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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I intend to call them tomorrow morning and see what they suggest. I will ask about the cerenia if they don't bring it up. Right now I am giving her metoclopramide, which has helped a bit, but so far I have not been able to get her to eat any dinner
  2. Well, I wish they had sent us home with some meds, all they said was call us if she gets nauseous and we will prescribe something. Yeah, that's helpful on a Saturday afternoon! She was given doxorubicin on Thursday. If I can get her eating more or less normally, I will go ahead with the second treatment, and I know now to start the stomach meds a soon as she has the treatment.
  3. I thought I would start a new thread, since the surgery is over & done. As I said, I decided to give the chemo a try, even though her cancer is pretty aggressive, but I would stop if the side effects were too bad, since this is all about quality of life. Her initial reaction, or lack of reaction, was good, but it didn't last. She started feeling nausea on Saturday, and wouldn't eat at all on Sunday. I started her on some meds and did get her to eat a little chicken baby food Sunday night. She seemed very weak and disinterested on Sunday. Today she is brighter and has eaten a little, the meds are finally starting to work. She has some diarrhea, no vomiting. So now my dilemma. On the one hand, I feel like I should at least go on with the second chemo treatment and ultra sound to see if it is having any effect. On the other hand, I don't want her to go through anymore days like Sunday. Based on how things have gone so far, I probably won't get a clear yes/no answer after the ultrasound anyway! I had decided yesterday to stop the chemo, but seeing her improvement today, I am back on the fence. I've had some doubts about putting her through a lot more treatments and stuff just to get a few more months (at best). I was wiling to do it if the side effects were minor, but where does "minor" cross the line into "too much"? I know these are questions only I can answer, but it is driving me nuts.
  4. I don't think it can spread that way, but I am certainly not an expert!
  5. Remolacha


    I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet old boy.
  6. Wow! What a saga! Yay for Aston for being such a trooper through all this.
  7. I just saw her first post surgery roach It didn't last long, but at least today she is feeling good!
  8. I know it's not good, but hoping she can get a few good months at least. Thanks
  9. thanks, I will take you up on that if she starts getting picky. She can be a quirky eater, so that part had me pretty nervous. So far, a light scattering of crumbled bacon makes anything enticing
  10. The diagnosis the oncologist gave me was "disseminated histiocytic sarcoma, spleen, liver, and lymph nodes" She did talk to the pathologist, so I assume whatever else he found confirmed this. So far she has done fine. She was pretty restless last night, but has been eating well, no diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting, so I am hoping she will finally catch a break with the side effects!
  11. Molly started chemotherapy today. The oncologist thought it was worth a shot, she has seen dogs with worse cases of this particular type of cancer get months of good quality life, a least one into complete remission. I realize there are no guarantees, and the odds aren't great, but she is such a fighter, I feel like I have to give her a chance. For those of you interested in the gory details , she is getting doxorubicin (adriamycin), a dose today, another in two weeks, then another ultrasound to see what response there has been. Depending on how things go, they might consider adding or alternating with CCNU (lomustine). I just hope the side effects aren't bad and it helps.
  12. We did about two weeks ago, I wouldn't have done the surgery without checking her lungs.
  13. Silly girl doesn't like Peeps I will be picking up some french fries for her today, and cooking up some bacon. Bacon is her favorite food in the world!
  14. Biopsy results are in. Not what I was hoping for I expected them to find cancer in the spleen, but was hoping it had not spread, and was a slow growing type. It has spread, to both the liver and the lymph node, so probably is through out her system. The pathologist says it is a round cell tumor, probably histiocyticsarcoma, which is fairly aggressive. It could be some form of lymphoma, he is running some more tests, but thinks the histiocyticsarcoma is most likely. I will schedule a consult with the oncologist to see what choices I have. She is, as one of my friends put it, "a tough old bird". Her surgeon said the same, she never stopped fighting, when a lot of dogs just give up, so I will do what I can for her. I knew I was just buying time, but I had hoped for a lot more good quality time
  15. I am glad to hear Rudy is feeling better this morning! Hope he continues to improve These guys really do know how to scare us!
  16. What a jerk! It doesn't sound like he was trying to hurt the dogs, but he is still an a**hole! I am glad Fintan (and Nola) are alright. Until you can get the fence extended, I guess you'll just have to check the yard carefully and dump anything you find back over the fence.
  17. I haven't read all the suggestions, but for the Picky Princess I alternate between sardines, canned salmon, canned green tripe, canned dog food, shaky cheese, and (I am embarrassed to admit this) crumbled bacon (from Costco)
  18. glad he seemed fine when the petsitter got there this morning! I hope it was just a lot of gas. This sort of thing is bad enough to have to deal with, so much worse when you are not there.
  19. She scared me (again) yesterday. She had been laying outside on the patio (she loves to lay in the sun) and came in with a huge lump on her elbow, it looked like someone had shoved a golf ball under the skin, and it was hard I freaked out and called my wonderful vet, who said it is probably just a hygroma, she probably bumped it outside. I sent her some pictures (love my iPhone ) and she said to call if it changed, grew, or something popped up elsewhere, and she would come over and look at it. Really love my vet, she has talked me down more than once This morning it is a little smaller, and softer, I am sure now it it is just another fluid pocket like she still has around her "ankles". The edema is not going away fast enough to suit me, but I am not very patient . The Princess is not making this easy, but then she is a princess
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