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Everything posted by Wonder

  1. I did email and he said it's nothing to worry about and drink some wine. He knows I worry
  2. Just took this picture. It's puffy/pooling where the blood has spread into the fur She doesn't have any other problems. She's eating, drinking, peeing and pooping just fine. No issues breathing, she's walking fine, sleeping all night.
  3. The interal bleeding has spread. It's now past the fur line where she was shaved. I will post a pic shortly (having computer issues)
  4. I did last night They replied at 11:30pm. Then I emailed again this morning and around 3pm. They thought it looked better and she's not throwing up anymore so I think she's getting better. Thanks:colgate
  5. I don't know how she's gonna win the hot dog eating contest Sept 11th at the picnic She's last years champion too
  6. She's feeling better today. Not 100% but better. She's not whining and eating all her kibble. The bleeding from her front teeth has stopped. She slept in the crate last night and was ok about it. Not sure if I will let her sleep in my room tonight yet, still don't want her mouth to get kicked by accident.
  7. I didn't take her to the vet. They said that if she's not throwing up anymore to keep an eye on her. I just fed her some kibble and she chowed so I think she's feeling a little better. She refused food last night and this morning so I took her eating as a good sign.
  8. Just waiting for the lab to pick up samples and then I can get home to check on her
  9. I had 1/2 an hr between clients so I ran home. She went out to pee. It still looks the same. I'll post a pic when I get home in about an hour.
  10. The incision was puffy and looked swollen in 1 spot this morning. She puked this morning right when I was leaving for work. She woke up at 3am, pacing in the crate and then peed in there. I cleaned the crate up and let her outside to finish going potty. I took another pic but it's on my camera so will post it later when I get home I tend to over worry so am a complete mess right now. I can't wait to get done working so I can check on her.
  11. I'm bringing her to the vet as soon as I get done working today
  12. She threw up just as I was walking out the door for work. It was yellow (bile) and black/greenish (anesthesia?). The bruising didn't spread but it's puffy in one area. I will check on her when I get home from work about 2pm and bring her to the vet if needed
  13. Wouldn't eat which I expected. Wants to be with me which I didn't expect since she's so shy. I need to get to bed but I'm worried about her. I need to check her incision again too I sure hope not. I wish I had not heard Dr Couto's speech about bleeding now I can't stop worrying. My vet doesn't use amicur. I want to try to wake up every hour or so to check on her.
  14. She's very bruised and I noticed some blood on her leg after the drive home. When do I start to worry? I tried to take a picture of the bruise to check later to see if it's worse or not. I have to leave for a meeting now so my mom is going to stay and keep an eye on her
  15. Her spay should be just about done so I should be getting a call soon
  16. see question post 11 --------------------------------------------------- She's awake and doing good. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please keep my sweet, shy foster in your thoughts today for her spay/dental. I snuggled with her this morning and am trying not to worry about her. She's going to the same vet that Passion is getting her dental at. I wanted to get my worrying done all at once today
  17. Just got the call- she's awake. Had 13 teeth removed -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bloodwork update: Her results are good LIPA today was 779 Last month it was 3660 AMYL today was 662 Last month 1326 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Last month Passion was supposed to have her dental but he LIPA came back really high so she was sent home. I'm getting ready to bring her in for another blood chemistry and if it's ok, she will have her dental. Good thoughts for my baby please
  18. I started feeding Sparks chicken quarters 3 days ago. I put a towel down on his dog bed and he's been good about eating it there. He did want to eat in the bedroom the 2nd day but I had seen him walking around with it in his mouth so put him back in the living room. Where do you feed your pups? I don't care that it's messy but it is kinda gross (the blood) that is all over the towel
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