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Everything posted by Wonder

  1. Talked to the vet tech when I picked him up. She said he was heavily infected and I need to trreat my dogs. I did that tonight and Lucky gaged it all up so I need to get another dose for him. It's been raining all night so haven't done anything in the yard except clean up the evening poop.
  2. No- this is not Count Thanks I clean the yard same day and at least twice a day Do I need to wash his blankets that are in the crate? What about poop remnants in the grass? He doesn't have big d but it is slightly soft (new kibble) so harder to clean up. I usually end up pulling up some grass, I mean weeds when I clean the yard Now this sounds like fun
  3. I only have a second to post and can't do a search- please let me know how I clean my yard since my foster has hook worms. Thanks!!!! I won't be able to check back until later.
  4. His poop was solid the next morning and his urine clear. He drank a lot of water when I got home from work that night. He did great at the event. It was an all breed rescue/adoption event. He laid down and napped for the last hour of it. Took him to a party tonight and he charmed everyone.
  5. He's fine and we did attend the M&G. He did great there and it was a zoo! He's been drinking a lot of water so his urine is very light, almost clear. He was straining to poop earlier but nothing liquid. I did give him kibble and a treat tonight, hamburger this morning. I'm so impressed with how well he's adjusting. He refused to crate this morning to eat. Goof boy!
  6. He understands the water bowls- I think he's drank about 1 bowl full in the 1.5 hrs we have been home. Not gonna bother to go to bed yet since he will need to pee. I forgot to mention, he puked when we got home. I think it was 3-4 kibbles, at least it looked like swollen up kibble.
  7. He drank a lot when we got home. I gave him a pill and poor thing is starving but I don't want to give him kibble. I have some frozen beef so will give him a chunk. I was gone all day so he didn't get to drink a lot of water until now. He's been drinking just fine- he follows what my pups do. He just raced out of the living room so I don't think he's lethargic Sorry Count, false alarm. Diamond saw me move my leg and thought I was getting up to let him outside so he took off to the other room and C followed
  8. His urine looks pretty dark- might have to make a vet run tomorrow. I had water out at work but he didn't want any.
  9. I brought Count to work again tonight and about 2 hours ago, he was pacing and panting. I took him outside and he had liquid big D. I've taken him out 2 more times and a 4th time he just peed. He's still pacing and now whining so I took him out again and it's just water Poor guy I called the gal that comes in to work at 11pm to see if she will come in half an hour early. I'll give him some pumpkin when we get home and hope he's feeling better tomorrow. He has his first big M&G event.
  10. Hope he's feeling better soon. Passion had pancreatitis a few months ago.
  11. I know it doesn't kill tapeworms but I thought it killed the other main worms
  12. I've been using it the last 4 months and plan on using it monthly even during the winter (we don't generally give heart guard in the winter here)
  13. Cathy, I'm sorry you had to find out this way. I didn't have time to pm you as I was rushing out the door to go to Iowa to pick up a hound. My stupid laptop decided to act up so I had to run to work to post this and then didn't have time to do anything else. She was your baby too.
  14. Heather- I'm so sorry You know how much I loved her
  15. I am in shock and can't believe that I am posting this. My sweet foster Hana went to the bridge this morning. I'm too upset to post a proper tribute right now. She went to her forever home last night and I couldn't have wished for a more perfect home for her. They loved her as much as I did. This is the last picture I took of her. She was so camer shy and never would look at me when I got the camera out. I think this is one of the only pictures I have of her looking right at me. Friday night she found a bone for the first time Here she is standing with her new brother who is a former foster of mine I'm sorry I failed you Hana. I will always love you and you will always be in my heart I'll post a proper tribute when I can. I'm crying too much and can't think plus I have to leave for Iowa now to pick up a hound.
  16. Tami I have so many thoughts going thru my head right now. Too many to even type them. You all were the first local peeps that I met and talked me into my first Dewey however many years ago that was. We had so much fun going to your house in Richfield and I loved laughing at the dogs digging to china. Dog parks were a blast, your dogs almost never listened to you when it was time to leave Abliene, at the track....there goes the rabbit and there I am being dragged by Passion and your 2 So many memories..... I'm so sorry for your loss
  17. Passion became less whiny (if that's possible:lol) Her fur is super soft but everyone is shedding because it's so hot That's all I've noticed with her and it's been a year that she's been on meds
  18. Oh Kim, I'm so sad to read this. I hope that it's nothing and that it doesn't happen again
  19. The last 3 months have been over $1000 just for 1 hound, not even gonna add in the other 3 hounds vet bills
  20. Oh Y, I'm so so sorry. I teared up reading this and I could hear your voice in my head as I read it. Wish I could hug you and Kevin.
  21. I've tried everything now and he just won't eat it. Lucky loves it though so he's going to eat it and I'm not going to force it with Sparks. He can just eat the chicken
  22. I have to just laugh at Sparks I'm trying to feed him raw. This morning I gave him tripe and gr beef with organ mixed in. He wouldn't touch it. I let him go back to bed. Lucky is fed in my bedroom and he didn't eat this morning. Guess who ate his kibble? Yep, Sparks What a goof!
  23. I am feeding him raw so don't want to add in extra crap. Thanks though for the suggestions. This morning I gave him some off the beef, slightly heated and a chunk of tripe. He wouldn't touch it. Last night and this morning I was able to use cheese for his pills. That worked
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