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Everything posted by ramonaghan

  1. Aww, I remember Cole; he was adopted from our (now defunct) GPA group. Sounds like he lived a good, long life. Rest well, handsome boy.
  2. Aw, bad timing for your husband getting sick. Hope he feels better soon. But: Go, Amelia, go!
  3. Good girl, Gracie! Hoomans make the water smell funny, don't they?
  4. Not a dumb question! Here are pics from the maker. The strap along their back is reinforced so it functions like a really long handle.
  5. I hope Howie does well! Add me to the list of people who have used the cat version Solensia with success. Our cat is 15 and definitely has an easier time with the stairs now. The improvement was subtle after the first dose, but really apparent after the second. It does give her dry, scabby skin around her neck, which is weird but doesn't seem to bother her much. We administer it at home and are able to go longer than a month between doses.
  6. Excellent update! It sounds like she is doing great. Congrats on getting through the first night. Just checked and the harness is out for delivery. It has a soft handle basically the whole length of her back if she needs assistance getting up or when she squats to potty. That said, I doubt she's going to need it for long the way things are going!
  7. Yay! The fact that she is eating is a big hurdle you've already overcome. Don't be surprised if it takes her a few days to poop though.
  8. Sounds like it's all going as smoothly as it can. That ride home and the first time getting them in and out of the car are so challenging. She may be yelping because, hey, she lost a leg, or because the meds can make them feel loopy for a few days. I am sure she's much happier home with her people, and I bet you're glad to have her there too. How's Carmen?
  9. So glad everything went well. It sounds like you are very well prepared. Definitely try to get some sleep tonight...you will probably have some bumpy nights ahead, but just remember it's temporary! The harness is on its way, hopefully there Wednesday!
  10. Oh gosh, I hope they're not sending you dozens of emails. But yes, I am very happy with where she is!
  11. That's where we landed with both of ours—Sweep because she was so stressed and wouldn't walk or eat for them (when she saw us and our car, she suddenly figured it out, lol), and Willa because she was doing so well. It'll be okay either way. What amazes me is that some go home the same day!
  12. Have yoga mats or non-slip runners on any slick floors. Use towels and blankets on her beds that can be easily switched out and washed if she soils them (or even use pee pads as bed liners). Yes to lots of foods to tempt her. If antibiotics are prescribed, don't give them until she's eaten. Don't be surprised if Carmen is a little weirded out at first (Doolin was), but a good sniff and all will be well.
  13. It's the . They learn it as land sharks.
  14. I *think* Sammy likes you. Quite a coup, getting you to surrender your bed! Congrats to Buster for landing in his forever home, and I'm sure it won't be long for the lovely Merlin. Will you be offering dogsitting services for your former fosters?
  15. Happy birthday #11, Mark! I hope you demand more fries upon your daddyman's return.
  16. What Mary Pat said. You've both got this. I'm going to send you the "sisterhood of the traveling harness"—I have your address from the holiday cards. She can comfortably wear it 24/7 and it has good juju (and fur) from all the hounds that have worn it previously. I wish I'd thought to send it yesterday when the PO was open. Here's a video of Willa at a playdate yesterday coming in hot after the four-legged boys. Amelia will be there before you know it!
  17. I completely understand! I wouldn't ask or expect anyone to provide that info. Thanks for your support—she is still in the top 3 and will almost certainly make the first cut in a few days, so I am delighted! She started at 30-something before the power of the greyhound community kicked in.
  18. I totally relate to that—the limbo phase is terrible. Now you're in action mode.
  19. I'm sorry it's official, but it sounds like Amelia will be in great hands. We'll all be backnforfing for her on Monday! Make sure they give her Amicar or tranexamic acid to control bleeding. I got it filled at my local pharmacy because there was a shortage at the clinic. She will still bruise quite a bit, but having one of those meds on board is crucial for greyhounds. When you have some mental bandwidth to consider next steps, I recommend you take a look at the clinical trial being done for a cancer vaccine. It's significantly slowed or even reversed metastasis in some cases. We got the first vaccine in Cincinnati the same week Willa started chemo, and the booster three weeks later; all the follow-up can be done locally. There are only ~10 clinics offering it, so most people have to do road trips; I think the closest option for you would be Pittsburgh. The vaccine itself is free, but you have to pay for the oncology exam at the participating clinic. I figured, Can't hurt, might help, why not do it. Here are the details and the web page. There's also a Facebook group.
  20. Yes! It has to be at least 24 hours since your last vote, but you can vote every day. Thank you!
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