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Everything posted by GreyhndHomecare

  1. I still get the nagging thoughts, "did I let go too soon? Was there anything else I could've done?", even with the one that I might have put down even sooner. I think it's natural. Rationally, I knew it was right, but it's such a gut-wrenching thing to have to do. {{{{Hugs, Ellie}}}}
  2. Hi! This past Winter, I launched the Greyhound Homecare Store. If you're looking for a greyhound-themed mug, hoodie, t-shirt, or sticker that is truly unique, please stop by! What you will find is so much better than the generic products found in dog boutiques, where they take same product and slap 100 different breeds on it. My goal is to create simple designs which celebrate the fun and quirkiness of our greyt dogs. https://greyhound-homecare-store.creator-spring.com Thanks for reading, and please stop by - You'll be glad you did. Gail
  3. I was really surprised at how much I learned from creating this video, especially the part about melatonin. Check it out; I hope you find it helpful Gail
  4. I wrote this helpful guide on raising children with greyhounds, that goes through every stage of childhood (the kids' childhood, that is!). It will give you a good overview. https://greyhoundhomecare.com/are-greyhounds-good-with-kids-complete-guide-by-age/ Gail
  5. Have you ever been able to resist smiling at the sight of a greyhound roaching? I know it gets me every time! ~~Gail~~
  6. Can you believe there are NO other videos on this topic?? Oh...OK...well, I made one, anyway; for anyone who can use it! According to the poll I found here on Greytalk, that would be most of us (our dogs, that is).
  7. Maybe a reaction to something she ingested? I compiled a huge list of foods and ingredients that are toxic to greyhounds, but I included info about why each one is bad for a dog (it's all-breed friendly). https://greyhoundhomecare.com/what-foods-are-bad-for-my-greyhound/. Hope she's feeling better. Gail
  8. My Lily, almost 8, has been doing this occasionally for years. We thought it was from having a bad dream or a leg cramp. We usually pet her, talk to her, massage any tightness out of her legs, and she goes back to bed. Also, a few months ago, she had - I think - some kind of vestibular episode. It started out like I described above, but she was much more upset, lost her balance momentarily, and her eyes were darting back and forth. It passed in about 10 minutes, like nothing happened She’s been ok for months, but she just had another incident, her more usual kind (no crazy eyes or loss of balance). I was just wondering if anyone knows what these odd spells are, and if there’s anything that prevents them? I don’t know if they are mild versions of what happened in that one weird incident, or if that was unrelated. thanks, Gail
  9. Hi! I feel so bad, when I see bald greyhound "cheeks" out in the cold winter air! Hit me with your best tip! The video has a good breakdown of why it happens. Gail
  10. Hi, Matt, A lot of people swear by Olewo Carrots. I haven't used it, but I see the name come up all the time when I'm researching for my greyhound website. Here's a the link, plus a greyhound's owner review of it (I have found many health solutions for my dogs from fellow owners' comments at Amazon): https://www.amazon.com/Olewo-Dehydrated-Carrots-Supplement-11-Pound/product-reviews/B0083QBVHY 5.0 out of 5 stars My IBS EPI dog is now 'regular' and healthy with Olewo carrots, Honest Kitchen Perfect Form, and Animal Essentials Plant Enzymes "Olewo Carrots, Honest Kitchens Perfect Form, and Animal Essentials Plant Enzymes & Probiotics have completely changed my pup. She has had horrible allergy and digestive issues for years, and once I thought we had her on the perfect combination of food- only to have her allergies grow worse and the digestion get worse than I ever could have imagined. My pup couldn't make it through the night without 'accidents', and she's only 7. She was miserable, and so was I trying everything to get her better.The vets were worthless, and I found my girl couldn't eat any dry kibble on the market (we did the proper into-trial phases and trying for weeks before deeming the food a no go). Darwin's mail order turkey dog food seemed to be acceptable to her system, but the final 'product' my pup produced was far from perfect. My husband found Animal Essentials Plant Enzymes & Probiotics, and that made my pup more 'regular' in her routine, although still not a perfect poop. Honest Kitchens Perfect Form was another step in the right direction, but still I was missing something. Olewo carrots were it! I mix everything together for my pup 2X a day, and she's been PERFECT for 2 months now. It's a lot of trial and error, but pet parents, please don't give up! I hope my 'formula' may help some others!" Gail
  11. Those UTI's can be tough on the doggie and on the wallet, so I put in lots of tips on prevention, clean-up, and how to nip them in the bud at the first symptom. I released this previously as 7 smaller videos. Just when I thought I knew it all, my Lily got a UTI! Turned out she STILL wasn't drinking enough water - She's the worst drinker I've ever had! Gail
  12. No, but I super-diluted it - I put a tablespoon into 6 oz water sometimes, to get Lily to drink more water. Questions like this are always a dilemma - How much is too much? Or none? And then some greys are more sensitive, and to different things, than others. I wrote a helpful article on foods that aren't good for greys, where I get specific about exactly what is the offending substance or problem with each food: https://greyhoundhomecare.com/what-foods-are-bad-for-my-greyhound/
  13. Any thoughts? I'm doing my next video on greys who eat too fast, and I'd love to hear some stories...
  14. Those are public domain clips. The one with the black dog is from the UK, and I think she's on her property. The one with the brindle, I'm not sure. Mine's the pokey white/red! As far as how many greyhound friends, the answer is "not enough!" I have to use public domain clips, because I can never seem to get enough footage for my videos. Good for you! I can never manage to get out a good zinger like that when somebody's rude to me. Gail (and Lily)
  15. ...and in my spare time, I herd cats. Occasionally, I try to put toothpaste back in the tube...
  16. I agree, stick with it. I had one grey who had become really crate-phobic. As he got older, though, he was slipping on the floor and hurting himself sometimes when we were out, so we needed to contain him (sometimes he was getting into things and chewing things up, too). We replaced his plastic crate with a larger, wire one. When we needed it, we would put his bed into it and set it up exactly where the bed had been. He went right in, and loved it. Gail
  17. Good answers here - It's better if you can get her to move through training/bribery. Does she have a duvet of her own? Gail
  18. It might be both - That happened last year to my Lily. I know she stepped on something, because I saw it happen while we were out on a walk. I just couldn't get it out, though. The vet was stymied by it, too. She got better, but developed a corn in that spot about a month later. I ended up putting a TheraPaw boot on her (just for outdoors), and trying everything from Epsom soaks to corn medicine to draw it out. I pulled out 3 corns over the next 7 months, each progressively smaller, and now she's been OK for about 3 months. She still has a spot there, which I keep an eye on, in case I need to treat it again. Facebook has a really good Greyhounds with Corns group with lots of tips. Gail
  19. I wrote an article on this recently, which brings together the main causes and an organized list of strategies for beating The Dreaded Toxic Cloud. Hope this helps! https://greyhoundhomecare.com/my-greyhound-has-bad-gas/
  20. I'm thinking of adding more tips to this video. What do you think?
  21. I was going to recommend a Duckworth toy; but after looking at your pictures, it seems so inadequate...
  22. I rated the greyhound by 26 traits that are a concern of new dog owners - Lots of greyhound eye-candy, plus tips, graphs, facts, and more. Gail
  23. I always like answering questions. It's they way I've met most of my neighbors! I often am asked if she ever barks, but my fave is telling people how lazy she is, and seeing their eyes widen. What question do you hear the most? Gail
  24. Lily sits the regular way (kind of a perch/hover), and "side-saddle," as well.
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