better, you might want to offer him some food 20-30 minutes after he gets his fluids.
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