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Everything posted by Laur

  1. Is her appetite, curiosity and interest perked at all when she *thinks *it is a meal being prepared just for you and Marc..you know as in forbidden , paws off...rather than one made especially for her ??
  2. We often use 2 incontinance pads, one in front of the other ,in the bellyband.
  3. lots of buckles and straps to contend with... I have been using belly bands with incontinance pads for 5 years 24/7 with my special needs boy Jakie .
  4. " She ain't heavy...she's my sister"
  5. Ooooooh...that last pic...ooooh..sniff....
  6. Laur


    awwww Oscar...so so sorry. The sunbeams will be ever so brighter and precious now.
  7. Laur


    ..so very sorry
  8. I don't know where I read it ..but somebody had taken a partial length of a pool noodle, covered it and fastened it to the regular collar to prevent it sliding off........it kept the pupper , like an E-collar from being able to lick herself.
  9. Laur


    Awww so very very sorry for your loss Goodspeed little Beanie.
  10. I've never been patient about waiting for Santa...apparently I'm not so patient about signing up for secret Santa either ! LOL So...what is the status now ?
  11. uh...oh...I just signed up....is everything ok now..?
  12. Such a handsome boy......
  13. awww...So very sorry to learn of the loss your household and hearts have had. Godspeed CurlySue and Einstein
  14. Laur

    Wave & Willie

    This is so tragic I am so very very sorry to hear of this double loss you have suffered . I just can't imagine.........
  15. Aww.....so very sorry for your tremendous loss.
  16. Laur

    Day One

    So so sorry for your loss
  17. So very very sorry for your loss
  18. Laur


    Sweet dreams precious Poppy.
  19. so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful girlie.
  20. Maddison - loved, missed and remembered by so many people and hounds from all over this planet. thank you for sharing your precious boy
  21. Laur


    I am so very very sorry for your loss...
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