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Everything posted by schultzlc

  1. schultzlc

    Miss Annabelle

    I am very sorry for your loss.
  2. Could it be that PJ is a little potty-shy? When I first got Luna, she was the same way, and would only do her business when I was out with her alone. What worked for me was to stand with our backs to her so she felt she had a little privacy. Perhaps your DH could try that and see if it works. Eventually she got used to others being around and it was no longer an issue, but it may be worth a try!
  3. Congratulations! She's a beauty!
  4. I am so sorry for your loss. Your tribute to your boy is beautiful.
  5. Welcome from VA! Eli is very handsome, I could see why you were drawn to him.
  6. Luna will pretty much eat all fruits and veggies, but hates bread and won't touch deli meat. She could also care less about dog treats and will usally just crunch them up and leave a giant pile of crumbs on the floor. I have given up on trying to figure her out...
  7. I am so sorry to hear this. May you enjoy every moment that you have with your boy.
  8. Another welcome from Virginia, USA! Your pack is lovely!!
  9. I am so sorry for your loss of Eric.
  10. Such a lovely tribute to your boy. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  11. I am so sorry for the loss of your pretty girl.
  12. Such a beautiful portrait and a great way to remember your boy!
  13. I am so sorry that Blaze had to leave.
  14. I am so sorry for the sudden loss of your precious girl.
  15. Thank you for posing this. Shoot, Diamond Naturals Lamb and Rice is the only food I have found that hasn't shredded my poor girl's tummy, but this makes me very wary of their products. Off to do some research to find something similar...
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