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Posts posted by 2greyhoundMINI

  1. I know I’m early here, but really hoping we do these this year.

    I know I would appreciate some cheer this holiday and I always love getting the beautiful cards with everyone’s hounds on them.

    And last year was the first time I participated in SS and it was really fun. I’d love to do it again!

  2. We have switched to Pro Plan Savor and that seems to be working. We also add a scoop of the wet version on top and that seems to have sweetened the deal even more :D

    LOL when they weren’t eating well I’d lecture them saying there were starving pups in the world! 

  3. Hey gang,

    Haven't been on here in a while!

    Our girls are doing well... only issue is they have been super picky with eating... we are trying a different food (Ians green bag) at the moment. 

    They are eating it but don't seem super excited about it. 

    I know this is somewhat related to the hot weather. 

    Any suggestions on food to try next if this one doesn't work out?

    Thx for the help!

  4. Just a quick update...

    We were VERY strict with cones and lease walks ONLY for 12 days, which sucked having 2 young greyhounds who love to play and run.

    But it paid off... Amelia's wound healed perfectly as did Carmens.

    Last bit of precaution they both received rabies booster shots yesterday.

    Both girls are back running round, playing and being their cheerful selves. 

    So far we have not seen any more groundhogs in the yard... hope it stays that way. 

  5. 1 hour ago, MP_the4pack said:

    My first girl Brindle went up to a groundhog just out of curiosity, not attacking it. And it latched onto her nose. But thankfully Topaz was a hunter and she took it out. But it almost took Brindle's nose completely off. 

    They are nasty little suckers!

  6. 2 minutes ago, jenners said:

    I have cared for groundhogs/woodchucks in my work in wildlife rehab and they are serious biters if confronted :yikes ! Sorry about the Cones of Goodness

    Miss Jennie


    Yes, they go down swinging for sure! My last 2 got into it with one and it kicked their butts too! Just not as bad. 

    First time though I've been glad my husband and I are working from home now LOL

    Carmen seems to have just given her will to the cone, while Amelia is determined to break it off her head. Last night she wouldn't settle down with it so she ended up sleeping on the bed with us... cone and all. Somehow it worked!


  7. Sigh...

    Well, we had to take BOTH hounds to the ER last night... they both apparently attacked a groundhog in our yard, and the groundhog did a number on them.

    Both needed stitches. 

    Poor Amelia got a big gash across her muzzle, and poor Carmen managed to bite the inside of her mouth and ended up with an arterial puncture! 

    Now I have 2 young ones in cones (god help me) for the next 10-14 days.



  8. 5 minutes ago, MP_the4pack said:

    For anyone at the Quality Inn they will rebook you for next year already. 

    Thx for the heads up... I need to cancel my hotel! 

  9. 1 minute ago, MP_the4pack said:

    Yeah. Me too.  I'm not surprised.  I'm going to give them a little more $$ since this is their biggest fundraiser. I'm just sad that CC (my Canidrome girl) isn't going to make it to GIG.  She turned 6 yesterday.  She will not see 7. Her kidneys just will not make it that long. 

    I’m so sorry to hear that :grouphug

  10. Sadly I just got the email GiG 2020 is canceled. 
    I was really looking forward to going this year with the girls. 

    I am leaving them with my registration as a donation to help offset the loss in revenue. 

  11. Good news! 

    Since Carmen started the anti-inflammatories her ankle has made good progress... 

    She's not limping as near as much and since it's not bothering her too much she's stopped licking it which has allowed the raw skin around it to heal! 

    She will only be on the anti-inflammatories a few more days. Hopefully this time has given it time to do some healing and we won't need them for a while. 

  12. 51 minutes ago, lifeingrey said:

    So relieved it's not more serious! Poor Carmen for having the discomfort. Wishing her all the best for the management long-term and recovery of the raw skin.  :goodluck

    Carmen and Amelia sound just like our two girls. We recently had an emergency vet visit on a Sunday night- during a play date, a friend's dog bit and tore skin on our girl, Nox. We were there until 2am with both dogs, obviously. A long time to wait due to other emergencies, but the techs had the most fun coming into our room (to update us on wait time) and both dogs went crazy tail-wagging, giving kisses, wanting to play. Other than poor Nox getting 6 stitches, it was a positive experience!

    LOL that was my girls! They'd both get up and run to the door to greet whomever came in. Tails wagging and lots of kisses too!

    I'm very relieved we don't have a surgery for repairs and a possible long recovery. Yes it sucks she has arthritis, but her only job now is getting on the couch so hopefully she will be fine :D 

  13. I have pretty good news to report...

    Definitely NOT cancer (thank goodness). And no old fracture/break. 

    There was some sort of trauma in the past which has caused some extra bone growth (spurring) which is causing the inflammation and discomfort. 

    Ultimately this is basically arthritis. It can be managed moving forward. 

    So our little Carmen went on a round of antibiotics to be safe since she licked the area raw, and a week of anti-inflammatories. 

    Once we get it to settle down, hopefully it's a treat "as-needed" issue. 


    Funny note: we also brought Amelia with us as her "support dog". The techs all commented on how friendly and happy they seemed the whole time LOL



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