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Everything posted by ivon

  1. ivon


    I am so very sorry for your loss
  2. ivon

    Miz Mandy

    Oh my! So many emotions all in one place, I am so sorry Miz Mandy had to leave, I am glad she got to meet Courtney
  3. ivon


    I am so sorry for your loss
  4. I am so sorry Diane, Princess was a sweetie
  5. ivon


    I am so sorry for your loss, he was a well traveled hound and had such great adventures with you
  6. I am sure she likes the treats and extra scritches much better than getting sliced and diced.....
  7. ivon

    A Place For Ryan

    I am so very sorry for your loss
  8. Had a dental done on a 13 year old, she did fine, lost a few teeth, you say she in pain, so I think there really is no choice in the matter.
  9. What Judy said sounds about right, I would recommend reading "On the other end of the leash", in the meantime, if you want to play with her, by all means do, if you want to pet her, go ahead, but don't get bullied into it. It's good to sometimes say no and send her to her bed, the following around like velcro is a new dog thing, and I would close doors on her, not all the time, but when you don't want her following you, it's fine not to allow it. Taking care of the first three things should eventually do away with the air humping, again, don't allow it, you are the one who knows how to operate the can opener. It can be a bit of an eye opener to a new dog that there are rules, but they learn them pretty fast, it's good to set some limits.
  10. It's been in the high nineties here, above 90 for a few weeks now, they don't want to go outside, we don't go for walks in this heat, just a quick dash in the yard. Even then, I have to push them out the door, and they head for the woods into the shade, at playgroup I catch them after a few runs up and down the fence, they would run more there if I let them though. But otherwise, indoors, on the dog beds, under the ceiling fan Bought a little pool today, but they didn't know what to do with it...sigh.....
  11. awww, poor Rocky, hope the vet figures it out soon, and that the meds work.
  12. Very good reminder, it got so hot here so suddenly, and a few weeks ago at playgroup Spud overheated,he won't always drink water when he needs to, he was panting hard and a bit out of it, more than his usual goofiness, I took them both home ASAP and hosed him down in the backyard. He is fine, but now I keep a close eye on how much running they've done, and if another run wants to start up, I hold on to my two, keeping them in the shade. This said, all the other dogs ran just as much, including Karma, and they were fine, so keep in mind each dog is different, I now err on the cautious side. Luckily he will come to me when I call him, even while running with a pack, otherwise I would have to stop going, it's hard catching a Grey in full run.....
  13. Hmmm, I haven't had that problem, in fact this morning when I called Karma over to "go in the crate" not only did she happily come running and went right in, Spud did too, and went into his crate, even though he is not crated, so I just left his door open. Some like it, some don't I guess....Karma is only crated because she likes it, it makes her feel secure, if I left her out she would be anxious because I am leaving, crated she is fine. I feed her in the crate, so that may be part of it....
  14. I am so sorry for your loss
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