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Everything posted by 2greyhoundMINI

  1. Holy cow! I'd have a hard time with those!!!!!! And forget after a few glasses of wine!!!!!!!
  2. The cat was in your yard, so though it's a shame it died, it's not your fault or responsibility. Another reason I've never allowed my cats to go outside. Our one grey was super quiet and basically depressed when we got him... he sat at the rescue an extra year???? No idea why. Now he's energetic, plays, barks and roos with the best of them... completely different dog. Personally I'm happy he came around. I'm not sure what to say about the nipping... our one nipped at people who came in "his room" for a spell, but he doesn't do it anymore. He was trying to herd people out of the room.
  3. LOL if I left food on the counter my cats would get it before the greys even got a chance!!!!! I never leave food unattended.
  4. Thx! I'll give that a shot. Unfortunately we have forced air, so it's the driest of dry air!
  5. As we all know, with the heat being on comes dry air and ultimately, dry skin. Just wondering if you all recommend any supplements for the hounds that's safe or a home remedy. Our one brindle in-particular has had bad dandruff. Thx in advance!
  6. I try so hard not to cry when I read these Remembrances.... What a total sweetheart. Thank you for giving her a loving home. I wish you had more time with her. Run free Potato.
  7. Happy New Year and welcome! My 2 greyhounds are my first. They are and have been exceptional dogs in my opinion. Sure they have their little quirks, but I feel any breed does. I will probably adopt more grey in the future... they are just wonderful dogs. As for info- find a local rescue around you and maybe stop by and talk to them, visit some dogs (offer to walk them and help out). I initially had a friend who fostered greys so I had met several of hers and her fosters. They were always sweet and quiet so I fell in love with the breed. PLUS I'm a huge fan of adopting animals that need homes. All of our fur kids have been adopted and all of them in the future will be adopted. Good luck!
  8. We usually only drive over for the day. Because of this we come Friday or Saturday. I don't think having vendors there all day Sunday is necessary.
  9. Not to hijack this thread but I had no idea dogs don't like direct eye contact. And I am especially surprised because when my husband and I do this with ours and talk to them they get super excited. The tails start going in circles and their ears are up, etc. All the "I'm so happy and excited right now!" signs. I'm not saying the direct eye contact is wrong, I'm just saying I am surprised to learn this.
  10. Mine were NOT happy the first time my husband and I went away, and it was 6 months after we got them. They were very upset and out of sorts for weeks after our return. I think part of it was the one was returned to the rescue before we adopted her and the other was at the rescue for well over a year before being adopted so I think there was some abandonment issues. Now they are fine when we go away, and we've had the same pet sitter for the past 4 years so they are used to her. Whatever you decide good luck! And glad to hear you are getting another houndie!
  11. I let them out immediately when I get home... usually they have to go go go! So they get fed afterwards.
  12. We feed at 7:30am and 5:30pm (when I get home from work). They go out right before breakfast, at lunchtime (between 12-1 depending when I get home for them), after 5 when I get home from work and last call around 9:30-10pm. Occasionally if they are rowdy we let them out around 7:30-8pm. We ditched their harnesses a long time ago... they didn't need them and I think they were happy to be rid of them. Mine mostly are let outback and they run around and chase anything that moves. Personally I'd feed her earlier and like GeorgeofNE said, ditch the harness for last call.
  13. Little update: Went to the vet last night to get June's stitches out (finally). 2 weeks and meds were behind us. Unfortunately, they said it looked a little infected, so they left the stitches in for another 3 days and she's on antibiotics for 2 weeks. Ugh, just when we thought we were in the clear! I guess it could be worse. But just want to get the cone off the poor girl.
  14. GREAT NEWS! Final test results came back from the biopsy- NO CANCER! Woohoo! It looks as if it was a muscle injury. Just one more week of the anti-inflammatories/pain killers and the cone of shame and we can put this scare behind us. What a relief! Thank you all for the positive thoughts and prayers
  15. Luckily my husband has been off and home with her all day so she gets a break from the cone while we are awake. I swear she'd figure out a way to pull that towel off. Unfortunately I didn't take any before photos. Now wouldn't matter since her leg is swollen from the surgery itself. Hopefully after the anti-inflammatories it's not swollen anymore.
  16. Thanks! 1st night with the cone of shame went well... I devised a system- I attach it to the harness. No way that thing is coming off! She seemed her usual self this morning... all smiles and wanting to sprint out the door.
  17. June is home... the incision is fairly long, but not terrible. She will be on painkillers/anti-inflammatories for 2 weeks and that's when her sutures will come out. My husband took off the next few days so he could be home with her, and then we go into the weekend, so that's good. They were very thorough taking several samples for biopsy. I just hope we don't have to wait too long to get the results. I will post when we get them.
  18. Well I got an update: 1. She made it through the surgery. 2. ODD: there was NO sign of a tumor or growth what-so-ever.... The huge mass is her thigh muscle. But it's 2x the size of the other one. They still took a biopsy and are sending it out to completely rule out the C word. The strange thing is she hasn't been limping, or showing ANY signs of pain or discomfort. Her energy level and activity (running, on walks, etc) has been the same. And the initial physical by the doctors showed she was in no pain and had full movement. So good news so far (even though very odd). I will update again once the final tests come back. Thank you all again for the well wishes. It's been a very long day waiting to hear.
  19. Thx everyone.... no word yet from the vet- they said she may not go into surgery until this afternoon. I will post an update when I hear something.
  20. Our June went into the vet this morning to have a large mass on her hind leg removed and biopsied. Preliminary blood work shows no issues, but that never shows the whole story. Thx for any good vibes, thoughts, prayers you send our way and to June.
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