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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Just catching up with all this, what a saga! Everything crossed that the surgery goes well and healing is fast and non-eventful
  2. Oh no! I was so hoping for just "old man" stuff
  3. poor Ruby! I hope it resolves on it's own, it can't be comfortable
  4. Fletcher is another one who can't handle processed dog food. His IBD may be from worm damage also, at least in part. We do raw, but if you don't want to go that route, there are people here who have home cooked for their dogs, Stripeyfan and Batmom come to mind, I am sure there are others Have you tried beet pulp for fiber? Since he does so well on horse maure ! I believe you can get it at feed stores. Just be careful, only feed a small amount in the beginning, it really expands!
  5. I buy mine at Puritan's Pride http://www.puritan.com/
  6. I am so sorry, he was a special dog
  7. Well, yes, outdoors is the same as indoors, depends on the dog AND the cat. I've seen pictures and read stories here on GT of hounds and cats happily and safely sharing a yard, but there have also been plenty of situations where the reaction of the dogs outside is totally different from inside. Just don't want anyone to make assuptions and end up with a dead cat
  8. Good to hear, hope she is home soon!
  9. No Osteo! Sugar had Adequan shots for a degenerative spinal condition, and they helped for awhile, but became less effective over time. What helped her the most was acupuncture. It took about a month to see the full effect, but after that, it kept her mobile until I lost her to kidney failure at 12 1/2.
  10. I forgot to add, I give milk thistle too. I give it to Fletcher because he takes pain meds for his arthritis, and I figure it won't hurt the girls to get it also edited to add, I am over 60, and definitely don't do zoomies
  11. All mine (7, 9, & 9) get Fresh Factors and Joint Health from Springtime. Only Fletcher has arthritis. http://www.springtimeinc.com/
  12. Hope everything goes well today! (cat w/ tooth abscess here)
  13. What a terrible situation for that poor family. You are wonderful to help her out, especially with what you are going through with Twister.
  14. A very good point! When I got my first grey, I had five cats. After the initial introduction, three fell into the third catagory, and we never had any problems, even with a later dog who took some training. I've lost those three cats, and the two I have left fall into the "rabbit" category. The dogs don't chase them, but they are much more aware of Fred and Ethel, and the cats mostly stay in their "cat rooms". It very much depends on the cat, as well as the dog!
  15. Poor girl! But, she will feel so much better with those nasty teeth gone!
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