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Everything posted by WalterWallerson

  1. I feel the same stuff to my boys. I call this the Search of the Perfect Poop. I tried high end stuff for Walter and he pooped 3x. Two semi solid poos, 1 that is poo-water. And then I switched him to Costco stuff annnnd the same poos. I add pumpkin to dinners, it makes a difference but its always the same thing - 2 semi and 1 water poo. I only worry about the amount of hands I need to pick up the poo. When Walter came home he was so stressed out that he was pooping Two Handers. It became a running joke between my ExBoyfriend and I about how many hands I needed when I walked him. Poor stressed out dog. I adopted Ernie this past July and thank god - all of his poos were 1 handers. a lot of people swear by the green bag, I like Costco brand, some people swear by raw but that isn't necessarily feasible for everyone. I think you have the make the best choice you can and realize that not every poo is going to make it to the cover of Poop Magazine.
  2. Since it happened, he's been perfectly fine. The night of I went to put Ernie (my new hound) into his crate with a kong full of PB and Wal was soooooooooo excited about PB and insisted on his own. Then he walked down the stairs, hopped into my car and hopped out and walked into the E-Vet, no problems. Today, we went on two seperate walks today, one with hound friends and one with TechBoyfriend. I don't know what to make of it.
  3. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're the best!
  4. <3 thank you. Watching the video you posted was incredibly helpful and one of the only reasons why I think it might be a seizure. Should I rush back and get this done?
  5. I've had my new guy for nearly 3 months now and he appears to have a spit up problem. He is crated during the day, so when i come home, he gets out and runs, jumps and is silly and then gets a drink. Very frequently, he attempts to run & jump right away usually spits up part of the water. I noticed the pattern and i stop him after he drinks. Some mornings he doesn't want or doesn't eat the full 2 cups of kibble. This morning was one of those mornings and he barely ate a half cup (plus pumpkin) and threw up. Funny thing is, he only threw up the kibble. I'm not really sure how to proceed at this point and he hasn't ate anything unusual that I noticed. I feed both Ernie & Walter Kirkland chicken & rice (purple bag).
  6. I'm seriously considering a second hound. Walter and I even have it narrowed down to two boys to pick from. Have you ever had or heard of having any issues with two boys? My greygroup fully supports me, thinks it'll be fine. I guess I'm just worried that since it is just me, will it be harder with two versus one? I have a crate, I have 4 dog beds, plus my queen bed (for me). I'm worried, now that I know all the things that can go wrong, I'm worrying. I know the worrying is partially valid because I've heard the horror stories, but I've also heard such great things about having a second hound. Walter does not have SA, he's happy as pie being a single dog so am I messing with greatness here or ..?' ugh!
  7. Honestly, Walter does the same thing. He gets into this "bully" mode where he just wants to push other, slower dogs around. I react differently depending on the situation so bear with me. 1. Walter is usually over-tired when he starts doing this. I call him over, chastise him and we usually leave in a few minutes. 2. Walter is NOT tired at all, I give him a "time out", and monitor the situation carefully when I release him. This is usually effective. I also pay VERY close attention to how the other dog reacts. If it's a dog that looks like it would mess Walter up, I usually grab him and we leave right away. I always always always judge the situation, the other dog and the other owner because I like being proactive and I enjoy not spending my free time at the e-vet (I"m not trying to be nasty, just very very honest). Basically, my biggest fear is that Walter will need to get stitches from being scratched up and that drives about 99% of my decisions at the dog park. Use and trust your judgement.
  8. This is what I did with Walter. Sometimes on weekends, we still do this. I also tend to keep a bit of a track schedule because I'm a teacher so there wasn't as much adjusting but he has clearly learned the difference between weekdays and weekends. Weekdays are all business in the AM, the alarm goes off, he goes out, breakfast, etc. There is a STRICT routine so I get out of the house on time. Weekends are a different story. I'd also suggest that you bring a bed into your bedroom, close the door and tell your new girl to lay down. Then go to bed. It might take a while, maybe a couple of days, but Walter was not crated overnight, and by the second night he was sleeping in his bed in my bedroom and things went a lot smoother. He was crated during the day until I was done for the summer.
  9. wednesday night we went to the park w/ riverhounds's greys Joe and Brees. Riverhound recommended that the necks are frozen as it scrapes off the teeth better. Walter only gagged once when he tried to eat the last 1/3 without chewing it. We walked, no problems. Until I came home from work Thursday. He pooped in the house at some point Thurs and then he had diarrhea for about 36 hours. I fasted him for 24 hours and then started him on rice. no poop yet since he's been on rice but that is pretty typical of him. ugh. any reason why he may have had this reaction? I would really like to give him the necks, he appeared to enjoy it a lot but I can't clean up accidents in the house like this. he had kibble about 12 hours before and 12 hours after :/
  10. I need to start this with Walter. My concerns (in no order) are that the bone will splinter and hurt him, and I'm not sure how/when to feed them to him. I know it can't be too close to kibble time because the enzymes needed for both are very different and I know I'd have to feed it to him outside. Do you have any ...words of wisdom for a newbie turkey neck person?
  11. yeah i'm more concerned about the plaquey build up stuff not the "white"ness of his teeth.
  12. are you using these?: http://www.arknaturals.com/breath-less-brushless-toothpaste-large I need to change up what I'm doing with Walter because I"m noticing the same stuff and not that I want "white" teeth, but healthier teeth for sure.
  13. 8 days is super new. Walter was really confused when I first brought him home. I did lots of stuff with him, including alone training. I took him to the park, petsmart, while I ran into Wawa, basically did as much fun stuff as I could and I put him in my car a lot because that's the primary way we get around. I crated him for 2 weeks, and on weekends when I knew I be gone for a while and to be honest, it was difficult because he hated the crate. So i stopped using it. It's going to take some time, have faith, there is a TON of support here. Keep asking questions
  14. I think when it comes down to it, I'd be more concerned about cold, frost bitten paws/ears than anything else. Hands/feet in people are the first to get frost bitten same thing with paws on dogs. Their bodies might get chilly but they won't freeze.
  15. hugs for you, Vinny, Thyme, Miami & Izzy <3 I'm so sorry.
  16. I use two different leads depending on what we are doing. In the morning on a pee walk, I use a 6' and he sniffs and trots along and does his dog thing. I pull him if he takes too long but I also use a lot of verbal prompts (i'm a teacher) so that usually speeds things along. If we are on a "mom walk" which is primarily an exercise walk, I use a 4' lead and he is kept much closer to me and allowed to sniff less frequently. I like to walk fast on those walks and he has now learned the difference between a "pee walk" and a "mom walk"
  17. I know this doesn't really help you but when kids have seizures they happen in several different ways, including when a kid appears to be fully coherant. It's almost like they "zone out" for a minute or two but they are really sneaky, almost undetectable seizures. I know in kids they can present in a number of ways but I don't know how that translates to canines. I would still keep a record of it just in case. again, you & Vinnie are in our thoughts. I'm so sorry you are going through this.
  18. omg i'm so sorry! <3 keeping her and YOU in my thoughts.
  19. Nattie is so adorable! Congrads to you and your girlfriend, the pictures are adorable! I always wonder about Walter's sister, but she was adopted by Lacey & Shane. That's all I know:)
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