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Everything posted by ramonaghan

  1. Good-looking group you have there! Prada is lovely and it sounds like she will fit in just fine. Also sounds like you have the basics you'll need right away (assuming she's on flea/tick/heartworm preventative already). One thing you might want to get soon is a squawker on the off-chance she ever gets loose. It's not a training tool but rather something you want to be sure she'll respond to in an emergency situation, so you don't want to desensitize her to it through overuse. Will she have both a regular tag collar (for around the house) plus a martingale for walks? There are lots of GreyTalkers with collar shops on Etsy if you need to get addicted buy one. Do you intend to crate at all? That's the only other thing that comes to mind, but you can always play that by ear and borrow one if you need to. Congrats, and do keep us posted!
  2. Thank you! No other advice from me, as I really lucked out with Sweep on the leash front and she's pretty bombproof in general (but she didn't get the memo that she's not supposed to get stinky or shed much, if that makes you feel better ). Just sending encouragement and positive vibes your way!
  3. This might be a long shot, but has she found a specific spot yet that she gravitates to for doing her business? I can walk Sweep around the grounds of our complex for 20 minutes and she won't do a thing, but as soon as I lead her to the monkey grass edging the property, it's like insta-poop. If I'm in a hurry, we head there right away.
  4. Thanks for the speedy action! Unfortunately, it's still not working for me. Anything I should try other than the stuff I mentioned above?
  5. I haven't been getting email notifications since the server move (may be a total coincidence; I don't know). Cleared my cache, signed out and back in, tried toggling notifications on and off, but no dice. The site works fine for me otherwise. I'm using Firefox if that's relevant.
  6. Very sorry for your loss. Rest well, sweet boy.
  7. Welcome, and congrats! Can't wait to see pics.
  8. Welcome from Nashville! Good-looking pups you have there.
  9. It's clear you were very lucky to have each other, though I am sorry it was only for a short time. My sincere condolences.
  10. I don't think there's anything that can totally replace brushing, but I do use a water additive because Sweep acts like I am torturing her every time I attempt brushing. It has really helped with her breath if nothing else. She also gets bones, beef tracheas, bully sticks, and lamb ears regularly, which my vet recommends and uses for her own greys.
  11. What a lovely tribute. So very sorry for your loss.
  12. Aww, yay, and congrats to you both! I wondered if that was you I saw in GPAN's news feed on Facebook yesterday. I had seen him on their website and read about him a bit. He is stunning and seems like such a sweetie. From the looks of things, he's making himself at home already! What are you calling him?
  13. So sorry for your loss. What a beautiful girl she was.
  14. Well, if nothing else, this thread has been very entertaining for me. "Leave it" is one command she hasn't really mastered inside or out yet, but I'll put more effort into it. I'm encouraged that there's at least one success story out there! But it's also been good to get confirmation that so many of us are in this embarrassing club together. Bright side? She hasn't left snool on anyone's pants yet.
  15. I have read that you can give one tablespoon per 30 lbs (or a teaspoon for every 10 lbs). I think you're supposed to work up to that, but I didn't know to do that and Sweep didn't suffer any ill effects. She's 60 lbs and gets about a tablespoon a day, but I also give her fish oil.
  16. He is gorgeous (beautiful coat, especially) and I love his expressive ears! I am sure you'll have a shot of him smiling in no time. Congrats!
  17. Hi again! Nope, after eight months, I still haven't left them all alone together when we are not home. Paranoid, I know! But, since I work from home, on most days everyone is free and doing their respective thing (sleeping, usually). When I do have to run errands or whatever, Sweep is rarely in her crate for longer than a couple of hours, so I don't beat myself up too much about it. I will get there, or at least graduate to a baby gate when we have a house that's better laid out for that (which will be soon, I hope!). It really is all about what feels right/comfortable for YOU. Your cat seems to have adjusted much better than mine did (well, Olive the stress-puker anyway; Henry was grumpy but fine) and that takes some of the strain/guilt off you. But—and it sounds like you know this—Grace hasn't been there long enough to show her full personality, so another month or two might be a good idea just for safety's sake.
  18. Yikes! I will tell my husband to be extra, extra careful when walking Sweep alone.
  19. Oh, yeah, she likes butts too, but that's an honor she usually reserves for people she knows.
  20. Any training tips for stopping Sweep's overly friendly greetings? She is a chronic crotch sniffer, and it can be pretty mortifying (women in skirts are now to be avoided at all costs). People probably wonder why I'm holding her leash in a death grip til she's literally gagging herself trying to say hi, and then they find out. I know it's a common doggie hello and she's at the perfect height for it, but sheesh. Everyone's been a good sport about it, but I'd rather curb the behavior altogether if possible than count on that. FWIW, we've taught her the commands sit, stay, wait, lie down, look at me, and go to bed (as well as the completely impractical but entertaining "roach" and "shake") and she does them quite well in the house, but she's not as reliable outside with all its visual and olfactory distractions. We're still working on that, so any additional ideas we might try? Has anyone successfully trained their dog out of this behavior?
  21. Hi! Welcome from Nashville. Are you working with GPAN or All About Hounds? We worked with AAH and had a lovely home visit with three beautiful girlies last fall. One was a bit of a spook, which we didn't feel ready for since we hadn't had dogs since we were kids, and of the other two, my husband preferred one and I preferred the other. Admittedly, Sweep was a bit of a diva with the other dogs on the home visit (she'd never been out on one before or to a M&G because her foster always intended to adopt her, but had to back out due to some work changes). Sweep was the one whose photo had prompted me to inquire about adoption in the first place, and she was such a complete attention hog it was hard not to be charmed by it. So I got my way. No regrets at all! Although it's definitely been an adjustment going from a cat-only household to one with a dog, she has been so easy and makes us laugh all the time. My husband even says that he might not have ended up with the dog he initially wanted, but he got the one he needed. I think you'll know, and remember, a lot of times, they pick you too! (Sweep walked in, leaned on me pretty much immediately, and when I sat down she laid her head in my lap. .) Keep us posted!
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