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Posts posted by mychip1

  1. My Jack was extremely protective of me. One time when we were having carpet installed, he spent a good bit of the time eyeballing the guys and giving off low warning growls...(though forever reason, he liked ONE of the guys)...Anyway, at one point, I walked in the room to looks, and the guys were behind me...effectively seperating Jack and me.....He went absolutely crazy. I had him muzzled, because I was concerned that he might get a little over protective, and while he didn't lunge, his bark was aggressive enough, that I think muzzling was wise in this case.

  2. I am so sorry for you.....the grief can be overwhelming...and comes often at unexpected times. It has been over two years since Jack passed suddenly, and if certain songs come up on the ipod in the car, I am a mess....as I used to drive with him in the car and sing those particular songs to him....I am waiting for a day when I can listen to them and smile...but am losing hope that it will happen.....


    Many thoughts and prayers to you.

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss.....the emptiness must be unbearable....


    What a great gift your Jack must have been after such crushing loss......He was blessed to have found you - and I'm sure you felt the same in return.


    My heart is with you.

  4. My Dustin has constant belly issues....tummy gurgles and sometimes boughts with bloody diarreah....In his case, we know he has a digestive tract condition...but given that you haven't had this baby that long, I would suggest asking your vet about a round of panacur for parasites that might not be showing in a fecal.

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