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Everything posted by ramonaghan

  1. As excited as I am about the bathroom sinks I got for my birthday last week, I think you got the better gift. (At least I got burritos too.) To you and an official welcome to Poppy!
  2. Ow ow ow. Poor girl! Good plan to let the pros deal with Growly Gracie. Peroxide for the carpet. A nap for you.
  3. Here's what I found on the terms page: So, while it's a shame it's not 100%, it's much better than 10%. PAWS is listed as the designated grantee. I looked up DTCare and it seems legitimate and has high ratings on nonprofit and charity ratings sites. I am not sure where some Redditors are getting their info, but I'd love to see the sources.
  4. Wow, thanks for letting me know! That's terrible. Off to Reddit... ETA: Okay, I'm back. It doesn't sound like a scam, it sounds like competitors didn't read the rules. They're very clear that your pet is competing in one group of many (though you don't know how many, and if the 2000+ I saw on Reddit is accurate, Willa never had a chance!) and only toward the end are the groups whittled down such that the winners compete against each other. As far as buying votes, I'm sure there's some truth to that, but the participants can't vote for their own pets (though I'm sure there are cheaters) and everyone gets one free vote per day. So donations are always optional. Subscribers to the magazine report that past winners are featured on the cover, as advertised. In terms of where the donations go, I can't confirm that, but it's some seriously karma if only a small portion is donated.
  5. I sincerely hope it's nothing but the corn, but given his age and breed I would definitely get x-rays to be safe. These guys can be so stoic even if they're in severe pain. With our first osteo girl, we had no clue anything was wrong until she broke her leg doing zoomies in the yard. She never limped or had any swelling. We have another osteo girl now who is only five, and although she did develop a sudden lump on her wrist, she only stopped being her goofy self for the couple of weeks she was recovering from her amputation. I think you need the scans to give yourself peace of mind and, if it is serious, to make a plan of action ASAP. All best thoughts for you and Blu!
  6. I hear you! Pro tip: Don't wear flip-flops.
  7. Way to go, Amelia! ETA: Notice that back right leg doing what my husband calls the "skateboard move." We were worried something was wrong at first but it's just how they launch themselves along.
  8. I believe this qualifies as "doin it rite"! Good girl, Punkin!
  9. My aunt pointed out that it looks like Willa only has two legs (!) in the second photo. That would be real talent.
  10. Hope all goes well tomorrow! We'll be baknforfing.
  11. Doolin might have outraced her, but Willa is the treat-catching champion. (And yep, it's time for the first mow of the season here.)
  12. Enablers R Us! Sorry, Gelsey...I can't pretend to be objective here since you've all seen what I did to Willa for Halloween.
  13. It works! Perfect way to spend the day.
  14. Thanks for posting this, Don. I'm on Facebook solely for some of the hound- and osteo-related groups, and the Yale vaccine group is one of them. Dr. Mamula chimes in there from time to time, and is very helpful. There are some amazing stories of dogs surviving 3 years or more...obviously we're hoping Willa's one of them! She had no side effects from the vaccine, and, all going well, she will have her booster in August (the one-year mark) in Cincinnati.
  15. I know exactly what you mean and how you feel. It's not the right decision for everyone, for any number of very good and sound reasons, but when things work out and you see your dog so happy and back to themselves, it's hard to conceive of the alternative. They might be short on legs, but they are so full of life.
  16. I highly, highly recommend Derma Gel. It's what the surgeons at our specialty practice use and send patients home with when sutures are not an option, or when a dog tries to remove them prematurely...been there, done that! It has kind of an herbal scent so the dog isn't tempted to lick it as much, and it works quickly, with or without a bandage.
  17. Already a month?! Wow. Huge congrats on this milestone!
  18. That's Doxorubicin—that stuff is hardcore and did NOT agree with Sweep. She had no side effects from Carboplatin though, nor did Willa. Since Amelia's getting Carboplatin too, she might just be bruised from the IV itself or sore from her new gait. Our oncologist always made a note of which leg they injected so they could alternate. I don't think they actually ever did Willa's other front leg, just switched between the back ones.
  19. A late surge from her competitors! Ah, well. Thank you everyone for voting and/or cheering her on!
  20. Russian interference? I'm just thrilled she has made it this far, and I really appreciate everyone's support! Whatever happens with the contest, her clear x-rays yesterday are the best prize.
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