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Posts posted by mychip1

  1. We just went through it with Dustin. Initially, he was just licking his tail and I didn't think much of it. Then he had some blood with his poop. I though he might have been having his IBD problem again...so the vet had me immediate start him on the metrondiazole because I hadn't really thought much about the tail licking. Then, the day we were going to go see her, I noticed the smell. She expressed him and he still had a little blood for a day or two after. But, she did have me keep him on the metrondiazole since we had started it....and it seemed to contain any infection that might have been there.....and yes, we had a bit of a leaky butt, too!


    Good luck.

  2. My thoughts are with you. The pain in our hearts is just overwhelming sometimes for those we have lost......But, I try to remember how blessed we are to have the memories they leave us with.....and, that we are given the gift of new hounds in our lives to help us heal in some way.

  3. My JJ's coat is very shiny.....he eats Regal brand Adult Bites (the Turkey formula). But he also gets ecosaderm every day in his food. Not sure if it's the luck of "good genes" or the food or the supplements or all of the above that makes him shine! Dustin and EZ are on different foods for different reasons.

  4. I'll throw one in on their abiliy to feel empathy toward us....


    My Jack died on June 12th of last year. My husband had very neatly taken all his stuffed animals and set them on a little bench-seat in the upstairs bathroom area.


    Two weeks later, I made my trek south to bring home JJ and Dustin.


    I got them some toys of their own....and a few of Jack's that were downstairs still appealed to them. They never touched the ones in the bathroom.


    Then one evening, I was on the computer, looking at pictures of Jack....just sobbing. JJ came in to see me (as I believe they certainly understand tears) and then walked out. I didn't pay much attntion to where he went....About ten minutes later, I walked out into the hallway, and there was JJ surrounded by Jack's toys from the bench seat. He had taken them - obviously one by one - and put them in a big circle...and he was lying right in the middle.....Was it empathy.....a true understanding that I was sad....and a sense of what I was sad about...??


    I don't know the answer...but I am not a big believer in coincidence.....so I think there is more to it.

  5. Both Dustin and JJ came to my life just weeks after finishing racing. Dustin was two at the time...JJ three. All pads felt like silk to the touch! They almost feel like puppy pads. Dustin's, who has several pink pads, felt almost delicate. They were like that for a few months...I tried to be careful to build them up slowly. I live in a neighborhood with sidewalks and small grass patches along the edge. So I would mix it up on their walks....grass/pavement/grass/pavement.....Now they both are a bit rougher....though Dustin's still are pink (just with a whitish callous over them). Just be sure to take it slow or they will get horrible sores.


    My bridge beagle didn't like walks and preferred the yard. We got her as a puppy and she grew up primarily on the grass. One day we took her to a parade with some friends and walked to it from their home. I never gave thought to the fact that she really hadn't spent time on pavement. The next day her feet were sore! I felt horrible! Believe me....if your hound's pads were sore, you would know it. And the pink ones would be closer to red....That pale pink is just fine! :rolleyes:

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