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Everything posted by LoveMyGrey+2

  1. Last night, Butte, my grey caught a young raccoon on my lanai. The raccoon entered by way of a very large always open dog door. When I screamed at him to drop it he picked it up, carried it outside and continued to shake it. I tried again to make him drop it, but his prey drive is strong. When it was dead he left it and came inside. I looked him over and treated a few bloody marks on his face. My setter helped him corner it but then was uninvolved. It is a terrible thing to watch. This a.m. I buried the raccoon. It is sad for us, but Butte was just following natural instincts. Sorry that you are upset. Hopefully the memory will fade.
  2. Hi, There is a post from me on this thread that I did not send. Help!!!!! There is a link I don't know about.
  3. Thinking of you and wishing for the best. :hope
  4. http://lh6.ggpht.com/_69U4q49HHiM/SvzT0x1m...28/100_0272.jpg
  5. I use it daily for both dogs. They each get 1/2 packet. They've both had recurrent issues with diarrhea. They are both better but need to stay away from corn additives.
  6. LoveMyGrey+2


    Just want to add my sympathies to the rest. So sorry, Vince. Judy
  7. Thinking of you and Riley. Sending prayers and healing thoughts.
  8. Thinking of you Lesley and sorry for the loss of Tessie. Judy
  9. So sorry for your losses. I can feel the love you have for them. They will live on together forever happy to have had you to love them.
  10. Another "Hi" from Florida. Brighton is so handsome. We all share your wonderful secret and it's ok to tell. Judy
  11. I have followed Ember and your story. Sitting here with tears in my eyes remembering all the love that you have for her and she for you. Deepest condolences. We will all remember her fondly. Hugs, Judy
  12. The ONLY thing that has worked for Butte is Science Diet ID kibble with forti flor in one meal a day (he gets 2 meals daily). He gets a little of the ID canned food in one meal. That's it! He had diarrehea sp? since I got him and is now functioning well with no big D. It took months to find that this was the right combo for him. OOps almost forgot. He was on Flagyl for the first 3 weeks of trying this. He has been off for the last 2 months and is doing well.
  13. Adding to the prayers and positive thoughts for Soul.
  14. Thank you for sharing Genie with us. It has been a great gift to us. She lives on in our memories.
  15. Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance Duck and Potato. Cooked chicken breasts and natural treats various types At times yogurt. Butte, our new boy, is on Forte Flora and Tylosin Tartrate because of an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine. He may also have some food allergies. Seems to be doing better.
  16. 77 Walmart trucks Have a safe trip. Judy
  17. Thanks for the answer. He does need a dental but I wanted to wait till I get home. Will be cooking him some meat tonight.
  18. This is the scenario. Who didn't eat for almost 2 days. This is unusual for him. He seemed to be a little dehydrated as well even tho he did drink some water. Last night I cooked some ground turkey and egg for him, and he did eat it. Today he wouldn't eat so rather than wait for an emergency I took him to the vet. We are at our home in West Virginia for the month and he has an acre to run in. Thought maybe he got into something in the undergrowth or sustained a bite from something. Vet did a physical and did a fecal and found hair in his poop. Did not find much else. It is mucousy. sp? He also did blood test. Temp is normal. Blood test shows some dehydration and elevated kidney levels. Other finding was a slightly enlarged prostate. Who is 10 years old. Vet wormed him with Drontal because he suspects whipworm as the Heartguard that I use does not protect against them. Now Who is resting; still doesn't want to eat. He is drinking water. He also ate the Drontal in a treat that the vet gave him. Should I be worried; well, I am a little. Suggestions please.
  19. Love to hear about Isaac. Thanks for the recipe. I'm going to try it with my dobie Shannon. She needs meat on her bones.
  20. Sending prayers and hugs for Bounty. I am going through bladder cancer with my non grey. She is 12, my heart dog and it is terribly difficult. She had bladder surgery but not all of it was able to be removed. She is on all the same meds as Bounty. I am giving her N/D food as well as anything else she will eat. She will still eat scrambled egg and sometimes chicken that I cook. I just want her comfortable until it is her time. Please know that I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. For anyone reading this thread the bladder cancer was not discovered because she was being treated for a urinary tract infection first. The vet tried quite a few antibiotics first before going to the ultrasound. There is no blame here. I don't know that faster treatment would have worked for her. All we can do is love them and hold them close. Hugs, Judy
  21. Sent, Thanks for keeping the board going Judy
  22. LoveMyGrey+2


    Hugs and prayers from my pups and me. Know that you gave Megan a wonderful life and were with here when she reached her final peace.
  23. Deepest sympathy. He was so beautiful.
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