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Everything posted by ramonaghan

  1. Thank you both! I think it's my favorite so far; it was the moment I knew she was finally feeling comfortable here. (My husband argues that when she's roaching it's just gravity making her smile, but I choose to believe otherwise!)
  2. Thank you all for the warm welcome! Cool; where did you go to school? We live near Belmont, Lipscomb, and Vanderbilt. I was born and raised here, left for a few years and lived in NC and Boston, and came back here in 2008. It's grown so much in the past several years! Small world! I went to high school downtown, right on Broadway, and graduated on the stage of the Ryman Auditorium. My husband works downtown now right in the midst of all that stuff. (And yet neither of us likes country music… )
  3. Hello, all, I'm a long-time lurker, first-time poster. My husband and I started researching greyhounds almost two years ago, and in November we agreed to dog-sit a foster for the long Thanksgiving weekend, just to "try things out." Long story short, Sweep has been here ever since. We went from dog-sitting to fostering to fostering with intent, and finally, in February, to formally adopting. It has been a long, at times arduous, journey since neither of us have had dogs as adults, and we have two cats we adore and (still) worry for since they have ruled the roost for so long. My female cat vomited from the stress every day for the first two weeks or so...that was not fun. But things seem to have settled into a routine finally, and Sweep's a total sweetheart and a goofball and overall about the easiest dog we could have asked for. She is showing some signs lately that she might be a bit of a breed snob, but that's about the only issue we've encountered with her thus far. Perhaps more on that in another thread if it continues. For now, I just wanted to introduce myself and her...and I've lurked long enough to know the rules, so here she is!
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