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Everything posted by CharlieRhea

  1. Poor baby... I would ask a pharmacist if they know it is safe for a dog or research online. Any idea what it was that you used in the past? Your vet isn't there on Saturdays?
  2. It sounds as if you are aware of the problem and what to do. I wish you luck and that Sean becomes more trusting soon. Good he is getting along with your other animals. That seems it might have been harder to rectify. Pack your patience and hope someone else responds with advice.
  3. Hi FordRacingRon My 12 yr old German Shepherd female has "Sundowners" It typically began as the sun was setting and she would pace, not come to us, which was highly unusual, generally a nervous wreck. I took her to my vet because I wanted Rhea, my GSD, to be comfortable. I had asked about a sedative but my Vet suggested a supplement. It has worked wonders! It is called Zylkene and is casein and magnesium. It took about 3 days to get into her system. She gets 1 capsule daily. She has always been a little noise reactive even when young but she is much better. She now sleeps comfortably and is not drugged. I suggested this to a friend whose young rescue is always nervous. Her dog will now go up to people, she NEVER did before. She is still skittish but the Zylkene helped immensely. I get it through my Vet, $50.00 a month for the highest dose 450 mg. You can buy it online also, it is not a prescription but so far my Vet is less expensive. Please try, it can't hurt. It has been available in UK and I believe Canada for awhile but new in the US. Best of Luck!
  4. My dogs have been like cows lately. On their walks they grab bunches of grass. Most dogs love it but I try to dissuade them from eating that much! They haven't had diarrhea from it though. I hope this passes for him soon.
  5. I'm not a vet so I can't diagnose. Just don't jump to conclusions as far as Cancer. Maybe he is having a little irritable bowel. Anything at all change? Grass eating or treats? I use pumpkin and green tripe for stomach issues, works wonders. Try some boiled burger or chicken and rice for a couple of days. Keep us informed!
  6. I agree that the gas is usually associated with diet. I feed raw and gas is rarely a problem. How about a limited ingredient dry food? There are quite a few on the market. Acana, a few are limited ingredient, Zignature also has limited ingredient. Both excellent foods.
  7. Please add because I know I will leave a lot out, it's early here for me. :-) This is a repeat response to a dog who had a seizure. Poppy seeds Raisins & Grapes Hazel nuts onions medicinally, no ibuprofen
  8. It doesn't sound like separation anxiety to me as she doesn't seem to act up when you are gone. Over exuberance when you come home is a different thing. Charlie jumps and gets excited when I come home but not enough to hurt himself. Sorry, wish I had an answer for you other than some training to settle down on queue.
  9. It does sound like a seizure, I've been through it with one of my dogs. Please be aware that POPPY SEEDS can be toxic to dogs. Hopefully that was the reason and she won't have anymore. sorry, my response was put in the middle of your statement. The above is what I wanted you to read.
  10. My heart goes out to you and Miss Echo. I would speak to someone on the link Rickiesmom provided. They may know a vet familiar with this or help a vet out with info. I lived in Tucson in the 80s and my husband contracted Valley Fever. He was out of work for a month, lost a lot of weight but pulled through fine with antibiotics. I did not know how insidious this could be. Hope you and Miss Echo get good news soon.
  11. I was going to ask which health insurance plan most people here like. I had researched and liked Healthy Paws, seems to be the consensus here also. Thank you Greytalk people!
  12. I agree that they should meet on neutral ground first. If it doesn't work out does your friend have a crate for the Chihuahua? You want to be able to enjoy your time with your best friend and not worry.
  13. http://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/goat-milk-for-dogs/?inf_contact_key=88692ef9334815540b5712250ff510ca0324e745f0284a98c182d1ebffd6140e good article on benefits of goats milk
  14. It may be that he is still a little spooked from the storms you had and finds comfort in the closet. I think you did the right thing by putting Georges bed in there. Can you have another bed next to your bed to give him an option? Charlie has been with me for a little more than two yrs . On rare occasions he will still run downstairs and lay at the bottom for no apparent reason. He seems to have been startled by something, maybe a dream. He comes upstairs after I call him, sometimes I have to get him, and cuddles and is fine. Give it some time, 2 months isn't a long time and he may just be extra sensitive like my boy. Congrats btw, Greys are wonderful dogs!
  15. I tried copy and pasting a product but couldn't. Do a search for lift harnesses for dogs. Hope Magic is ok!
  16. It sounds to me that CJ has a wonderful life. With you home and CJ being able to run outside anytime AND with a turkey neck!. A lot of dogs aren't that fortunate. I hope you will stop feeling guilty but I know how that goes. I sometimes think I don't do enough but then logic takes over. Depending on if you can afford it, could you have someone you trust walk CJ on occasion when you can't?
  17. Thanks for the info but no one should ever buy products from China
  18. ok, you are kidding aren't you? Coats look too good and weight stabilized...I know you are joking.
  19. I agree, it has to come off. Hope this link works,nope it didn't, Wondercide, natural flea and tick repellent if you don't use Frontline or something like it. I just bought some but haven't used it yet. Someone I work with said it killed a tick on contact so maybe a dab of this on the tick for the future?
  20. My Charlie never comes into the bathroom which I always attributed it to being a narrow entryway. I wish I had an answer. I will be following your post and hope someone has some ideas for you. I will say that when I 1st adopted Charlie 2 yrs ago it took quite awhile to get him into my house the 1st day, he also does not like getting into the car. Other than that he is calm but new things can cause a little anxiety.
  21. Welcome and congratulations! You have plenty of good advice so I have nothing to add except not to worry too much. He may love being the only one showered with attention and love.
  22. Welcome from Massachusetts! Vinnie is beautiful, i'm so glad he adopted you.
  23. I just looked at Long Dog Leather site, beautiful! I like the idea of the leather break away tag collar, I don't leave collars on my dogs so that is perfect. Will be ordering soon, right after measure Charlies and Rheas neck size.
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