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Everything posted by Wonder

  1. Nothing else added but organ and it came in a frozen tube. I did try heating it up a little and he did eat it but he loves his chicken and will eat that no problem. I have to have him eating in a room with the door shut or he won't eat it. Figured that out the hard way the other day
  2. She's beautiful!! Sparks will still eat the chicken but not thrilled about the beef, even slightly cooked.
  3. This is where I'm being silly- the thought of cooking it grosses me out It has organ matter mixed in and I just can't get myself to cook it. Not sure why I'll try the micro Course now he's not eating his raw chicken qtr right now either. Augh!! I've been struggling for over a year to get him to eat. He hasn't lost any weight in the past year but I wanted to do raw so that I didn't have to fight to get him to eat. Now it's starting all over again
  4. and I have 39 lbs of it left I thought he was gonna love it and I could hide his 3 antibiotic pills in it. No such luck He will only eat the raw chicken and I just stuffed 3 pills down his throat. That's gonna suck having to do twice a day for another week. He did eat ground turkey so maybe I'll try that again with the pills hidden in a turkey meat ball
  5. I picked up 80 lbs of meat today and got all the chicken packaged and into the freezer The gr beef came in 5# tubes so I thawed 1 out and weighed and bagged that. The other 7 tubes are in the freezer. It wasn't as bad as I thought. The boxes smelled really bad but the meat didn't smell and I hate the smell of meat.
  6. I picked up 80lbs of meat today and I thought for sure Sparks would be all excited Um mom, what is this? (sorry it's blurry) It stinks, I'd better get closer and check it out Really mom, what is this stuff? I guess I'll try it Yum! Chicken Thanks mom!!! And then he stole some chicken when I wasn't watching and ran into the living room
  7. I'm in tears from your beautiful tribute. I could read in your words how much you loved her. Run Free sweet Molly
  8. Lucky's poop was runny today so I gave him a pork neck to see if that will help. Lucky has gained 3 lbs since starting him on raw about 2 weeks ago. He's looking fantastic. He has one of those body shapes where you can see the last 3 ribs very clearly but no hip bones. I wanted him to full out a little more since I bring him to work at the nursing home and people always comment on how skinny he is.
  9. I just placed my first order for chicken quarters (bought about 2 weeks worth at the grocery store to make sure Sparks would eat it) and ground beef. My question is how do I know how much bone is in the chicken qtr? Do I still need to add more bone for the 5% or can I assume it's taken care of in the chicken?
  10. Welcome, just seeing this now and that you feed raw
  11. Wonder


    I'm so sorry Sarah
  12. I have the brochure and wondered whose hounds those were AWESOME! I don't think Passion is going to allow me to use it on her so didn't want to buy a kit. She won't let me brush her teeth either. BRAT I do quickly stick the brush in but she fights me. I've tried every night this week too.<br><br><br>
  13. Good to know since I wasn't sure I'd be able to thaw out meat every day (bad memory on my part and I know I'll forget to pull it out of the freezer)
  14. Does anyone have any extra they don't need? Please pm me, thanks I thought I had some extra but now can't find it. Passion is supposed to start using it.
  15. Just took this picture. It's looking so much better today.
  16. I was worried about feeding the chicken quarters frozen. They won't hurt their teeth on the frozen bones?
  17. Yes, I am going to order from them next. I needed to make sure Sparks would eat raw before I invested in 40 lbs And I have 3 fridge freezers and 1 chest freezer
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