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Everything posted by LoveMyGrey+2

  1. Thanks for your response, TwiggysMom. That would be a wonderful result. I expect a response from Dr. Couto soon as I sent him Butte's biopsy result.
  2. My white greyhound has had both hemangiomas and a hemangiosarcoma. All were sucessfuly removed. I would definitely have it looked at by the vet.
  3. Thank you very much for your advice. Just sent off an email to him. Judy
  4. Has any one here had a grey with plasmacytoma? Butte had a lump removed on his right ankle. The Dr. could not get the entire lump. We went to a veterinary oncologist that originally felt we should watch and wait. A month later she called and said that after research and talking with other vet oncologists that we should try him with the chemotherapy drug Melphalan. Has anyone had a similar experience? Butte is just 11 years old and is going strong at this point.
  5. So very sorry for your loss. Hugs.
  6. Joining everyone in thoughts and prayers for Huston and his dr.
  7. Only Iams here too. Butte, our 10 year grey has had stomach issues. Vet diets didn't work, but Iams did. So now everyone eats Iams.
  8. Poodle was so very special here on Greytalk. Hugs and comforting thoughts to you. You were the best anyone could be to Poodle. Hugs and deepest sympathy. Judy
  9. Thinking of Houston and wishing and praying for the very best outcome. Judy
  10. Thinking of you and Huston and sending healing thoughts.
  11. I almost never post, BUT today I'm in tears. Seamie was part of our lives. We loved hearing about him. I'm overwhelmed with sadness. The world was better because of him. Hugs and Condolences.
  12. I use Iams green bag with my 9 and 10 year old greys. It is still the only food that keeps his elimination system intact.
  13. testing https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-hnxMFvPBGE8/Ty69ddofX9E/AAAAAAAAJVI/zVRDCM1k3J0/s144-c/20101129.jpg?gl=US more testing how do you make it larger
  14. Tried many kinds of food for my boys loose poop including prescription and Iams green bag was the answer.
  15. Iams green bag. After years of trying prescription food and other more expensive foods Iams is the only one not give my boy diarrhea. The other two can eat anything successfully, but I feed Iams green with add ons of course.
  16. So so very sorry to hear this. Hugs to you and Buddy
  17. Thanks for sharing the video. Love Hester and the deer's curiosity. Is it the camera bumping a bit or does Hester have a limp?
  18. Butte has had a few removed. The first was a cutaneous hemangiosarcoma. The others were hemangiomas. I will be taking him again as he has two more. He is white, and I think that white dogs may be more prone to hemangios. If anyone knows please let me know.
  19. Both of mine do. They are just keeping in touch.
  20. Butte flushed a deer out of a densely wooded area, and the deer jumped the farm fence with Butte going over right behind him. The deer got away, but Butte had an "owie" on his inner thigh.
  21. Thanks for your replies. I will be vigilant for other spots. You have all given good advice. Thank you. Judy
  22. Butte is 6 years old and has just had his second dermal hermangiosarcoma removed. The first was sent for histopathology and was labeled as hermangiosarcoma. The interval beween the two instances is 15 months. Butte is eating and doing well and seems to be pain free. The question: Has anyone had a greyhound with dermal hermangio go on to have it attack a body organ? Wondering and worrying about my boy.
  23. Fed Ex.....#_199_ UPS........#_103_ Walmart....#_199_ Total......#_501_
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