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Posts posted by mychip1

  1. I am so sorry to hear the diagnosis for Trooper. It is not Fair with cancer. Keep the faith. My Santa was diagnosed with Osteo in September 2010. Next week he goes to the oncologist for his every-3-month check-up. If all is well, it will mark 25 months since his amputation. Take a day at a time like we do. GOOD LUCK!


    What a wonderful, uplifting story.


    Many prayers to you and Trooper......our hearts are with you....

  2. Does he respond to Storm? Even if he does, you can change it, though you might consider it a bit more. My JJ was "What a Story" and responds to "Story" so I am assuming that's what they called him....I actually call him JJ - but will occasionally squeel "Story" or "What a Story" and he tears around the yard smiling.


    That all being said....I think Wally is adorable given his career as a service dog. Extremely friendly sounding!!!

  3. Love the pic!!!


    Couple of things...My JJ is very rambunctious with non-grey dogs on walks...and hates having his nails trimmed....but in no way would I call him aggressive. He does growl, however, if I try to look at something painful on him, so I do muzzle.


    However, if you think that this is something a bit more - or of concern, you might try contacting the Small Animal behavior group at Tufts. Dr. Nicholas Dodman is wonderful and is a DVM who is an animal behaviorlist - not a dog trainer who does behavior work (nothing against that, but if you think your dog has a deeper behavior issue, you may want to consult with someone who has the veterinary backround).... I used him for my grey, Jack, before Jack passed. They are often willing to do a fax consult with a dog who is at a distance, or whose problems may not require a visit. You might drop them a line. You can google search them at the Cummings Institute. It is Tufts University's Veterinary small animal practice.

  4. I remember seeing posts on your beautiful hounds....


    I don't think the heart ever heals when you lose one that had a particularly special bond with you......I think we just have to thank God for the other greys in our lives who bring us joy and happiness....and we honor the memory of that special one by always having our homes open to a hound or two.

  5. Brought my boys home right from the track - (and 1500 miles away) so we had no choice but to make it work. Turns out, JJ has a high prey drive.....and I have a cat. I have baby gates into certain areas lifted about six inches off the ground so the cat can get under to get away....and the boys are always muzzled in the house when I am not home. I think your idea of muzzling him and letting them interact isn't bad. It may be, as Susan said, that he needs a few good sniffs to get rid of the curiosity.


    Two years later, I still would not trust JJ alone with the cat - and occassionally, even when I am there, he will go on chase, he now for the most part, lets Irwin lie down and hang out about five feet away with no problem, i.e. in the same room. I am always alert, though, as to where Irwin and JJ are in the house. At night, when sleeping, Irwin tends to pick parts of the house that are set off by the baby gates....he is no one's dummy!


    Best of luck!

  6. I would not consider JJ cat safe...but he coexists with Irwin and is getting sort of friendly. However, they are never unsupervised together. The boyz are muzzled when I am out and baby gates are raised a bit off the ground so cat can go upstairs to get away from them during the day....they get the two downstairs bedrooms to themselves! When I am home and they are interacting, I am cautious.....though, JJ is beginning to understand that Irwin belongs here. Cats outside are a totally different story!!!

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