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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Remolacha


    I am so sorry
  2. Could be allergies or dry skin that are getting her started (maybe that's what the previous poster said ) and then she just keeps going I had one who would lick her self into hot spots, she was very timid & shy and I think stress was a big part of it. I found putting EMT gel on the sores stopped her from licking those spots, but the only thing that really stopped her was time. As she got more used to me and being in my home, she eventually stopped.
  3. I am so sorry you and Jimmy fought hard
  4. It was very windy here yesterday and last night was worse. Fletcher is afraid of fireworks, but thunderstorms and wind like last night's just get him riled up :rolleyes:I think the wind makes a lot of new noises that he has to investigate, and of course, lots of new smells, and things blowing around that he has to chase... for him at least, windy days are more stimulating than frightening. Sounds like that might be the case with your girl too.
  5. Remolacha


    Oh no! I am so sorry
  6. I am so sorry what a beautiful diva (I do know what you mean)
  7. She looks like a real sweetie I have a velcro dog, most of the pictures I have of her (unless she is sleeping) also have my hand in the picture as I am trying to push her back enough to take the picture After two years, my two girls just started sharing a bed and snuggling a couple of months ago, so there is hope!
  8. Sugar never fasted before hers (wasn't sedated either)
  9. I am so sorry ROW funny how you can miss that annoying whine
  10. I bought the Ruffwear to use on Fletcher. He doesn't need it yet, but based on the way his arthritis is progressing, he will. I tried it on him and it fit well, seemed comfortable. I also liked the fact that it is adjustable in a lot of places, so I can use it for one of the other dogs if I need to.
  11. I have tried Slippery Elm for upsets after the fact and it worked well (but pepcid is easier ) Thanks everyone, I have the 10mg generic on hand, not sure if I will start out with it or wait and see, but it's good to have the option.
  12. We are switching Fletcher to rimadyl, metacam just isn't working for him anymore I am aware of the risks, but a lot of dogs have been on rimadyl with no problems, and his blood work was fine, so we are going to give it a try. I will be watching him for any side effects, of course. One of the (less serious) side effects seems to be upset stomach, so I was wondering if giving pepcid would be helpful. Has anyone tried this?
  13. I am so sorry, you tried so hard for him
  14. Could be sleep apnea-type thing, but this only happens in the evening and being a greyhound, you know he sleeps all day I was suspicious of the tramadol too, but if it gets bad, doesn't stop or keeps happening, I give him another tramadol, and that takes care of the panting for the evening. So, if the tramadol was the problem, wouldn't it get worse after another one? I have a call into my vet, we'll see what she says. I think she will change the meds.
  15. I would do x-rays as well, just to be sure. A glucosamine supplement is a good idea at his age, even without the arthritis! I also use Springtime's Joint Health & Fresh Factors. I have recently switched Fletcher to Arthrisoothe Gold to get some extras supplements (his arthritis is pretty bad), but he still gets Fresh Factors.
  16. I am so sorry, what a terrible shock for you
  17. His thyroid was originally diagnosed with a full panel 3-4 yrs ago. The dose was recently adjusted, but the strange panting started before the adjustment, and hasn't changed since he's been on the new dose, so I doubt it's that, but i will bring it up with my vet (she is grey-savy). I guess it could be the tramadol, but wouldn't the effect start sooner? This is a good three hours after he gets his tramadol. I will bring this up as well.
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