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Posts posted by mychip1

  1. Congrats and good luck!


    Just a few things, yes...many vets do understand the difference in grey blood work and anesthesia, etc., but don't be afraid to be sure and ask your vet about his/her experience with greys.


    Also, when you are walking your grey, he/she might be nervous and spooky initially. Martingale collars are great - but can be slipped. You might want to consider a harness. I use a harness and collar on my greys....my JJ is a bit excitable and that helps - and my Dustin slipped a martingale once and got away - worst feeling in the world. There are harnesses designed for the greys body shape - and a few people here can sell them to you.


    I bought a crate initially for our first grey, EZ - but he took one look at it, walked to a different spot and laid down....end of the crate. But, if you don't know your hound and aren't sure if he'll get into stuff, the crate is safer - unless you confine to a room.


    And this place is a great source of information. By the way, whoever said not to read this topic unless they need something specific is dead on!! :lol It's easy to tranfer some of this onto our own hounds!!



  2. Oh Linda, I am so sorry for this shocking loss.


    Your tribute was lovely and reminded us of the legacy she left through her many pups.


    She was blessed to have found someone to love her the way you and Gary did in her senior years - and to have loving arms around her as she passed to the bridge.


    There are no words that we can say to help....just know that our hearts break with yours and in Molly's memory we all think of our own hounds at the bridge - and through the pain, we are reminded of the joy that each one brought into our lives.


    Godspeed sweet girl.

  3. Best of luck to you. Hookworms can be particularly resistant.....and panacur sometimes isn't effective. There are other wormers often given in conjunction. You might want to look into that as well. But I agree with others....don't wait too long.


    Best thoughts for Robin.

  4. My bridge boy, Jack guarded me like he was a doberman in the house. He did accept my husband, but no other man....yet, on the street, he was pleasant - if not a bit shy. Interestingly, he actually had a sleep disorder that went beyond sleep-space aggression...not sure if there is some weird connection there.


    Not many suggestions, except the positive treats. The only way men could even remotely come into my house was if they sat across the room from Jack and me and he was allowed to approach them on his terms. (with stranger - like workmen, I actually muzzled him).


    Jack had a tough life - and he bonded to me in a different way from my other hounds....they are "Mama's boys" but he was different. DH always said that Jack would give his life for me in a second without another thought. He saw me as his protector - and as such, felt the need to protect me in turn....it may be that he sees the wife as his security - despite the husband's feeding, etc.


    Is the husband doing a lot of the walking? Some positive activities might help.


    Good luck to this hound!



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